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Everything posted by DemonWA

  1. hurry back to fitness Jordie McKenzie and Tommy Scully!
  2. CHALLENGE! If dangerfield wasnt the AFL's latest poster boy / highlights rheel in SA this would have been a non issue
  3. it'll be hard to cover the losses of Trengove and Grimes if they actually are rubbed out with suspension and serious injury as per the roumours...
  4. being in WA i watched it on TV Danger field had the ball under one arm, Trengove grabbed his other hand and tackled him to the ground. It was a "chicken wing" tackle as they call it in NRL. trnners grabbed his arm im guessing to avoid him beign able to hand ball, but it also stopped him from being able to defend himself as he went down. I'd challenge it, but if they wana crack down on this sort of stuff we will struggle to get off :(
  5. Jonsey has played well all year. He's been good in all 3 wins, tackled hard in the draw against the swans, and was easily in our best against the eagles. I used to be a crictic, but i've taken the humble pie out of the oven and eaten a slice or two. He's looking good, easily more positives than negatives PS. Gotzy, your post is a waste of space!
  6. and i'm loving it cos i backed him to place in the brownlow after round 1 :D
  7. agree on most points, but i think bate is good for our forward line structure. Similar to why Millar gets a game at punt road, i think Bate should keep getting games for us as he is a more mature body who frees up Watts and Jurrah
  8. no change if grimes fit, if he isnt, bring in joel mac
  9. Bailey will stay if we can maintaon the intensity / desire shown today for the majority of the season. Its really all up to the players. Bails plays some part in pumping them up, but if we're going to slag him when we loose we should also praise him for the wins!
  10. i reckon a few here are way to hard on bate. He didnt kick many goals, but from what i saw on TV he tried all day, contested well and quite frankly with him and ricky our our foward structure looks alot more complete. Watts, Jurrah, Dunn dont put their bodies on the line lie bate and petterd do.
  11. yep in the OP i ragged on Jones, but put the humble pie in the oven becasue he's looking the goods too this year
  12. Jamar and Moloney were unbelievable Cant really think of any player who didnt give their all. Was really happy with Maric and Bate's games. Bate was providing a contest all day, getting crunched etc, and maric played a very good game too. Also i'll put my hand up and say that Jones is in great form this year and i've becoem a fan - used to frustrate me, but i'll get off his case now!
  13. Bump! Yet another great game by the big fella!
  14. they look pinkish on the TV, but i actually think they're almost "burgandy" or "maroon", similar to the colour on the members scarf?
  15. neither of the posts are actually mine.... Just some interesting ones which i read on the melbourne section of Big Footy forums and thought were interesting enough to share with Demonlanders!
  16. great post IMO You mentioned that the player in question might be Green or Davey. IMO the players who fit the bill are more like Matty Warnock, Bate, Newton and Joel MacDonald? at least thats the impression i had when i read it on BigFooty
  17. not a bad call, let the up and comers have control of their own destiny
  18. heres another juicy one; Usually I am not one for starting baseless rumours and starting threads for the sake of stirring the pot, however, I have been informed by a friend who is a business associate of a player on the current list (don't ask me to name the player, won't happen) that the problems at the MFC go beyond just a lack of game plan. My source, who is not a football follow at all, tells me the said player described the problems at the MFC in the following ways: - Many of the senior/older players are [censored] off at Bailey and the FD. They feel that they are not getting opportunities and are more or less being forced to play at Casey simply because the FD is solely interested in getting games into the younger blokes. - Many of this group feels that this is unfair and are disenchanted with the coaching teams attitude. They feel that if a player is not performing and is not the best player on form, they do not deserve a spot in the team. I tend to agree. - A lot of the senior group were angry at the decision to let Junior go and also to move on a couple of other members of the playing group. - A lot of the players do not get along with each other. There is no sense of unity (it shows on the park). I am led to believe that there is a core group of 'friends' at the club but others that are not within the group do not feel that they are part of the 'team'. We do not have a team of mates who want to be alongside one another. This scares the hell out of me. Reason: I have had this feeling just from seeing the players on the field and in warm-ups. - Th players don't like the style of play that the coaching staff ask them to play. What **** me! as if this wasn't obvious. You see Moloney, Watts and others all throw there hands up in the air when they extract the footy, look up and have not a ****ing thing ahead of them, so they retreat and handball to a flat footed opponent who is under even more pressure, he looks backward again....you get the point! - The said player has indicated that he is seriously considering giving the game away at season's end .... what a worry! I was really shocked and angry to hear this info from a source who nI trust and who would have no reason to throw fuel on an already burning fire. However, was I suprised? Not really! This had been my casual observations for a while. So, what can we do? Well if all of what I have said above is true, and I have no reason to believe that it isn't, Bailey has lost the playing group and failed in his role of mentor and needs to go at season's end. He has failed to get the fire in the belly, the desire to win, the passion to play as a unit and build the passion for the MFC. The last sentence is the biggest worry. Those 40 something blokes on our list should appreciate, respect and care about pulling on that famous jumper everytime they run out. I don't see it. Bailey doesn't know it, so how can he teach it! We have united this club in so many ways in recent years. Off field we are a united group. The on-field story is different. We need to sell the passion to the players. This passion can only be sold by one, the auctioneer if you like; THE COACH. DB you may be a nice fella and all, but you just ain't got the fire, the passion, the plan, the desire and the credibility to go beyond this season. If I am wrong, and DB takes us to the next premiership, i am happy to have eggs thrown in my face. We NEED to bring MFC people into our FD department and coaching team. Those that have experience good and bad teams, those that bleed red and blue, and Bails ... that just ain't you!
  19. After speaking to someone from the club yesterday, the gut-wrenching training session from hell that was promised well and truely delivered! Several players were singled out, including - Cale Morton Aaron Davey Aussie Woneaemiri Brad Green The session was a hell of a lot of 1 on 1, and a hell of a lot of tackling. Repeat efforts of 1 on 1 contests up to 10 times. At one stage Cale Morton was told he wasn't putting his head over the ball and needed to harden up. He was then put out in front of the group for 10 minutes as they all ran at him and he had to stick tackles. Was apparantly the most intense training session the team has had under Bails. Most of the boys pulled up sore, but at the same time, apparantly felt the best they have (mentally) leading into a game for a long time. If the boys get through this training session, and manage a good win on Sunday, and pull up ok from it all, I want every training session to resemble what happened on Tuesday! posted on big footy, which i read occasionally for the dee's match previews which are GOLD
  20. Does anyone attend training sessions? I heard we had a pretty intense training session during the week. Morton got singled out for not putting his head over the ball in the 1 on 1's and was made to stand on his own while the rest of the squad ran at him, apparently he had to try to tackle them or somthing?! haha
  21. Good to see bate get a crack. Finally a bloke with a bit of bulk in our forward 50. Petterd & Warnock also deserve a run. Not sure about Maric but hoping he shows the form he's been promising since the NAB cup. As for the interchange I'd go for: Bail, Gys, Jetta Sub: Newton If the russian is struggling in the ruck on his on we can sub off our worst performing player for Juice
  22. Thats correct - we are not a top side.
  23. Theyre far from perfect, but they wear the red and blue - I'm sick of people sooking about these players. They're unlikley to br dropped and will continue to be melbourne listed players for a few more years at least. IMO Either support them or shut the f#ck up!
  24. Do you classify yourself as a Demons supporter or critic? Spare me the doom and gloom please! While Beamer, Jones and even Sylvia may not be the most highly skilled players at the club they are clearly some of the more important players in our side and will be for another couple of seasons yet - Suck it up!
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