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DEE fence

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Posts posted by DEE fence

  1. With the voting can we have a preferential system, too many good choices. either 1 - 3 or 1 -5.

    I have to admit I'm sticking with McLaren but there are some very good contributions

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  2. Scott McLaren. Thanks Ingeniokinetic until you posted that pic I'd successfully burned that 'boat race' from my memory.

    Now, returning serve at you I present my final nomination for the night.

    I give you ...

    Campbell Brown


    RR good one, I think I would rather use a fire hose 'Rambo' prison scene than get close.

    @ucanchoose don't lets go there it will be the longest thread in history.

  3. 085494-scott-mclaren.jpg

    All worthy nominees, but this guy used to really irritate me beyond comprehension, Milne a worthy second, anyone that used to go after Robbie Flower I still have a serious hate for. The journo's CW, MR, & MS they are just parasites best burnt off with a hot needle, not worth a slap you just get bug goo on your good shirt.

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  4. Its far from perfect but the best legal system by far, whether it should have been dismissed at the committal stage, yes witnesses were affected by alcohol, but it is far more appropriate for a jury to make up their mind about the weight of their evidence when there is five of them. Well done to the NT legal system getting this resolved, and I feel sorry for the cops that had to deal with this drunken mess in the first place and best wishes to LJ to finding some football happiness, how I wish it had been with us.

  5. I'd love to know how Club A paying 92% of the cap and Club B paying 100% of the cap equals both clubs paying the same.

    isn't it a case of it equaling out over several years, and it's only to 95% that they must pay. I actually like the ability to front load contracts because we are less likely to be in a situation where the club ends up paying a player on someone else's list ( a'la Woewodin) if they don't perform. This of course will bite us on the arse when we become a successful club and have everyone coming out of contract at the same time... how i hope to have that problem

  6. Hawkins is one example, but hardly the norm. If you're hanging on for Watts to do a Hawkins you're clutching at straws. It hardly follows that Watts will suddenly take his pathway, especially when they're very different players. And courage wasn't Hawkins' problem. His problem was belief. Watts doesn't believe either. For good reason. Timidity stifles every part of his game, which is a far bigger issue to overcome.

    bookmark the thread, if he doesn't turn it on this year you can serve a big dose of 'i told you so' and i'll cop it sweet. That said I'm not sure it makes a difference what the problem is, just whether he can get past it. I think your right that he's a bit timid, I just think if he still has the support of the coach then we might see this change.

    As for the list, if Sydney can do it we can too, (and I would vote for Neeld to be on the banner forever if that happens).

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  7. Hi Old Dee

    totally agree as to why we've been toilet water, my comment about supporters was referencing all the drivel (IMHO) I have heard about players from supporters of all clubs, and that I don't think the MFC is particularly afflicted with daft supporters beyond the standard mean.

    I would say that 'the same passion created by five years in the bottom 6 with two last finishes.' has revealed a surprising level of stoicism and a justified level of cynicism amongst our supporters.

    That said, I'm on my second marriage, so am a proven optimist, and can add myself to the daft supporter list.


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  8. He's 22 before the season starts. He plays the entire year as a 22 year old. Look, I get that you're a poor footy spectator and miss what some of us actually see, but the age excuse is gone. Franklin kicked 100 goals at 21. Lockett, Carey, Brereton, Lloyd, Kernahan, Dunstall, Brown, Riewoldt etc etc etc were stars at 21.

    The problem with many Melbourne supporters is that they are simply ordinary judges of footballers.

    and Tom Hawkins took how long ? He doesn't get forever, I'd agree with that, but some just take that little longer, I wish he was tearing it apart but the coach is prepared to stick with him I will too for another season.

    All supporters are ordinary judges of footballers, it's the passion that gets in the way of the judgement, live with it.

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  9. Of course the current team could become a premiership side, the margins between best and worst now days seem to be pretty narrow and I agree with all the comments about depth of your list. Geelong and Sydney both had an excellent no DH policy that worked really well for them that gave them an edge in team synergy (had an interesting chat with the Costa family about that), and I think Neeld has the same no DH approach which will work for us. But and its a big but is injuries, so much comes down to injuries and the tribunal, we lost Strawbs before the 88 GF, in 2000 half our guys were shattered Farmer had busted ribs, (and Essendon was on fire), Sydney kept Barry and that worked pretty well for them.

    That is why if we are top four for a while over the next few years I'd be happy (as long as we stop losing the games we should win in a canter) because there is always a bit of luck in getting up on GF day since the advent of modern footy.

  10. With reference to your last line ,I dont believe being a shareholders buys you the right to impinge upon the union agreement signed by the clubs ,players the AFL.

    Rightly or wrongly ,there are large sections of the community using drugs daily .

    Football players deserve the same protection of their civil rights that other unions enjoy.

    The three strikes policy is in line with big mining ,construction as well as army and police policies.

    This hard line stance of zero tolerance is boring and ineffective .

    Those that spout it constantly are as off the mark as "The War on Drugs" was .

    Test everyone in the Media first ,as I have said ,and then have the debate .

    There will be nobody to even turn on the cameras and microphones.

    If they drug tested the legal fraternity...well Vatican 2 would like a card shuffle in a game of snap.

  11. I remember watching my brother kick four goals in the 1st quarter in a GF match up in Sydney, before in the last 30 secs of the 1st quarter, after the whistle had been blown, and he was standing still on the boundary for the throw in, completely defenseless, when his opposition defender has run up behind him and spear tackled him into the ground so that his head bent sideways and he was knocked completely cold.

    Anyway in the final quarter we were sitting on the bench together (and he was due to retire after the game, in our family we eat our body weight in Voltarin 200mg, his knees were kaput) and he was begging the coach to be on the field so that he had some memory of playing in the game. The coach relented ( my brother is very convincing ) and I was torn terribly (having seen him as a KPF get bashed in the head many time over the years). And I still feel that it was a terrible mistake for him to have gone back onto the pitch. He had an AFL career stolen from him by a thug in Frankston that destroyed his back when he was on St Kilda's list at age 18. It was another 4 years before he was able to play properly again, so we never got to see where he could have really taken his skills, so this GF game really meant something to him.

    My point is to Rohan Bail's family - get him to get the very best advice from the very best neurosurgeon, he is too precious to you, and it is to hard for someone to train as hard as they do, to get where they are, to give up when they can't see the injury.

    edit: doing to many thing at once with my own brain trauma - edited for some of the grammar mistakes and typos

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  12. If he is 75% of a Jonothan Brown I'd be very stoked, the only drama I have is keeping all my fingers and toes crossed for the next 14 months that nothing happens to him or the other forwards, I really want to see all three on the park at the same time. We will kick some cricket scores.

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