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Everything posted by binman

  1. I disagree, in so far as whilst he is good one on one Gibsons key skill is zoning off his man and coming over the top of packs and spoiling forwards, often with a big punch to the boundary. Howe can do the same but yes he he needs to develop his defensive smarts buts as TMac notes that is what the plan is as he has only had the year down back.
  2. Speed and carry off the HBF is crucial in modern footy, with meters gained an increasingly important stat. Roos identified this as a weakness and noted it was one of the reasons he was keen on HL . TMac, Jnr Mac and Howe all run and carry as does HL. What's Frost like with this? Similarly long penetrating kicks are crucial to beat the flood back and transition it quickly. Howe is an ok kick and so is Jnr Mac apparently. Not sure on others. I can see the Toump playing off hb to help with this What's Harmes's kicking like?
  3. Back for mine. In 2013 he copped plenty on DL for being lazy and unaccountable up forward. Had a much better year in 2014. As TMac notes will only improve his defensive skills with more time down back and if he does i think he can play a similar role to Gibson. Also whlst his set shots are average his field kicking is generally pretty good - long and accurate, which is crucial for us coming out of the back half. TMac sounded pretty unequivocal about him playing back.
  4. I was just about to post exactly the same thing. Great minds and all that.
  5. They're pros. Not getting ahead of themselves and taking it 10 weeks at a time
  6. Great post. Ta. I didn't realise jnr Mac is an above sger like brayshaw. Turns 19 in Feb. Does anyone know what he was doing this year as he must have done vce in 2013?
  7. I heard Hardie on rsn this am. Amazing stuff. Seemed to have chrisso and mm convinced it was a beat up and asada had Nada. This despite them introducing him as a dank confidant and efc adviser. Hardie the Monash legal lecturer
  8. I'll wait until i see what others say before deciding if i know what i mean
  9. Only someone suffering from groupthhink would deny the accurate use of groupthink
  10. is there then scope for them to be supeoned to appear at asada's supreme court hearing (which would possibly then mean there is no need to compel them to testify at the afl tribunal)?
  11. An irony if they get off because Charter and Alvi don't testify or sign affidavits is the choice to drag the case on by EFC will have been an even more of a monumental [censored] up costing, time energy and money
  12. I meant at today's supreme Court hearing. But perhaps they're not appearing?
  13. Redleg if charter and alvi are asked under oath if what they said to asada in their interviews is true and they answer it is, is this the equivalent of an affidavit?
  14. TBH HH i like it. It's got a nice feel about it. I'm in. But perhaps rather than yelling it every time he goes near the ball i'll start after he hits 25 possessions and/or 3 goals
  15. Like most people i am totally over the EFC saga. However i continue to be intrigued by the different takes slants /perspectives key journos have on it. The media response to this will be studied in years to come. In my view few journos can hold thier head high as so many have been unable to write without a clear agenda. We know the main players: Mick Warner, Slobbo, Chop Le Grand, Caro, John Perik and the bearded grump from Sydney, Patrick Smith. Most will ave their views on who has done a good joob. Mine is Perik, Smith and Caro have been ok but i'm open to the suggestion that perhaps i think that because their views align with mine. One journo though who i have been really disappointed in is Rohan Connoly. Disappointed because as a rule i think he is one of the better footy journos. But his pieces on this affair have been poor and none more so than his latest. I find his attempt and dismmising thouse on both side of the agnda diingenious as his agenda is so evident 9which he anbnoyingly referncs in this arrttoice, getting ahead of the acccisation by namingt it - give me a break). But what i find most annoying in this article (and other EFC apologist articles that equate escaping penalties with proving EFC right) is this line: ' There are diatribes on the other side also long discredited. Ongoing references to the once incessantly referenced, now irrelevant AOD-9604.' A club injecting a drug in large, frequent doses that has not been proven safe for human use is not irrelevant. For me the it is the key point. He goes on to say they have been punished for this. Bollocks. They were punished for bringing the game into disrepute and poor governance. Compare their punishment ot the one the blues copped many years ago for draft tampering (a much less serious charge in the scheme of things). Carlton has barely recovered from those penalties. Bring on Workcover.
  16. Good points. The big diff though to Boyd is scully offered no promise of star power (ie big media presence, glamour etc)
  17. Rhymes with sharka, which can become sharkattack, or shark for short. So i'm going with SHARK for a nickname. And when he heats up and starts tearing all and sundry a new one one i will yell SHARK ATTACK!!!
  18. Love this post. What did the romans ever do for us? Petraccattack says hi!
  19. Good post its time. Would be great for all parts of the club to be back at the g. Though I assume they would still train at goshs. I would love a return to them training on the g but that ain't gonna happen. As for the social club, I agree its an issue but I don't think a bar at the g is the answer. I reckon it needs to be a pub near the g. The duke is the obvious one. Or perhaps the bar on the yarra underneath fed square. Or perhaps the imperial. Somewhere to meet per and post games
  20. The other thing i like is that all three mids seem senior team ready with CP and AB built like bulls, AB being 19 (he missed last years draft by 3 days) and Neal-Bullen having already played senior footy with Glenelg. Ad the Hulk to that mix and you have four new boys who seemingly can mix it up.
  21. Coming from a cow with dentures? Any way my man Christian is so strong he could drape a cow around his neck.
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