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DEE fence

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Posts posted by DEE fence

  1. Watching the game, loving the body work, those swans will have a few bruises, terlich all heart, watts getting to the contests, Frawley looking committed, some great defensive efforts, jones having his usual dip, I can watch when I feel like we're trying. Umpires just plain rude. Toumpas is learning, give the kid a break was a shocking kick but back him in he started finding the ball. Fitzpatrick is showing heart and the umpire has no soul not giving him a HTB for that chase

  2. Post match press conference for Geelong, Freo and Dogs have been up for an hour

    Still no sign of ours.

    PJ please clean out our media department, they are bloody useless.

    I normally ignore your ignorant crap, but this really got under my skin, our media people have been doing a damn fine job with little to work with.

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  3. I've met Leigh a few times, and you respect the hardness of the guy, but he does have an expiry date attached, I wouldn't like another Barrassi situation. And there were some conferencing stories about why he left collingwood when he did.

    Personally I think Neeld has the same 'tough love' approach, not sure we'd see significant difference, except he'd be given a fraction more time by the media, and remember when he got to Brisbane they had really benefitted from Fitzroy's best players.

    Every week I'm seeing less bruise free football from our team, this is an improvement I'm happy with, decision making and footy use is the biggest box to tick now, and I think Craig will get us there.

    One strong upside to LM though would be the FD would toe the line, I think we'd only have one chef.

  4. Idiots, Dicker did all the hard yards at Hawthorn, and you have a number of premiership players from the 80's all in key roles at the club perpetuating a culture that Allan Jeans entrenched, Kennet adds nothing and is NOT Melbourne, morons here giving this the time of day cannot see that he is just further stirring the pot at a club he hates.

  5. 8 months ago, we employed a guy with outstanding credentials. He had a great name within the profession, his references were glowing and his previous and demonstrated results, outstanding. We were absolutely rapt we could land a candidate that we thought would have been able to name his own price and get a job with a much larger firm.

    Within 4 months of being with us and despite the fact we bent over backwards to vary our practices and processes, he is gone. His productivity was minimal, he had an adverse affect on employee morale, upset a number of clients with his gung ho demeanour and the revenue he generated was well below budget. So what happened? Maybe it was our fault. Maybe we did not provide a working environment to his liking, maybe we didn't provide him with a vision he could share.

    That accepted, we believe he just held that his way was the only way. He was not flexible enough to adapt to our way of doing business. That we had to cut him loose, did negatively affect our business, but that was short term.

    We are back tracking where we should be. His replacement does not have as high a profile, but their results are 65% better already, than the bloke we thought was a gun. The staff are much happier and our workplace is a much nicer place to be.

    Things like this happen and it is regrettable, but we run a business and we had to fix what was an obvious problem. These things happen unfortunately, in spite of our best intentions.

    It's funny that you have as your pseudonym IW-S, I can tell you as a fact that IW-S was an ordinary coach in complete contrast to his playing days because he was too soft on the players. This is compared to the days as a player when he belted one of his own team for not getting up off the deck quick enough after he was hit. As a coach he was too gentle and didn't deliver the tough message, the only time in his life I think that he didn't tell it like it is. This is Mick Malthouses midas touch, he knew when to give the players a cuddle or a rocket for motivation. He was much better as a chairman of selectors when he could use his brain to make the tough call on who to start and who to play in the twos (in fierce discussion with Smith and others).

    The football club is not a business, it's some sort of barmy hybrid, we are where the coach said we would be, it is clear why, we have a very weak midfield, it needs time - the budget/staff morale issue as you put it has not had the case conclusively made. We needed the change to the style, if we lose two more players its not the end of the world. Anyway it is clear we have yea and nay pretty firmly entrenched, we'll see.

    As for the zone, when it works it creates huge pressure, and on the turn over you have lots of players free for a rebound offensive effort. That said it takes truckload of fitness and it maybe a tactic that should be turned on and off so the team has some legs left for the end of the day, a zone executed poorly welllll yes you do lose by a bit. I've played against and for a zone and I know it takes serious match practise to get right. Whether it will work for us I don't know but I'm not going to hang Neeld for trying something.

  6. I saw Carlton bodies getting knocked over, tackles, and hard work, and a bunch of kids in red 'n blue making skill mistakes. I'm bloody happy about the hard work, the skills will come, if they play the rest of the game like the 2nd qtr, I don't care about the score as much.

    You wanted to see players improve, I'm seeing that, we have some brave players.

    • Like 2
  7. Where is the proof of a mass exodus of players, and which players? If Neeld really has lost the team to the point that the players are going to leave you'd think there would be a bit more evidence. I get scared when I read all these posts about players leaving, but then I searched for anything that resembled facts, nothing, it's like the WMD in Iraq they didn't exist. We are playing exactly like I expected, a bunch of kids, this will change.

    I realize I'm a minority opinion, thanks for not being nasty about it.

    • Like 3
  8. Anyone remember Carlton, Pagan etc, the players, like DH Fevola, ran the show and buried a established coach, and several others. Yes we have gone backwards while we reset who our senior players are, they were good, had some skill but perhaps they were better soldiers than leaders, that said the shafting of Junior was a huge mistake, of the players that were changed. Moloney and Green I loved as players of the club but we weren't breaking down the doors of the top 8. Yes we have two young captains but the basis has been set that we will be fitter, we are talking footballers here, one skill set at a time, talking of the coach and whether he has lost the playing group is just stupid when we wanted a culture change and our now getting it. Take your effing medicine and stop believing in the snake oil quick fix BS that changing Neeld would be.

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  9. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    Couldn't agree more, just not sure if the quote is aimed at the press, or some of the more timid souls on the forum???

    Journalists seem also to believe that they should be part of the story, I swear they seem more interested in generating scalps than telling stories.

    Edit, meant to go under Ron's post.

  10. Burgundy, you idiot, dolts of any description is far to kind (kidding) More and more i think Carl Ditterich was ahead of his time and an insightful media commentator, I always chuckle when I see the tag line. Reading most analysis now is utter over packaged garbage.

    I have watched when we were kings maybe 6-8 times, I can't imagine wanting to listen to anything CW or MS says in the first place. if we could clone Martin Flanagan that would help, get Percy Beams and Ivor Warne-Smith out of their graves and get them to write some analysis on the club and tell everyone else to eff off.

    • Like 1
  11. So have calmed down a bit, anyone want to retract there per year comments that Davey is done? Very critical sub for us today, took a few minutes to find the ball but his goals came when the game was in the balance, he still has plenty to offer.

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