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DEE fence

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Posts posted by DEE fence

  1. Here we go with the BS revisionism again -oh yeah what a a friggin hero, takes a six year contract , doesn't get a kick for the last five, allegedly the 'father' of the group of indigenous players at the club - wonaeaemirri, jurrah, bennell, jetta great work there aaron, we really got a massive return from that group. Jurrah was without a doubt the best natural footballer i have ever seen. What role did you have in preventing him from [censored] his entire life up? Weren't you supposed to be the main guy behind that? WTF were you when he boarded a plane home to take a machete to a family member? There is nobody more responsible for that than you, oh yeah they said, he comes from a challenging background, but he has Davey at the club to help him through... and he obviously had no impact whatsoever on Jurrah or any of the other indigenous boys. Not to mention he went from being our best player to a fringe player in a wooden spoon side the moment the ink was dry. Great player for his first 4-5 years but after that just another leaking wound of our damaged club. Davey - another melbourne footy club hero, another Miller, another Bruce, another Jamar, another pretender racking up games and doing nothing with them. These guys are the reason we have been a laughing stock of a club for a decade.This is what we had to offer when draftees came to the club - their opponents had Voss, Buckley, Riccutio, Carey, Hird etc we had excuses like this. Please God can Roosy bring the era of some blokes of real character, blokes that want to win games of football, instead of worrying about getting hurt, not blokes that will drop their heads when tagged and never touch the footy again. FCS Davey, he got a bunch of kicks and had some influence off half-back fo0r what? half a season? then they all locked him down and it was like having a friggin ghost out there! If ever there was a personification of the MFC [censored] stereotype it was Aaron Davey. Good riddance.

    Wow, ever tried breathing through your nose? Your really have no clue and i have been sucked in by a troll, really wish i hadn't had a beer so i could just ignore this crud. In other teams they would have laid some shepherds for a player like Davey, when Black was a skinny kid he had plenty of protection. He got market price for his skills in a team that couldn't use them and i'm very glad he played for Melbourne because he still made me feel proud of the club. Anyone of his size with the heart to go the field is brave, if you want to rail against something whinge about the fact that his hamstrings didn't last. Even Buckley who was a tank couldn't get past dodgy hamstrings.

  2. Pfft what a load of crud. He was a one trick pony as a small forward as a chase and run down guy. And defenders started to work that out and small forwards had to all pressure and tackler more than chase and run down. Aaron wasn't an amazing crumber or a good mark so he was hardly an elite small forward.

    His best attributes was his burst speed and dynamite kicking and his best season came as a midfielder.

    The unfortunate thing was a few hamstring issues, a dodgy knee and an overall poor endurance base meant he could never sustain top class AFL fitness needed to be a pure outside link up player and a lack of hardness also limited his career.

    I'll bite...

    What a weak ignorant comment 'one trick pony' i saw the guys he ran down, massive size differential, hugely brave. I'll take that one trick pony any day of the week. He was smaller than Flower and when his hamstrings went so did his best weapon. You do acknowledge the hamstrings but your comment on hardness is just wrong and i reckon quite rude. And has been said before he changed the way the game is played and got more attention than just about anyone else in our shizen side from the opposition.

  3. I have read a couple of articles and posts that suggest Clark could play ruck. Not sure what everyone else thinks but I am not keen on this idea as I think he is only middle of the road as a ruck but dominant as a forward. I also understood that he himself didn't love rucking. I'm happy for our rucks like Gawn to learn their trade rather than robbing peter to pay paul. The bulldogs have Minson who is a stellar ruck but he also has had excellent rovers running around him, they also fall into a big hole when they go forward. I feel we would end up like that with Clark not settled as a forward as we move forward with our shiny new toys next year. Without doubt the pain of the last six years has been worse that '76-'84 for me personally but I do believe our centre will improve with the new regime and having a settled forward line (and back six) will be gold, and I think Clark needs to be the forward leader not pinch hitting. When we were not a rabble I always though we struggled in the back for a key FB and while having some awesome forwards and brilliant goal kickers we did struggle to keep them on the park (as I think WJ noted in another post how we were cruelled by injuries during the Balme era). Any thoughts, anyone awake back home in Oz?

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  4. I've got no problem with the payout, except if I know you'd rather be doing something else anyway (and it's in the bag) I'd discuss terms.

    In terms of Craig as a coach at the MFC, and whether he did or didn't do his job with Neeld, I reckon he'd have a good argument about the club management.

  5. None of Shuey, Rockliff or Sloane are worth pick 2, but I'd probably do the deal because we simply have to get some quality.

    You could be right, but Rockliff is ready to go now, which is what we want and the reason we're trading the bloody pick. Also for what it's worth I reckon he'd be fine as a pick 2. The reason someone like him might become available (for the good reason you mentioned-time invested) is that they need a KPF at the lions badly.

  6. Thanks for the summary WB, however I am not as concerned as others. I think MFC are in a great position in regards to trade and draft, no one knows wat the hell is happening other than those inside the club which means there are no leaks coming from the club different to previous years.

    I believe we are in a very good position in regards to pick 2, knowing if we don't trade it for an established quality midfielder that's fine we go to the draft and pick up the best midfielder there. Aish/Kelly, both hopefully will be 10+ yr midfielders for our club. I know It will take a bit longer but if we get it right it can also set us up for sustained success in the future, Massive period for our club to get the selections right and confident our football department will this time around.

    And then with pick 20 odd may be able to snare a dunstan or garlett with a bit of luck if we retain the pick of course.

    Then the Sylvia compo pick and our later ones either trade for fringe players at other afl clubs and add midfield depth or through the draft.

    However I feel we are in a great position and will be intrigued to see how we go in the next month, feeling pretty happy and can't wait to see what unfolds.

    Go dees!!!

    A relief to read something other than 'poor us we're the red headed step child of the afl'. The club has taken huge steps forward in terms of management, let's breathe 'selah' pause and consider, and see what we get we have all the pieces in place to recruit or trade well. And as for this squealing about a two tier competition, I choose to believe that when we have the cattle we will be able to pay them. And for what's its worth we're not unconnected in the world of business. I am truly sick of this poor me attitude some are displaying saying we're going to be raped of all our good players.

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  7. Weather is perfect for kicking the Sherrin, Sheeps Meadow in Central Park, is the place to be, I'm usually playing ultimate with a bunch of under employed actors during lunch 12-2pm but can usually coax one or two into a bit of kick to kick.

    Likewise the club sends my stuff through to NY, they had a bit of drama with some merchandise this year but the new manager was onto it and sent my stuff on post haste once he was aware of the delay. I was most satisfied, and love training in my MFC kit, sadly most yanks still get it confused with rugby...

  8. I wouldn't have called him a full time sniper but the injury he sustained that ended his career was caused by running towards a loose ball on the wing, looking up and seeing an opponent coming at him, then over running the ball to attack the man. This was later confirmed by Grant Thomas on radio, Hamill had told Thomas he regretted his decision.

    fair enough, live by the sword and all that, I for one would be prepared to donate all my sodium diclofenac to Chappy to play for us as I do think he is Hamill like in his toughness and the inspiration he provides to the rest of the team.

  9. Hamill ended his career by attacking the man and not the ball. He was made to understand about karma.

    I always thought he was the karma protecting some of the younger saints? I never really felt like he sniped anyone who didn't deserve it.

    RGRS, yeah thats a fair point Carlton didn't want to lose him, didn't he have a falling out with Elliot? ( always loved him for that)

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  10. Sydney and the other northern clubs remain a very exotic novelty, that if taken out of their deluxe life support unit (AFL special favours) would die (think the old fart in Prometheus). All the chicken littles need to take a bex and have a lie down. Sydney needs a show pony, thats how its business model works and in Franklin, meh... I'd rather lose him than Frawley. What would keep me up is if Collingwood decides they like Hogan. This recruitment goes against the synergy created at sydney where the sum of the players was greater than their parts i think the other players will feel much less love for the club and be poached more easily. Richmond and the Hawks have handled the FA very well, i only hope we have the same grace under pressure when it comes.

  11. Two decades ago StKilda was the retirement home for past it Carlton players. Let's not be Geelong's or anyone else's.

    Aaron Hamill says hi, yes he was injured but he put the fear of god into the opposition whenever he was on the park.

  12. just wondering if there are any demon landers who are not signed up members ( i would hope not ) but get the feeling some are so disgruteled they may have not renewed, any one willing to own up????? and get wacked!!

    If your mad enough to hang around this site when there are infinetly more fufilling productive things you could be doing with your quite finite life, THEN ireckon your paid up (as well as your cat & dog) because you can't bloody help yourself.

  13. What am amazing game, it scares me though, freo just came out with the equivalent of a new OS, we are two to three versions behind <windows XP anyone>

    I think freo, if they bring that game to the G will toch the hawks, and i have to say i have no hate for freo compared to the hawks, GO FREO, scar them for life.

    Fyfe across half back then switching forward i thought he was marking the ball like schwartz, Pav is up for it, sandilands was the rock of gibralter, their small guys were on fire, my o my rioli, hodge and mitchell will have some work, and for sure there're going to be reports, i tip 3 -5 minutes of fighting before the bounce.

    Lyon is a rolled gold genius.

  14. This is the (good) flip side to all the Mad Mondays and other behaviour that can go wrong with 'Brotherhoods'. I know for a fact that each player is only compelled/contracted for very few non sponser/ compulsory events and these get taken up very quickly - this is very much a player driven in terms of wanting to be involved and JW and NJ stand a few inches taller in my eyes for it. Not everything has to be about cash, taking time and showing respect have worth too. I think the club if it has a social policy (not sure will check) should put its cash into engaging with youth, its where with a young group of men (our footballers) you will get most value for the most people. There are other services to help these guys of which they are most deserving. And the former CEO may have been a bit of a nong at people management, but he would have made sure cases like this got game tickets and the club i know and love has always been good at looking after special cases (and i don't see why it would have changed with PJ.

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  15. its interesting that people think that our currently listed players are basically good enough under the right coach.

    its interesting that people think that our currently listed players are basically good enough under the right coach.

    People who were spuds at Sydney became truffles, I love a good story about redemption and he made it clear he thought players were coachable, he was already delivering a message that he believes they can do it and it sounded so genuine. It would have been easy to say I need to do a rebuild blah blah and I need to sack a couple I think the only persons he ever spat the dummy with were Davies and Hall. But to my point, if you are a MFC player you have an asterix next to your name after being a member of the crew that has turned in 56% - the chance to get rid of that asterix - redemption - that Roos is selling is pretty bloody powerful, will work wonders, am betting on it.

    edit forgot to put my team in, i think Brisbane is dying for some KP players and Voss has made some good midfielders, they have some spare, and the other is Freo they still need fwds I wouldn't mind a Ross Lyon coached defender - :

    B: Colin Garland James Frawley (Paul Duffield)
    HB: Jack Grimes Tom Mcdonald Jimmy Toumpas
    C: Jack Viney Nathan Jones Jack Trengove
    HF: Jack Watts Jesse Hogan Colin Sylvia
    F: Jeremy Howe Chris Dawes Mitch Clark
    R: Max Gawn (Tom Rockliff (wish Jack Redden)) (Dale Thomas (if he is medically worth it big bickies for him.))
    Inter: Dean Kent Matt Jones Jake Spencer
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