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Everything posted by DemonWA

  1. IMO any player at AFL level should understand what is required of them. If the club need to bring in a set of rules to further teach them what they should allready know then we're a LONG way away from being 1/2 decent
  2. Hopefully we'll show some fight and take the points, but with our yo-yo form this year who knows Saints should win
  3. like the look of the side with Jordie and Evans having a run. Bate and Joel Mac are also good in's - reward for form at VFL level... Watts going to half back covers the loss of class & height from loosing garland/grimes also liek the look of tappy on the wing if its actually a true reflection on where he'll start
  4. Jurrah, McKensie....EVANS Our club can pick good rookies! Wish we got as lucky with our other picks?!
  5. FWIW i brough a jumper and had the #31 put on it the day after his press conference. Although he didnt put the situation to bed he did enough to get me pumped about his future in red/blue. If he doesnt sign then i'll just have to say i got #31 on my jumper becasue i was a big paul wheetley fan!
  6. i'll drink to that!
  7. Green doesn’t show much on field leadership when the chips are down, but there’s no doubt players would all respect him for his career to date & record at AFL level. That respect would surley be behind why he was given the captaincy. It’s easy to criticise the decision in hindsight, but there weren’t alot of other options. Beamer probably leads the most on the field, but im sure people on here would have been critical of any decision to give him the role based on his 2010 form. The young guys you mention are all in their 2-3rd year. Yes they are good players but it would have been a massive call to give anyone of them the gig at the start of the year. Out of the young guys you mentioned Grimes was probably the only plausible captaincy selection at the start of the year...
  8. i like the OP. I think these next four games are going to be tough, but we shouldnt just write them off. Our ability to kick a winning score relys on guys like sylvia and davey kicking goals. Also bringing back bate and Dunn being suspended will give us a better forward line structure
  9. i'd prefer to see happy on a half forward flank or wing... i think we may see that in a year or so's time?
  10. agreed! Jetta, Bennell & Aussie get lumped in the same catogory jurst becasue they are all short and Indigenous! All 3 are very different, and IMO Jetta's pressure and tackling ability make him the most valuable to us in current form.
  11. Trengove, Scully, Jordie Mac for Jetta, Bennel, & Wona?
  12. great pick up! should be plenty of highlights I've always wondered if there was a spot for all of them in the line up, seems there is! I'm guessing one of them will be the sub
  13. air jurrah in the change rooms!!! Make a "perfect Tackle" Trengove shirt and i'll buy one!!
  14. the system has failed us! Trengove will be long remembered as the unluckiest bloke to be screwed by the AFL
  15. really looking forward to the selection. Hope we go with Gawn with stef and/or Juice as back ups.
  16. I dont agree with the blokes using twitter to discuss the ruling, becasue i dont like twitter but i dont think any of the tweets crossed the line. Petterds "Bulls#it" was probably the worst, whilst Morton, Jones & Sylvia were obviously showing some level of sarcasm/contempt for the ruling, but i dont think they were overly excessive in their criticism. Asking can we tackle anymore, or i'm scarred to tackle is'nt a big deal in my opinion, and if the AFL make a big deal out of this then it proves they're losing the plot and taking their eyes of whats important. If anything maybe the club will ask the blokes to delete their twitter acounts?
  17. if blease has recovered from concussion maybe give him a run?
  18. i dont understand why they went down the line of saying it was the perfect tackle. If i was going to try and get him off i would have gone down the path of "what other choices did he have in the situation". Coming out and saying that they teach that technique and it was shown as a example of a perfect tackle is almost showing no remorse for the concussion. I think the AFL are so wound up about concussion that as soon as we showed little remorse they wanted to make an example of us. Hope that in the appeal process they take a more measured approach
  19. i dont get how the club didnt include it in their injury list update on the website? Sam Blease (concussion) - test Jack Fitzpatrick (ankle) - TBA Jack Grimes (foot) - indefinite Jared Rivers (ankle) - test Tom Scully (knee) - 3-4 weeks Jake Spencer (knee) - season
  20. i think he'll get a concession, but doubt he'll get completley off the hook?
  21. i rekcon there was a fair bit of "rag doll" about it. Trenners smashed him. Hopefully he'll get off though
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