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DEE fence

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Posts posted by DEE fence

  1. I'm on the horns of a dilemma.

    A ban of some sort would seem warranted but I'm still the coach of the demonland/demonology footy team, we have a big game coming up against bomberblitz and dazzledavey36 is my best midfielder.

    What would Paul Roos do?


    Compulsory name change - for 3 months he can be Milne or something like that, annoying little faeces

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  2. But we are Melbourne, injuring pain and suffering is what we do best.

    (With toungue firmly in cheek, and my flail for self flagelation close to hand i say)

    Being the pre eminent team in Melbourne as Melbourne is what we do best, the 50's were not an aberration but a standard, until the curse of the red fox we were 12 premierships firmly in hand, switching from an amateur based club enthralled to the MCC did us no favours but make no mistake our place is in the September sun.

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  3. For ever and ever i will be greatful to PJ for managing this process, raise a statue, name an award after him, he moves into the same tier as McClelland. I really felt in the last two months that the club might have crossed some point of no return now with Roos (i choose to believe it's happening) i think we will have the coach that can deliever the right fit in or eff off speech to the list. And the sydney list was made by Roos, he truly got the most out of those boys and Hogan, Viney, Toumpas, Clark etc have all the silk we need, and will compare favourably or better(i hope for hall to be exceeded by hogan) watts to become goode(maybe 50% good)

  4. If Roos comes to the MFC, I feel on balance I could cope with 2013 and the:

    Neeld coaching saga.

    Watts's on and off form.

    Opel sponsorship falling over (don't even raise the Energy Watch crud)..

    The CEO debacle.

    The president and board conundrum.

    The remnants of the tanking unbecoming.

    Trengove's tinea treatment.

    MC's foot.

    Other team injuries.

    Our general skill level.

    I was watching the open mike with RF on you tube and thought it was interesting RF's comments about how Swooper built on what Barassi did after he stripped all the paint and putty off the team, I'm hoping Roos can build on some edicts laid down about fitness by Neeld and Mission.

  5. Those worried about the $2m price tag - it is never as high as it is first reported - and we will get 10k lapsed members just from his presence and sponsors will come out of the woodwork to have their name on his left [censored] if he is coaching the club.

    He will bring in more than he takes.

    Those worried about the $2m price tag - it is never as high as it is first reported - and we will get 10k lapsed members just from his presence and sponsors will come out of the woodwork to have their name on his left [censored] if he is coaching the club.

    He will bring in more than he takes.

    I like how you put this because I was choking on the idea of 2mil. but I would think the sponsors would get on board and he would bring dollars in as you say.

  6. This is not news to anyone here but the arrogance of this lady to appoint herself some sort of moral arbiter is profound. I actually sympathise with James Hird because I'm so fed up with the tirade of abuse she hurls. She has become the ultimate lawn mower even beyond Patrick Smith. James deserves to be rubbed out and I think the penalties are about right (and wouldn't mind if they were harder because I hate Essendon) but please any bright legal ideas for getting this hag to shut up! I have often wondered what she has got on the fat controller as well?

  7. Kenya, Eldorat, now that is a place for high altitude training 9000' really gets the lungs going, fairly cheap. Loved playing against young fit blokes because after 15 min they would blow up, also when you play golf at 9k like at Limuru you get huge distance on the ball.

  8. If proven to be true. I would suggest anyone living in Moonee Ponds / Essendon / Broady / Tullamarine and surrounding areas to move family & relos to safer ground. The fallout will be huge. Bomberblitz should make a good read for a decade or 2.

    must admit to browsing the bombers forum, it's very small of me to take pleasure in the misfortune of others but after everything MFC has been through... Worse yet, more often than not we are pitied by bombers fans, I'd rather be hated, they just don't see us as competition.

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  9. It's only football. A long time ago I realised that it wasn't a good idea to abdicate my own happiness to a bunch of dumb arse footballers. Once you let go of the idea of allowing winning or losing to overly affect your state of mind the process of supporting your club becomes much more enjoyable. These days I sit at the Gee in an almost Karmic state as I watch our lads butcher another kick or handball to the stationary guy with three beefy defenders surrounding him. When things get tough i simply mutter my own little mantra to help me get through the game. "Ohm Hot jam donuts, hot jam donuts, hot jam donuts". Works every time.

    Mods, this is not meant as an offensive expletive but a humerous one...

    BULLSHITE don't believe you but very funny. I too cannot believe how much of a bell-weather Melbourne winning or losing can be to my mood.

    Born to the club, love the tradition, still believe in the future.

  10. & all the farmers who are so tough working the dry earth, in the hot summers & harsh droughts. are they tough? & some take their lives.... is that tough?

    ... sometimes its the toughest who are most vulnerable to depression, because they cannot give in, & break down & cry.. the release of much stress & tension. & its a submission to the problem, that then lets the problem go.

    ... so if you suffer from depression & don't take your life, but choose to learn to talk about it, & express it, as taught to do by therapists, your then weak & a [censored]... or could it be that talking about it, just makes the squeamish guts churn with the anger that grows from they're own inner fears?

    Great post, back this 100%

  11. Your always going to lose when you run someone down in front of a group, I'm sure Buckley's consultants went face palm when he rubbished Harry.

    Harry may well be a [censored], but pushed into a corner or feeling like it does tend to make people fire up.

    You never fix someone's attitude by drilling them in front of others.

    As for work places and conduct, the person who solves this dilemma will make more money than Bill Gates, HR is nightmare for any organization with more than 5 young men working together, sad to say blokes mature at vastly different rates.

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  12. Barry Manilow and a honeymoon suite sounds a little more consensual. ;)

    To me the Barry Manilow would be a gun to the head, but Adam like that your radar is on and your not afraid to speak up in a mature way.

    On the light hearted note, I am amazed at how often father son selections seem to come good, I too hope that Hogan and other get some Barry White tunes happening.

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  13. If we continue to show this sort of improvement under Craig then the job is his if he wants it, wouldn't change for eade or Williams, maybe Roos but anyone who gets our guys going has my vote and would be cautious of more wholesale change. I truly think Neeld's run was without luck but this change is working.

    • Like 1
  14. Have I mentioned heart at all today? We have it, I liked today's game better than last week's win, we were playing the best midfield going around, it should have been a 10 goal loss with all the swannie misses but at the same time the umps cruelled us far too many times.

    Terlich is going to be mentioned in the same breath as Pods from the cats.

    I'd trade Dawes before Fitzy and I love Dawes.

    Clisby, well it was a clanger, but his value has been obvious and worth keeping.

    Watts was ripped off, that was not travel, and I want him to try that magic stuff, looks like he was trying to one up Rodan from last week.

    Gawn was huge as a relief on the wing taking those marks, but the dude has to fix his disposal, he will end up being another Miller where the opposition will know how to shut him down despite the marks. That said we retained possession a few times under big pressure because we could hit up maxy.

    McDonald Did some good body work on Tippett and has good speed for a large guy as well, he will improve his turnovers do hurt though.

    Davey and Silvia both look like they are enjoying the game.

    Many more positives, but in a game that we could have easily been torched, because that 1st quarter was high pressure we stood tall we showed HEART.

    edit got mc donalds name wrong

  15. Fitzy apart from Hogan is the only fwd we have who is not carrying an injury, why would we trade him? Beautiful lead, and his kicking is improving with confidence. Do not sell. Tippett is an example of why Frawley is gold dust and must be retained.

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