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Everything posted by bjDee

  1. For once - a short walk to the ground for me. After all these games being jealous of AngryAtCasey. And I will go no matter what the weather. Unless I'm dragged into the G by some mates.
  2. That's also what the parents of that former rugby player did. You know the one. Harmichael something.
  3. Been waiting for Harmes to take the game on since first getting a seniors gig. In fact it's my regular comment when barracking and I see him in the play - "take em on Harmesey!" Saturday's form showed some flashes of what he does on a more frequent basis at Casey. It's the first time I've seen this from him at AFL level and was a great thing to see. I hope he grows in confidence from here on. He has some natural talent and a lot of grunt, plus a tiny bit of X factor.
  4. Does anyone know where Jazza is? You still there you young bull? Is it dry season? Cows gone into hibernation and cockies flown north for the winter? What's up fella?
  5. Cmon BBO. I thought Stui was being magnanimous in giving that concession to KC. Bit of banter and all that. On a weekend where we won (at least the firsts), time for a bit of early Xmas spirit? At least thats what I will be doing tonight.
  6. I'm going to be celebrating a birthday lunch in Richmond with a mate who is a Tigers nut. So we both have something to drink to this weekend. Will be keeping an eye out for KCs hamstring reports. ?
  7. Nice to see the weather gods have been good to you this time Angry. A pleasant walk to the ground?
  8. King and White in Dev team is also a joke, let alone The Biz, vdB and Harmes in Snr team. White was pretty good in the patches that I could pick him out. King in dev squad is a nonsense. King is still developing, but believe me, he is developing this season. He held his own on a few occasions against more mature and well developed bodies. They miht not have been his height, but well built and able to hold their grpund. Kingy showed he could take the odd overhead grab against them (and lose plenty of contests too - don't get too excited yet). But he also showed he is poised and intelligent when kicking towards goals - either to score himelf, or to kick to advantage of others (e.g. Hunt).
  9. Well, word on the street is it's certainly not 'a cute' angina!
  10. Can we add to the title and make this the No MF$#@C thread as well? I need to come here to escape from the match day dross that 'our team' throws up..
  11. Sooo shat off at that pathetic .... what .. I can't even call it an effort.
  12. After the presser tonight, I don't want to hear a word out of the club all week. I want to live in the delusion that they are too focussed on winning the next game to talk it up and spin some shite to get us interested enough to go along to the game. WIN for f's sake, THEN we'll be happy.
  13. So Channel 7 fades out to an ad break at 3Q time playing Anchor, the new song from Birds of Tokyo about missing an opportunity to help out a friend in depression. How appropriate for the Dees audience. They're in on the game rigging thing with the AFL. As Young Dee said, watch the umpies even up the free kick tally in the last qtr when its all over, so on the stats sheet it doesn't look uneven. Effin pricks who rule over this game to make as many dollars as possible and screw it up for the genuine fans.
  14. How does Jeff get the goal on the run but miss the set shot??? WHY make things so hard for yourselves Dees???
  15. Dunn is a classic. Occasional brain fart, but usually very reliable.
  16. Geez these guys know how to pizz me orrrffffffffff.
  17. We are deers in headlights for sure, but there has to be some kind of directive coming from AFL house to screw us over. When you see what kind of putrid crap the umpires drop their shorts and dump on the ground and then rub in our faces, it can't be all down to chance. Glad I came home to thaw out after the Scorps game instead of going onto the G.
  18. Sun is now out and blue sky above. Hunt marks and goals.
  19. Rooseys eyes lit up as he was readying for a snap on goals, just before being driven into the turf caught unawares by a tackler.
  20. Huge wind and rain now back with a vengeance. Worst conditions of the day.
  21. King is in good form. Played a part in our next goal with an over the top kick for Hunt to run into in the goal square.
  22. Nice set shot goal to king. Lovely kicking action. 10.5 to 7.6 at 9 mins in. Wind has dropped off significantly. Scorps can still do this.
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