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DEE fence

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Posts posted by DEE fence

  1. He seems to have a great temperament for the game, he doesn't seem to get phased by heavy treatment and just gets on with the job. Great left foot over a distance and is getting better over the shorter distance.

    Thanks Giants.

    Why have we always done better with trades than drafts? Powell, Beemer, Bizzell, Tyson, Dawes, Clark (before injury) and many others over the journey have always seemed pretty good. The one's I was sad to see go - Spalding, Thompson, Farmer (although we got plenty of service), Rivers etc has still been below par for what some other clubs lose. The Brownlow trades (Templeton/Moore) were 50/50 imo.

    But overall so happy with Tyson.

  2. Didn't know where to put this and didn't want to start a new thread but i thought this quote from Jamar gives a fascinating insight into how Neeld went about things and by contrast how Roos goes about things. Not wanting to rake over old coals nor bag Neeld but these are the most pointed comments from a senior player i have heard about the previous regime (not much need to read between the lines):

    Its been good to be back in the team, especially playing under Roosy Ive really been enjoying it. To be able to contribute to the team has been really good, he told melbournefc.com.au.

    The confidence you get from the current coaching group its outstanding and they back you in and they give you responsibility.

    They treat us like men and theyve been fantastic and Ive really enjoyed it. I hope I can continue to be a part of this team for a long time to come, because Im really enjoying the environment at the club.

    Im really enjoying our new game plan and I think its reignited the fire in the belly.


    The possible resurgence of the Russian, has been worth another high draft pick. All the inside mail (what a couple of club people said), and including a few posts on DL, said that he was finished. For Roos to resurrect his career continues to make him (Roos) IMHO extraordinary value for money. I was totally (and sadly) convinced that Jamar was done, will be very happy to be wrong. I think our game style suits a traditional tap ruckman, especially with Vince/Tyson/Viney/Jones at his feet. There will be days it doesn't work for us but I think this will cause other teams headaches matching us if we were to get two good years out of Jamar.

    • Like 1
  3. Vickery and Reiwoldt are the keys here. Frawls usually does a number on R, with him out, or if he had of played up fwd I think that will be the test for us. We have improved defensively all year but those 2 are key to keep quiet.

    Totally agree, I would go so far as to say Chip was the first and best at putting JR back in his box, if I was JR I'd be begging for a chance to play FF since Chip isn't there, this is where I always saw the best value in Chip was on how he played guns like Franklin and Reiwoldt. Not as worried about Dusty, I feel our new look midfield would like to give him a touch up after he has eaten us up in past years. We put a big game into Dangerfield (who was still brilliant) I don't think Dusty will go as well with the same pressure. (or so I fervently hope.

  4. Must be said I never found any benefit from these things being played out in the press first, only detracts from a fair hearing. Anyway am so glad I don't have to deal with idiots who cannot hold their drink anymore (I really hate Crown)..., actually come to think of it am still dealing with idiots... just swap religion and ethnicity for alcohol... might have made a wrong turn somewhere... d'oh!

  5. The victim was apparently the bouncer; how would you read that?

    I arrested a few bouncers for assault over the years, and while I know a few good ones (people probably say the same thing about cops), I'd definetly be keeping an open mind until all statements are taken (or exceptionally good CCTV). Most bouncers usually back force as an early option, that said wasn't there.

  6. Thanks George.

    Last night our server passed the first test of coping with the post match load so a big thank you to all those who donated to make this happen.

    I also want to thank everyone for being patient with us through all the outages and down time. Hopefully going forward we won't experience those same issues.

    I've learnt to deal with the IT fact that there is a never 'fixed' point, it's always going to be a work in progress. Site is great even if some of the OP drive me to distraction.

  7. Hamburger with the lot thanks, wouldn't get too excited, $5 says he ends up with recklessly causing injury, think of everything else as alternate charges. Having laid those particular set of charges 50+ (with minor variations) times. The big charge is intentionally cause serious injury, that's a committal hearing/county court job (And I was surprised there are a few other alternates I would have thrown in.)

    Will probably find the victim was the architect of his own demise as well, very few 'innocents' in a night club barney. Watch it plea down to a good behaviour bond (as it would for any other citizen unless they have priors/ a docket).

    • Like 1
  8. Hello there - sub to Demonland finally paid, also processed donation to the club for undertaking the appeal, (I would have paid whatever the verdict).

    Am now working on three new club members here in New York. One ex pat Aussie MFC fan that work at the UN, his Columbian wife and his one week old son, am a bit nervous for the poor bloke his son needs heart surgery (at 1 week old, parents too nervous to buy kids stuff in case it's not needed :( ), so I'm not boring him with footy stuff just at the moment, although he is a passionate fan.

    • Like 2
  9. Even more amazing than the verdict, 6 pages of Demonland without a couple of posters flaming each other, we didn't even have that after last weeks win!

    Anyway I woke up to this brilliant news in NY, just reading with great joy all the comments, and I must say some real gems, onya @Loges - re the Mr Bean gif, and yes @Nasher feels like winning the game all over again.

    Brilliant week for the club, huge positive exposure across the media (sponsors happy), unified front, we are now the redemption story of the AFL not the basket case story, god I wish I could go to the footy on the weekend.

    BUT BEST OF ALL, BY A COUNTRY MILE, is that every other midfielder now knows that Jack will be coming at them in straight line, I reckon this will cause more than a few to 'Hawthorn' (love this phrase) themselves.

    • Like 1
  10. @ Ascobar, Ethiopia? What are you doing over there?

    @ Saty On topic - What is happening with rucks? In training who dominates out of Spencer/Jamar, Gawn (If he can compete) are we heading to a rotation system like baseball pitchers or will we stick to the best man each week? Or perhaps I could rephrase is Jamar really back long term, would be wonderful.


  11. Totally conflicted and unable to give an unbiased view, I concede that I shouldn't be on the jury. If DL people were to pass the hat for donations to pay for the appeal I would contribute $100.

    However despite my deep love of the club, I will not pay the next years subs for the four memberships I normally get unless they A, challenge the decision, or B, provide a very sound explanation as to why they think Viney is guilty and it is worthless to appeal. To let this go deeply harms the game IMHO. Both from a MFC POV and from an Aussie Rules is the best game in the world POV.

    I am happy to lose the appeal and have Viney out for four games, and we fought it as hard as we could because we believe in our player, or cop it sweet and say yes he is guilty.

    I think this verdict will taint Viney's whole career, especially as the media chew over it, and it is worth the investment to protect Viney's reputation. I do not want him cast as some sort of Campbell Brown thug, which i fear he will be after this. This is hardly the last collision Jack is going to have, and not appealing is to my mind consigning the player to a nefarious (and undeserved reputation).

    Appealing says that we believe our player to be fair, and even if lost, is worth it to protect Jacks name.

    I normally loathe when people talk about memberships as some sort of negotiable item, when dealing with their clubs, and i can say without doubt, that I will buy memberships the following year (2016).

    I would be interested to hear if people think it's too much, chances are that i will calm down, it's not that I'm angry at the club, in many ways they are between a rock and a hard place with the AFL. I just hope that if enough supporters make themselves heard, it becomes easier for the club to say to the AFL, "our members gave us no choice", and the club decides to take on the hard place, it's worth it for a future captain i reckon.

    Edit: got Browns name wrong

  12. The best win I have seen in a long time (except when firing up the replays on you tube)

    Watching again, these things stand out:

    Chris Dawes was BOG, Wayne Carey would have been happy with that game, his physical presence hunting the crows players was terrifying, I would crap my dacks, knowing he'd turned up at half back, about to tackle me. His contest was 1st class and he demonstrated great skills, leadership and heart (he was unfit three weeks ago and moved like he was on a motorbike yesterday).

    Viney had an even better game than the Carlton match, what a trajectory he's taking, I was unsure whether he would get past the bomb it long mentality last year, but he is demonstrating vision as well as heart (Beemer had heart, but his vision was missing). As other have said, he will be feared, matches Hodge and Mitchell for toughness.

    I reckon Terlich stopped many Crow runs, yes the disposal was terrible, but he sucked the wind out of the Crows going forward, so on balance worthwhile, ran straight at the ball with eyes on it, If he could kick as well he would be elite (Worsfold type) and we would all be gobsmacked, so I'm happy to take the neutralised attacks.

    JKH, What a brave kid, many have a skill base, few have the heart he has, truly impressed, we get to see those skills because of his heart, massive tick.

    Watts, a good game, not his best but loved the way he got back on the park after he hurt his back (I'm super nervous about our team for the Bulldogs, I reckon a few of our players are going to be injured or pretty bloody sore this week, expect a light run at training). But his running into goal was fantastic, he backed himself and won on a big stage in front of a nervous crowd, this is worth truckloads in terms of confidence.

    Frawley, not what we had hoped for this week but how good are his wheels? He slipped into sixth gear and reminded me of Lomu running, who would step in front of that bus? Shame about missing the goal, DL posters reckon disinterested? come on now, serious?

    Cross, made of iron, took and laid some big tackles/hits that were life saving.

    Vince, how nice is it to see someone who loves football and finds it fun, lets hope that rubs off on the others who've had some pretty dark times, so happy with this trade, you can see the rascal glint in his eye though.

    Umpires, yes they were crap, but the Dawes goal was a gift, (owed, they missed a few others for Dawes). The best thing was that none of the players let this or the crowd put them off, this shows huge belief (as Viney stated about the plan).

    We hurt other teams, fair dinkum we've found some mongrel, while others have rightly enthused about the many good things we saw on the weekend I love (in a deep and pure way, normally reserved for my kids) that we are not getting pushed off the ball, not in a 'Robert Walls sniper [censored] way' but in the best, 'spirit of the contest', 'why AFL is the greatest game on earth' way. God I love the coach.

    Edit: terrible spelling/punctuation even by my standards.

    • Like 2
  13. Wow!!! Dawes is an A grader - no argument! Bernie Vince top game but also an aggressive little [censored] - loved the way he stuck elbows into his former teammates.

    Now here's the thing. Can we rattle cups, run raffles, prostitute our wives, whatever is needed to to pay Paul Roos ridiculous amounts of money to stay with the MFC.

    Kidney for sale

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  14. For all the doubters, who is our coach again? Has he not been delivering on what he said he'd do, this is no reality bus, he reckons Jetta is worth a go, so I'm happy to see how the season goes. But then maybe it's just me living in the US, they love a redemption story here.

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  15. The stat I like is the conceded points. We are light years better than last year, and that is after a touch up from west coast, 269 points less.


    Melbourne 4 1 0 3 317 597 53.10% 4


    Melbourne 4 1 0 3 209 328 63.72% 4

    With a forward line the % will improve, I have no doubt, even with the thumpings we are going to get from Geelong and Hawthorn.

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