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DEE fence

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Posts posted by DEE fence

  1. @fence

    my point was that we lost the game when we didn't score a goal at the start of the fourth quarter, Westhoff kicking goals was how we lost, not why, when as you comment, McDonald didn't put the body on. We'd already done all the defending we had needed to do, it was the counter punch we didn't take. If it hadn't been Westhoff then someone else might/would have bobbed up.

    I just saw the press conference where Hinkley conceded that Port had been playing Melbourne's game, i.e. it had become ours to lose when we didn't take our chances. That is not us bringing someone down to our level, that is us imposing a plan, which is why I'm not inconsolable about the loss.

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  2. He used to have better hair, disappointing really.

    I love goal kicking midfielders that contest the ball, lay a tackle 55 metres out, rip the ball from the victims hands, stand up and kick a 55 metre goal off a step and a half.

    Snap, wanted to post that as well, was it a tackle or a mugging? Do you reckon he and Viney have some sort of comp going, their hard ball gets are brilliant. Honourable mention to Salem for the bump on Ebert, (who I reckon will be roasted by Hinkley for diving).

    This will be the first year in for-ever where 2-5 in our best and fairest is a mystery. Jones to win but jeez Tyson is going to go close.

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  3. Yeah after Schulz got one early I thought "what are they doing, get McDonald or preferably Garland on to him" but Dunn mopped the floor with him for the rest of the day. It's going to be hard to split "most improved" this year but at the moment Pedersen and Dunn are battling it out, Pedersen on top.

    I watched the game last night my time, as it was on delay here in NY, could not goto bed even though it was 3am by the time i finished (have been so much more interested in watching this year but wife is a bit over me dancing around the telly so it's the early hours for me) and:

    1, How do you split Dunn and Pedersen? It was like Pedersen has seen what Dawes brings and chose to do it himself, (with some great cameo runs from Frawley as well), but then Dunn... Well i think I liked this game of his more than any other, Scarlett would happily have claimed that game from Dunn, Schulz has been on fire, premier fwd in the comp > Cloke, Reiwoldt, perhaps par with Tippet, way more consistent than Buddy, and Dunn had his number yesterday. If they keep this up they will have literally doubled their value in a season, whether we are talking supercoach or real dollars, cannot split them.

    2, We lost because we were tired, not lazy, it was like we played rope-a-dope, but had spent everything in the effort, and when Port was cherry ripe to be blown away in the fourth quarter, couldn't find the punch. So sad and frustrating because it had became our game to lose but you could see they just couldn't put it away. No wonder they were dark on themselves. But make no mistake, we stopped playing reactive footy, we played our game, a huge thing to be able to say when 15 plays 1.

    3, Was the first game where I'd really seen how well Port can run, it's like they went and got 3 Riolis or Jettas into their team (Impey/White etc) and on a paddock that is a running teams dream, we dealt with that!!! I really can't keep a lid on how excited I am about the future.

    4, Jamar has found the love of the game, he is not far off AA form for a ruck. Who was meant to be on Boak in 2nd half?

    5, We are in a better place than Essendon, Carlton, St Kilda, and Richmond supporters, lets knock off the Pies and we can do Hawthorn in 2015 and life will be very sweet.

  4. You obviously have not been paying much attention to selection this year.

    Forgotten the spoil on Dangerfield? Midnight Oil had a song about that. Grimes will be ok, his heart is in the right place, listening to Roos, team player, everything Roos wants.

    Edit: I meant to quote ET, obviously not Nasher, whose memory appears to be in working order, unlike my mind.

  5. Write the names down and bookmark the quotes, and then link them everytime you get a chance. Twitter is good for stuff like that. But always remember that revenge tastes better cold.

    We can wait. We're good at that.

    Yeah, i have a few axes in my cupboard too that I've been sharpening.

  6. Missed this a day or so ago but Patrick Smith's offering is right on the button.Phoenix of redemption rises from ashes of sport’s blackest day.

    Of the "blackest day" ...

    Not a huge fan of this particular Smith, but i agree this time and the Senator is right to back her decision to have a press conference. It is naivety in the extreme to think Aussie sport doesn't need scrutiny with all the sharp dealings and practises going on.

    As a side note I'm appalled by the allegations against Chris Cairns re match fixing, never thought such a great competitor could lose his way like that, I had more faith in our sheep chasing cousins.

  7. The Sydney demolition of Geelong does us no favours, Frawley has an outstanding record playing on gun forwards and I reckon a few of the contenders will be looking for some kryptonite. While Geelong got their pants pulled down, and had a very unsettled back six (Tippet was always going to be too much for Rivers), the sight of these two playing together will be causing much discussion in other FB departments. BTW How good was Franklins kick to Tippet on the lead, Tippet really reminds me of Pav at his peak when he's up and about.

    I still hope he plays for us, we'll need him too...

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  8. Hang in there with your friends. From my experience every little distraction helps at times like that.

    If the MFC helps your friend get through it may well be the best thing the MFC does in 2014.

    Old Dee, you are correct...

    So the boy has made it through major heart surgery, and about a month. Had drinks with the parents to celebrate yesterday, was a bit grim, for baby photos they have pictures of thier son lying with his chest left open for follow up surgeries, drank a bottle of red on the spot listening to all the dramas they have had this last month, my tears constantly close). Anyway as lame and perhaps strange/inappropriate as it may seem to some, the only other conversation we had was about the Dees. And the father stated as black as the day was when they found out how bad his heart defect is, (basically half a heart, they build/replumb the rest gradually) he had felt the Dees beating Adelaide made him think his son could survive the day (he wasn't meant to). Now this is a serious guy, with a tough job and has allot more going on in his life than following the footy. But for him at the moment, the teams effort has really meant something to him at a terrible time, everything may still end in tears, but I'd love the team to know how much they can touch people lives in a inspirational way.

    Even Mum, (who is appalled by the name Demons) is totally on board with his membership, and I gave them my 2014 scarf to put over the ICU bed he is in at NYU Medical Centre. (My wife is happy because it's one less scarf cluttering up our tiny apartment).

    • Like 4
  9. No, I don't. I would have said this a few years back but now I think it's extremely relevant and having some success as a player at AFL level is also now more relevant than ever. Unless you have walked the walk it is very difficult to have others believe you know the way.

    I love Macca at the Doggies and think he is a great football person but I think this is the thing that will always hold him back. As far a we are concerned we just can't afford to take the chance.

    I think our choice looks to be Ling or Kirk, both premiership captains and both people persons (which I think is even more important).

    An interesting point you raise, you know Vince Lombardi never played professional ball for the NFL and is generally considered one of the best coaches ever. While I think you would probably be right 3/5 times, the on balance difference means I'd like to keep my eyes open, likewise I believe a coach could be the best person for the job and female.

    That said if Kirk got the nod, I'd trust the decision and live with it despite the hippy mantra (I used to have long hair once upon a time), 200 games on the trot shows a mental discipline that few others can claim, as awesome as Ling is (and I'd be happy if he coached) I still rate Kirk as a better player (and somehow a bit like Jim Stynes if that is not sacrilege to say?).

  10. I'll tell you one thing right now, Hogan will never be a "stay at home" forward.

    I agree, his pre season game he was on his bike down to the back. That said one more fwd would be good.

    We need a good mid and a elite fwd, so i'm in favour of someone like Cameron, if all our eggs needs to be in one basket (and that has never ever worked for us) then i'd go Fyfe, but he will not leave, willing to bet a slab on that. Dangerfield is brilliant but for some reason i don't see him lasting durability wise, more risk with picking him up.

    For me a midfield is a team gig and we'll get another season out of cross and vince at least, then we have a huge need for another, but fwds we need now, our 'score for' is woeful, whereas our mids are finding synergies together.

    As to trading Watts, while he is not 'protected' everything i get from the club is that he is a 'team' guy and respected internally, it was terrible when Junior was let go and Watts departing would send the wrong message.

    But back to Cameron, we have some room, he is young and would fit with our other guys, he is worth the cash, and we'll have room for one more big contract in a year.

    • Like 4
  11. http://www.afl.com.au/ladder/ladder-predictor

    I thought I was the only nong who played with this widget, I start off trying to be reasonable, but sooner or later my dreams get the better of me and we're beating West Coast at Paterson Stadium to sneak into the eight with 11 wins... Today after doing some good time trials while wearing my guernsey, I had us doing a lazarus into the eight, after we play Port the reality bus will probably park on top of me, but who knows.

    I'm honestly cannot tell if it will take 11 or 13 wins to make finals this year, the ladder is so crowded with 'thereabouts' teams from positions 14 through to 6.

    I'm also desperately hoping the show cause notices get dropped on Essendon the week we play them.

    Allthough rounds 16-20 are looking fairly ominous I could still see a win occurring in that period.

    Edit: Additional useless and baseless speculation added.

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  12. Old King Cnut was a bit of a legend at our house (My wife is Norwegian-hence spelling) Other than the tide he had a few victories and was grandson of good old Harald Bluetooth. He probably handed out more merde sandwiches than had to eat. Cnut received bad advice re the tide, I would not be so generous with EFC

    Probably the first and last time the Norwegians said anything good about a Dane (i joke, i know most of the Royal family is Danish), my wife is a Finn...

    Anyway this was about drugs or something wasn't it?

  13. I'm not really one for posting links but in terms of happy about this news, cue to 1:53 secs of 'smash them like guitars' i'd even try and make a gif out of it if i wasn't on a ipad.

  14. I sense all that essendrug is really doing is posturing as well as hopefully finding a chink in ASADAS armour . In a way it has nothing to lose from this. I doubt theyll find anything. Seems they ASADA are doing just the opposite and tightening their ship and stocking the armory .

    Windy hill reminds me of the once mighty Spanish navy who showed contempt for their British counterparts.

    Little .....prepare for your Trafalgar !!

    With respect i propose a diffeent metaphor/allegory - King Canute (Essendon, either Hird or Little) trying to hold the tide coming in...

  15. The player report by BA was unusual to read, and I think it was part of a plan to publicly roast some players who are not getting the 'Roos' defensive mindset. I personally am happy for anyone not buying into or unable to adapt to the game plan to leave. Especially as player effort has been rewarded with respect and trust even when the skills have failed. Personally I dislike players like Blease who have petrol to burn in attack but don't do the defensive things, no matter who the coach is, it smacks of laziness/selfishness and I'm not giving him a pass. In the match report it seems they really fell in a hole in the second half and am curious as to why.

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  16. There is so much to feel good about the club ATM, but what really amazes me is how Jones continually improves, and the way he rode the bumps on Saturday was superhuman. But what I really want to say is that it was an incredible mistake not to have made him captain after Junior, and that he wasn't is an indictment on the management at the club at the time. I must confess that I thought they didn't give it to him because of some undisclosed flaw (Sadly I've not met him) and now realise I was hugely mistaken. No slight on Trengove or Grimes, but just justice wasn't done to the incredible soldier Jones is. I feel like I'm watching a real life Captain America when he plays at the moment.

  17. I am calmer about whether Frawley stays or goes, many things to be excited about, and the way our backs are playing (with or without him) is one of them. Once upon a time, (not very long ago) the thought of him going felt like another portent of doom for the club, not anymore thankfully.

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