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DEE fence

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Posts posted by DEE fence

  1. 1 hour ago, ProDee said:

    This is hogwash.  It's just a copy and paste.

    Islam is Islam.  You either practice it or you don't.

    You clearly have no clue about Islam.

    Don't be offended, but you're wasting my time.

    i am not offended, you are not credible on this subject, i get that you are scared.

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  2. 1 hour ago, ProDee said:

    I'm talking about Islamic adherents in the purest sense.

    If someone considers themself a Muslim, but doesn't practice the orthodoxy of the Qur'an then no problem.

    You're referencing westernised Muslims, who for the purposes of this discussion I don't consider orthodox Muslims.  There's no ambiguity in Islam.  

    The Muslims you're referencing wouldn't attend mosques.  Those that do are not able to befriend the kaffir.  


    I'm sorry but you cannot define what is pure or orthodox when it comes to Islam. One of my many personal muslim friends is Farid Esack https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farid_Esack#cite_note-3 who I first met 32 years ago, and tips on its head everything you have said. He is not a saint, just a man doing his best to get along with other men and women in the world. I have been in Sierra Leone where the Muslim cleric gets up and recites the lords prayer before a public meeting (in company with the priest, followed by the local priest reciting the Qur'an. I have been invited into the homes of Afghans, Pakistani, Lebanese, Egyptian, Syrian, Azerbaijan, Malaysian, Indonesian, Bangladeshi, Moroccon, Libyan, Mauritanian, Palestinian, Kenyan, Saudi, Yemeni and Somali (and there are more) muslims (both Sunni and Shi'a) and had meals with families and wives and daughters of people who all attend mosque. These are not 'tame' or westernised muslims, but they are human and they are decent, they educate their daughters, they don't necessarily flout local clothing customs, and some of them are very angry at the ongoing incessant slaughter of civilians by western militaries. But they are not preaching kill the infidel or subvert western states to sharia law. I have also met radicals who would happily have kidnapped me and I have had hate spewed at me by men who are muslim. I firmly believe in a secular Australia, with rule of law and a separation of powers as defined by the Westminster doctrine. In the same way we argue over the southern cross, is it a racist symbol (I say no) Islam is argued over. It would be helpful in a mature debate if we went after the real targets which are the extremist sects and called them by their names and not with the use of Islam as a generic one size fits all label. If we use this generic approach to labelling people, I honestly feel like I should refer to the gun nuts in the US that shoot up schools and kindergartens, blowing holes in innocent children and call them Christians, it has the same level of accuracy.

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  3. 1 hour ago, faultydet said:

    Poland and Hungary are glowing examples of how a true patriot can keep his country safe. It's a leaders number 1 task, and one that has been given up in Western Europe by the slaves to the E.U's Junker/Tusk etc, and their globalist banker/investor masters.

    Mods - i wish to delete my reply, there is no point, but i find this really super inflammatory and not helpful.


    5 hours ago, ProDee said:

    I doubt you have "dozens of Muslim friends and colleagues", but if I give you the benefit of the doubt and assume there's veracity in your claims then I can assure you they're non practising Muslims.  They're Muslim in name only. 

    How are you possibly the expert on who is an isn't a Muslim? You asked for mature debate, all Jara has said is he sees humans who for the most part are getting along fine and says so. It is important to focus on building everyone's identity as Australian, through things like sport/football. Prosecute the nuts and most of all work with youth to make them feel included and not excluded so they are not disenfranchised and easier targets for radicalization.

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  4. When I spoke to ANB he said Crossy would still kill everyone with his running (I was so sad he quit was sure he had one more season). Was super pleased for Roos to give him a shout out, I like as this train ride gets going, that the credit is shared. So many people to thank, when we make finals I think we should work on a 'thank you thread' and acknowledge everyone, the players, coaches, admin, etc who will all have had a part, be it a finger or a hand in turning the club around. Obviously some will be more (rightly) feted than others, but would be good to make sure all efforts are acknowledged.

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  5. 1 minute ago, Demonland said:

    You can't celebrate the good without reliving the bad. There'll be alot of revisiting the past on this road to glory. The media love that stuff. 

    True, like most trauma I realised I had blocked some of it from my memory, I remembered of course but had blocked how it felt-I really was worried the club was going to die, or that it would change so much there would be no continuity to some of the traditions I loved about the place.

  6. Paris, I am biased (In love with an elegant French woman) but I love the place, it helps that I have friends and multiple places to stay (so for me people seem warm and hospitable), but food and wine is always a pleasure, galleries break your heart with the incredible beauty. I usually have a motorbike so the traffic is not such an issue. great shopping. Also many cool things to do with kids. Yes I have noticed the dogs, but hardly a deal breaker.  IF you are going to pot something, CDG deserves a whack, that place can be a nightmare, but lately I have been even having a good run with that airport.

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  7. 30 minutes ago, ProDee said:

    Thanks for your considered response, but as Rafiki succinctly highlights in the post above yours I don't think you're realise the extent of the issue within Islam and the Middle East. 

    Have you heard of the Muslim Brotherhood's "An Explanatory Memorandum: From the Archives of the Muslim Brotherhood in America" 

    Yes-Egypt is where the two sects that i loathe originated. Is interesting that the Muslim Brotherhood also started in a country that has a disgusting human rights record perpetuated by a government supported by the west. I would argue that in many ways the brotherhood was a reaction against the gross breaches of human decency by a pro west military. The brotherhood was just like the fascist movements of the 30's in that it appealed to and also provided support to the poor.

    30 minutes ago, ProDee said:

    Firstly, the Qur'an cannot be modernised, as every word is supposed to be that of Allah (and there are unambiguous issues with much of the text). 

    I agree, there are serious irreconcilable parts of the Qur'an with secular society, that is a real problem, but i have to say, all the Muslims i know, including the devout, are happy to let those parts (such as slavery,) go 

    30 minutes ago, ProDee said:

    And secondly, unlike Christianity, there's no head figure, or anything like the papacy within Islam providing direction.  

    Interesting point have wondered the same thing, but there are clerics actively working to debunk the narratives the crazies come up with. Also clerics/imams like Farid Esack who are as smart as Einstein and working on reform in areas including gender and islam.

    30 minutes ago, ProDee said:

    The radicalisation starts in the mosques, which is also problematic.  


    I agree, hence my comment about the Madrassas, i have no time for hate speech anywhere, but not all Mosques are preaching hate.

    You will not get an argument from me that there are clearly dangerous evil people running around using Islam as a cover for being unhinged. But for every example of evil craziness, i can come back with an example of love and compassion, including in the areas that seem so scary. Thus am not ready to write off Islam. To me incels are one side of the same coin, (with the wahhabis), lots of scary cultures i want gone so my daughters and wife are safe anywhere.

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  8. @Rafiki

    Hate speech anywhere worries me, I need a little time to work through your references, Civitas I take more seriously than the Sun obviously. But I really worry that all the messaging focusing on Muslims, as 'the other' helps drives alot of the stats quoted. Also let me be clear I have total sympathy for the French Government finding and killing its own citizens who are fighting for Isis on battlefields in the Middle East, I have none for breaking the rule of law anywhere by anyone outside of a battlefield. I also think indiscriminate air campaigns “At least 484 civilians have been unintentionally killed by coalition strikes,” the United States Central Command, or Centcom, the military command responsible for the Middle East, said in a June 2 statement.' do much to foster hate and resentment. I am very proud of the Australian RAAF officers who were decorated for their role in verifying targets for arial attack and denying approval for attacks despite much pressure to do so and later being found to be correct. My point being is that reaction and opinion cannot be taken in isolation to all the events that are going on. We owe it to ourselves to interrogate the media always and thoroughly (God bless media watch). 

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  9. On 5/26/2018 at 11:50 AM, ProDee said:

    As I said, there needs to be a mature conversation about Islam in the West. 

    The first thing we need in that mature conversation is an acknowledgment that just like Christianity, Islam has its' nutty sects like Wahhabism and Salafism, and that it is not prima facie, Islam, that is the problem, just extremists of any group, or disenfranchised young men with nothing to do or looking for a redemption narrative.

    Nothing that has been perpetuated by Dersh or Boko Haram is new, everything has a precedent in Christianity, including the rapes and other disgusting acts. But just like with all the other major religions, this vile threat comes from particular sects and not the religion itself practised by 90%+ of adherents. 

    Culture can die, nothing sacred about culture, it used to be Australian culture that you could beat your wife with a rod, now you go to jail for that 5hit, I am very happy about that. I am quite happy for a large number of cultural practises to die, and the hypocrisy of the USA supporting the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, when and while it is exporting these vile cultures through madrassas is profound. So lets whack the true culprits - the exponents of mysogynistic cultures, and stop stereotyping a'la Biffen, a whole religion. I take extreme offence at the way a huge number of friends and acquaintances are characterized when the word Islam is used. 

    As a 20+ year security professional I see all these terror/islam issues as related to local policing issues, a failure to engage with youth, it is not as sexy as new guns and legislation and task forces (which all deal with symptoms) for politicians, but the old 'Police Boys Club' type of engagement is the single best anti-terror weapon. In the UK which has seen a rise in these attacks - guess what type of facilities have been closed over the last 5-10 years. Same with Paris, the cops gave up on certain areas. But it is not only tough love and the occasional thick ear that is required. Cops who can't walk the beat and talk to kids, and get out from behind their mirrored sunglasses are failing at their job, they have to be part of a solution that engages with every subset of society, even the really repugnant ones (like the Biffen chinless mouth breathers hyperventilating over fake news). This is not all on the cops, but certainly part of it.

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  10. Was trying to talk my (French) partner in moving to Melbourne for the birth of our daughter (who is due during the finals, can't friggin believe it, F(*@%&(^&($%@&^($^%&$^#(%K) so that Daisy could be the midwife, knowing my luck she will be born when we are in the grand final and I will miss it, am deeply scared of this. The alternate is to have a early c section (neither option appear to be gaining much traction with her).

    • Haha 1
  11. @Skuit

    Am with you on the contested high scoring stuff, what staggers me, and my question to you, are the fantasy ratings, either version. What stats aren't being weighted properly for impact on a game, in your humble opinion? With the modern style of footy I am going to say kicks and handballs don't mean much anymore. 5 disposals that defeat the defensive set up of an opposition are worth 20+ disposals to a contest. And our presence in AFL fantasy  - 7 players in the top 100, 3 (including smith, easy to get stats in sides winning by 15+goals) in the top 50 and Hogan at 52??? beggars belief, I can't be bothered with fantasy teams anymore because I think the metrics are BS, but I like the idea of selecting a side that would have the most impact and the whole money ball thing. Bailey F for instance has impact (IMHO) with his efforts for almost no visible presence statistically. If you could break down the players that are contributing to the below, I think that would be a fair reflection for fantasy teams.

    Also I think the fantasy stuff glorifies individuals, when our team is crushing others by doing the team things, so maybe am being unrealistic to ask for the stats to reflect team acts/roles - i.e. BV did a number on Lynch.

    Lastly this is Goodwin's coaching genius 1st Goal Assists - this is the best demonstration of a team attitude and the hardest thing for an opposition to guard against. I predict looking at the fixture another 5 (minimum) 10 goal wins this year. (might have to look up the stat for most 10 goal wins in a season - we could get there.... 


    7 hours ago, Josh said:

    1st Contested


    1st Contested Differential  


    1st Centre Clearances


    1st Scoring


    1st Inside-50s


    1st Marks Inside-50


    1st Goal Assists


    1st Least Opponent Marks


    1st Least Opponent Kicks


    1st Least Opponent Inside 50s




  12. I think if we have a better than 10 goal win we should allow for some extra votes because it is for sure a team winning in style. BTW 7 points Goodwin.

    that said:

    Hogan-it was 28 degrees people,  and he ran like an Ethiopian and kicked straight and a few score assists. 

    Angus-how damaging is a player that can use both feet.

    Hibberd-(Lever as am alternate) early on this pair ruined every crow attack

    Clarry-(Gawn could just as easily sit here) Contest King

    Viney-the crows were scared of him.

    Jones-taken for granted, he is still a beast.

    finally... Jetta ANB Melksham are ripped off.

    Think i am going to google some SA newspapers and maybe the SA forum.

  13. Hey did anyone else notice how happy Pedders was for the team? greeting and cheering every player coming off, no sulking at all just genuine joy for the team, awesome bloke and great team first attitude - something that has the lid off and in orbit for me, this team first stuff will really make us a threat, Geelong comparisons starting to feel right. 



    (sadly hunt seemed flat by comparison)

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  14. 7 hours ago, PaulRB said:

    I reckon the Crows best hope is to lull us into playing soft footy rather than try to intimidate us. Too many MFC players now seem to thrive on the heavy stuff... ie Viney, Oliver, Hibberd, Melksham, and even players like Petracca and Hogan don’t seem adverse to it. 

    Bodes well come finals. 

    totally agree, even Gawn, his best game was when he got a bit of attention. We are the bear, no one smart pokes the bear. Why i wasn't yoo worried about the camp fiasco, we are the contested ball side. Definitely Goodwin's fingerprints 

  15. Hardest game coming up is Collingwood, 1CW will have their eye on this and i think we'll arrive having won 6 on the trot. Spargo for Jeff i reckon he's had enough of Casey and will provide some defensive pressure in what could be his last chance for another 4 weeks.


    TMAC and a foot?..........faaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrkmedead

  16. Invest in teaching him the ball drop, from his height it will have ice on it by the time the ball reaches his boot. He will be a baby giraffe for a while, I hope some of the negative Nellies can be calm while he develops. Rucks will br at a premium for clubs, because of what Gawn is doing for ruck work, It is like what Warne did for leg spin. So I am very happy with this recruit.

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