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DEE fence

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Posts posted by DEE fence

  1. Sadly I hardly ever get to a game and the last three have been losses when we were very much a developing team.

    I have kids and I swear, even before I know what I'm saying I generally feel my mum recoiling at my use of 'effinn bull$hite' at an atrocious Scott McLaren decision.

    So when I get to the footy, I look out for small children and don't sit next to them because I agree they need a friendly space (if I think about it I can remember being a little tacker in 1976 and being scared stiff by the grown men yelling at a Richmond game). I also think there is a substantial difference between an expletive based emotional response to an on field incident that is as painful to watch as hitting your thumb with a hammer is, to the 'stream of consciousness' invective of uncouth rabble (filth supporters) who are just territorial pissing and taking up far too much public space.

    So common sense and let the crowd self police.

  2. LOL indeed reading this, -the media motivated them- , the football media is as a group, daft with very few exceptions i.e. Flanagan but more generally characterized by twits such as Sheahan and Mark Robinson, even Tim Lane who I've met and consider a reasonable bloke, still drives me nuts with his perceptions about footy.

    Our young players are by any standard elite athletes who got where they are by hard work, not gifts from a Kellogs box and the promptings from wannabe muses. West Coast was a shocker without a doubt, and any athlete great or small can lose heart and get distracted and 'bin' a game but the good ones regroup and rework which they have obviously done under the coach's guidance. At any stage have you seen the coach having tickets on himself or acting smug in any way, (I can't recall but feel free to prove me wrong).

    I for have no doubt he is looking constantly and without hesitation for how to get this group of awesome young men firing on all cylinders all the time, and when they do I know it will not be because the 'media' did anything at all.

    Now a few more home fans turning up might help though, less than 20k at the 'G' the media should be roasting us.

  3. I voted even though I thought the options should have included suspending pea brain supporters who jump on and off the bandwagon like a teabag in a cuppa.. My only other thought is that it the filth trolling to be so negative about a development coach, reminds me of all the crap thompson had before the cats came good

  4. I stand corrected, of course it was Guerra, as for everything else am quite happy to say thanks for playing for the club, wasn't passing comment on whether he was or wasn't flag core! I think the club was right to stick to it's guns BTW.

    America de cali...your a goose or 12y.o. posts about whether you barrack for the club or whatever, are a Pi$$ing contest thats not required here!

    Overall I'd have to say many player departures seem to end up as divorces, with most people here taking a very partisan position, and like most divorces we don't really know what was going on inside the relationship. That said I like the coach, I think he acquitted himself well.

  5. Bruce has nothing to apologize for, I'd like to say thankyou for your service, on your game you were a Rolls Royce (damn that bump by Pickett). Further to that, sorry about some of the short memories around here, (allthough if I was a player I'd never read a club forum) I'm glad you got yourself a two year deal you deserve it.

  6. hmmm, lot of people here seem to think that a club's players are like a monopoly board and they play it with their eyes only on the blue and green properties (never enough of those I seem to remember). Not a formula for winning though. No where do i see in the initial thread an argument against building the list, just someone backing a player who has worked hard. And enough with the thought police, 1984 comments, running along the lines of ~back the footy department it's their choice~, talk about stating the bleeding obvious, of course we support the club and where its going et. al. and of course they have the say over who and how, dropping it into the thread as if its Force majeure adds nothing.

  7. A BIG assumption to say we're all over woey's departure :rolleyes: but really at his peak he was a great inside player at the clearences, same as Viney, I'd love him on the coaching team, he has been around some great coaches and maybe he can bring what some of those coaches missed in terms of player relations???

  8. Players make a name for themselves around the club as to who is a 'clubman' and who is earning a cheque. Miller has earned 'clubman' status and thus a farewell game. This is something the club works out and does not need to be spelled out in terms of games. Farewell seasons are a thing of the past but seriously you’re kidding yourself if you think we're denying ourselves something if one young bloke doesn't bust in for a match. We earn more from having a better culture and showing respect to a player on the way out demonstrates this in an age when the club has fewer levers (i.e. dollars and free agency around the corner) to use. I’d reckon all the other players take notice of how the club treats people who are leaving.

  9. I'm with the keep a few old hands. Tagger? So what, thats a key responsible role, he was never soft and never reported and he was the captain first and foremost, not much thought in these posts about what leadership is and how good leadership is rare. Also I thought the announcement was poorly managed to say he's retiring, when he was told to go, if i read the media report correctly. I also think as much as we are pleased with ourselves with debt reduction and some new found heart in the team and a better club culture, that has only been around for about five minutes. With respect that was reintroduced by a few key individuals, including jnr. and I'd prefer they were around to reinforce and ingrain this better culture. Jnr was quiet, but his leadership was real and impressive.

    That said, I am going to let the coach have this one he has earned the right to make that call but this decision will count against him should things go wrong.

  10. True. It was the only time this year when Frawley has genuinely lowered his colours.

    Interesting to know who would take Riewoldt at pick 12 given what we know now ? The fact that we've got Watts developing means that the key back position is more important. And the fact that Frawley is already not far off the best defender I've seen at Melb is significant. That said, a Watts/Riewoldt forward line would have been something.

    Good topic, I am sure they both remember where they were drafted, for my two bob I'd rather Frawley over Riewoldt flags have been won with all sorts of attacks but never without a key defender and I like Frawley as much as I did Sean Wight and I think its been that long since we have developed our own (soon to be a champion) defender

  11. Mr. Martin Flanagan is the best scribe of Australian Rules I've ever read. While George on the Outer gives me great pleasure to read because it's from a fellow supporter, the way Flangan is not afraid to put his heart on sleeve, and gently place himself into his commentary of how he saw the game and how watching it made him feel rather than offer some verbose 20/20 hindsight like so many others, makes his stories bring the game alive for me when I'm not there to see them.

  12. Feel my pain, have been living overseas for four years, working in Syria, Lebanon, East Timor, Kenya and about once a year I make it back to watch a game, so far vs North Melbourne last year (took my sports mad Finnish wife for her first game and she was rightly bored) and then to the West Coast match this year, not much joy there either.

    The small mercy is I'm in Finland at the moment and they have almost the best everything which includes internet and I was able to watch my first live win in I don't know how long.

    We are all paid up members and I've handed out a few sherrins over the years to some strange people in strange places courtesy of a good hearted soul at the club.

    But at the moment struggling to convice the wife that we are better than the Wallabies.

    Will continue to devour every story about the club and preach the faith where ever I go, and if ever there was a place to recruit another Kouta, the Kenyan highlands is it...

  13. Is it Drew?

    Former Pirate / Old Scotch

    No I can say for a fact he is fully paid up already, since that post a excellent member of staff sorted the snafu for me and we are now renewed plus two extras. PM me if your looking to get in touch with Drew.



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