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DEE fence

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Posts posted by DEE fence

  1. The umpires like neeld, but jeez it's good to see red and blue kick goals, I paid 130 used to watch this game on the afl international channel, (for the season) friggin happy. Howe and Gawn, Jones, grimes and trengove, god bless

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  2. The problem is not the effing logo, whether we're toffs or bogans (I love the SC and refuse to surrender it to bogans). Our brand is dominant if we win games of footy. I dream of the day 50,000 chant (a'la Marshal) WE ARE MELBOURNE.

    Step 1: stand united.

    Step 2: give the coach the season to see if he can get the players going as a team (tackles, smothers, shepherds).

    Step 3: build strong, quick fix's never work.

    Step 4: fixing our culture requires a no d!<£ head policy, that does not mean toffs.

    Anyone who is serious about changing the coach, go to training and see for yourself if the players are getting it or not, spare me your crap opinions on message boards.

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  3. Oh my god, cannot believe it, the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, who would've thought? Wines v Toumpas to early to call. I really feel the club is blessed with an exceptional number of masochists as supporters. And truth be told if you are a masochist why would you support any other club? Anyway I bleed for the day our self flagellators feel a need to follow Collingwood.

  4. Has anyone else noticed how much the videos coming out of the club have improved. Whoever is doing their post-production/editing is really on their game. As far as I'm concerned 'they look just like a bought one'. So whoever you are I reckon your doing a good job and it really helps with the club's presentation.


    edit: I believe it's Jack McCowan - I particularly liked the piece on Ivor Warne-Smith for the Legend induction.

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  5. Tim Holding... former Police Minister? whose bright idea was that university degrees make for honest cops... no thanks, seen his management first hand, didn't like it. His particular style of politics has left him with limited personal credibility.

    Integrity first and foremost, ability to build consensus style of leadership, a sound business mind (but a good financial officer can help with that), able to listen, then able to talk.

    As soon as I can think of someone I'll post, personally I am not interested in the cult of celebrity so a proven media star is last on my list just being able to talk without sounding like a nong.

    Edit: I reread this and I sound too harsh on Tim and apologize, after all I am a dirty leftie ALP voter so I would still vote for the bloke but I just don't think a politician is the right way to go for the club, as his politics would divide the supporters. I think Hawthorn succeeded despite Jeff not because of him (but I have blinkers there as well.)

  6. Judging by the comments of his brother, I'd be surprised if Greg Healy is in the running - already has his hands full as a senior executive at Quicksilver.

    What about former MFC board member and television boss Ian Johnson? There may be some antipathy towards him for backing the merger, but he certainly has runs on the board in a cut-throat industry.

    Some 'Antipathy', you could measure it in gigatons, likewise Hassa, an excellent bloke but disastrous judgement endorsing the merger, no way should anyone of that crew ever ever come back, they made it clear they did not have the answers or the qualities for the job. Treat them with respect, no personal insults as they did what they thought was right but just not the right vision to manage the club.

  7. The AFL might be quite happy to leave Don where he is. He is no threat they already know that.

    The CEO position is critical...the obvious choice from an AFL pov is Anderson at this point.

    This is mad, why the hell would we want AA, who stirred the tanking pot while AD was away? I realize your not pushing for AA (but his name has come up a couple of times now on different posts), but why on earth would we want AA or let him near our club? We need someone who fosters unity and teaches all the barrow pushers in the club to push in the same direction. Seems to many people are impressed with big mouths like Eddie and Jeff that is not what is good for the club, unity is the way forward, (jeez I wish robbie was a bit healthier)

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  8. We set the agenda

    We give them so many stories it is approaching funny.

    Do you really think the media influenced the results for last year and this.

    Please tell me how the media has made us lose by an average of 19 goals this season?

    G'day OD

    to answer your questions;

    1, yes we do, I for one would be interested in an extraordinary general meeting, called in three months time where grass roots supporters if interested could call for a spill of some or all of the board positions and we have a election, after the board is given time to explain its plan.

    2, the stories are more or less a result of a lack of club unity, I think an external review that has a no BS term of reference be conducted - we could aks the AFL to use our 500k fine for this.

    3, considering how heavily this forum is moderated, I don't see the need for anonymous user names, the people who snipe the MFC board should be putting up their names. I don't know whether CS is the problem or not, I'm in another country and rely on friends to tell me what is going on, but people with protected identities taking shots from the cheap seats doesn't help.

    3.1, no the media doesn't influence the result at a primary level, BUT and I can say this from allot of personal experience, it makes a pretty uncomfortable workplace, and that affects how people do their jobs. This is why unity is essential, look how well EFC has stuck together considering the pressure of the doping story, that's what I want at my club, that I bleed about. I really think that post Bailey and with the terrible stories about tanking we are at year zero cambodia style. I see more pain, this is not an excuse for mediocrity I am very effin unhappy with the state of the club, I want a club that plays like Geelong did on the weekend. I don't think tossing the coach is the answer though, he needs the time. BUT we need to stick together.

    4. I reckon that last comment is a reflection of the pain you and I are feeling, the media didn't have anything to do with it.

    With much respect


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  9. Big changes to the top heads not long after helped him along.

    Yes it did Costa was part of that success, this is what I meant by 'a no DH policy in both the team and the club' but MT spent a few years in the gun at Geelong while he turned it around, there was a 12 goal thrashing by Hawthorn that almost sank him.


    I can't argue because I don't know, MN could be a waste of time, but time is what you have to give to see, we don't have conclusive proof. My point is we don't know any better than Geelong did, when by the skin of its teeth, it decided to let Thompson stay.

    We cannot let our frustration of 49 years since our last flag drop onto Neeld, game one into his new team with a new plan. All-though I have to say I'm not a fan of the zone defense at the moment.

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  10. Mark Thompson had seven 10 goal losses in 2003, a couple of seasons in, everyone was calling for his head as they instituted a no DH policy in both the team and the club, and they started from a better position than we did. Give Neeld time (or just go and shoot yourself).

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  11. I am so so heart broken by the game yesterday - but...

    Round 11 remains my deadline for the team to show me they are moving in the right direction, as much as I want to punish someone for the drivel shown yesterday we still need to stick fast as a team and club, one game is not the end, even if it felt like it.

    Neeld did not make the last seven years, this is his year and he gets at least half a season to show where it is at. Its not like we can do anything else.

    And I for one think with free agency, that salaries should become performance based, i.e. get rid of the 95% minimum payment threshold

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  12. WJ, from a legal POV, there is barely intent, let alone a physical act to either assault or intend to assault a person here. There is comedy value in the thought of one of the brave souls on this forum, hiding behind an alias, having the heart to walk up to someone like Wayne Carey and taking a poke at him.

    It is I believe pretty obvious that 'Most Punchable Head' is strictly a metaphor for dislike of an obnoxious person, who happens to be involved in the game of Australian Rules Football, in a humorous fashion. Does the poll tend towards the puerile, yes it does, but that would cover half the polls and most of the posts on this site.

    I would also argue that not one of the people mentioned above would feel subject to any threat because of the vitriol spouted on this site, and if they did, for the sake of argument CW (who I must admit I couldn't vote for because she is a women...hmmm) felt threatened by this poll then a short apology.

    It is also clearly not hate speech because it does not discriminate on gender, race, sexuality, political persuasion etc., something that for me would be going far to far.

    RR I take issue with the fact I can't find Scott McLaren, Mike Shehan or Steve Kernahan, I feel gibbed, a bit like a Labor MP not getting a chance to vote for Kevin.

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