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DEE fence

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Posts posted by DEE fence

  1. 1 hour ago, willmoy said:

    Don't get me wrong, i agree with all you said.

    There is a conversation to be discussed with regard to Spargo. Don't think that this young ball player will not be extremely and physically targeted by Geelong.

    They will because, (and there is a lot of young ball players in our Team) they will want to break down the links.

    Will Garlett make a difference, and is there time for Spargo to get another turn later? Perhaps...

    Wouldn't want to have to make the decision.....

    This kid is a firecracker, target him? 1st I reckon he'd give it right back (probably a bit too obviously as well) 2nd we don't play bruise free, we'll be hunting Geelong with our tackles and I reckon we'll more than hold our own, Also Viney won't stand for it.

    • Like 3
  2. 2 hours ago, beelzebub said:

    Please...such righteous indignation !! Actually players in the sense of being part of a list are exactly commodities. They are 'bought' "traded' " written down" . You don't like it...fair enough. Don't come the raw prawn though and have it only your way. If you take offence to the way some view the whole shebang you're likely to be offended again. Maybe find a 'nice' thread.

    I have no disrespect for any player as a person. Nor have I any real interest in them other than as a player. As a player they have their bit to do. They either do it or they don't. That's absolutely fair game for review as in my opinion their place on the list . 

    You probably best steer well away from any List manager's office.

    We've done this dance before BB, you are the merchant banker of supporters and I'm more into the pathos of the club. In the movie the Castle I'd be speaking about vibe, and perhaps I'm simple (I feel simple, arguing for respect on an internet forum). 

  3. 2 minutes ago, DV8 said:

    No, I said how do you feel, about jack watts being let go from the club.  It wasn't a question about the club. It was directed at you.

    I was sad he left, I really wanted to see him succeed at the club, but I felt like Goody gave him a chance, after 12 months away I can see that Goody knew what he was doing. I think Jack is a normal human, with some awesome skills but not much of a contested ball player which puzzles me to this day because he seems quite good at winning the 1v1s.

  4. 9 minutes ago, DV8 said:

    And you did not answer the question of how do you feel about jack watts, now not in our club?   FMD, simple question.

    I did, you were just too busy hyperventilating to read it, re Jack Watts I said, "I think the FD (that was an abbreviation for the Football Department of the Melbourne Football Club) knew what it was doing (moving on Jack Watts, i.e. Jack Watts was not a good fit for our football team), do you need more than that? I can get some crayon. I'll use my name when I am slagging someone off, I didn't name you personally but obviously you want to make things about you.    

    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, Moonshadow said:

    Nah mate, using your position of influence to change due process knowing your family is a large political donor is simply wrong. Even I can see that and I'm not a rabid lefty.

    To be clear, I don't disagree with this, I just don't think that case has quite been made as fact (a real fact, not a trump fact). Lets see what the senate inquiry comes up with.

  6. 5 minutes ago, DV8 said:

    Your right.   How do you feel about Jack Watts, now being gone ?

    We need more about Jack W? FMD, there is enough. 

    But to play along, I think the FD knew what it was doing. My point is similar to what Paul Roos / Simon Goodwin have said OTC and other venues, words to the effect 'don't underestimate how invested the players are in the club' and also what Nathan Jones said in players week OTC about internet trolls, there is a decent way to express your opinion_thus some of the commentary about our players has been downright rude, and some of what was said about Jack doesn't pass muster for a supporter.

    Now before someone tells me to toughen up - Let me flip it back, if someone is going to go hard with their comments, slagging a player from a team you reckon you support, be bold and type your full name against your POS opinion. 

  7. 12 minutes ago, Moonshadow said:

    Nah mate, using your position of influence to change due process knowing your family is a large political donor is simply wrong. Even I can see that and I'm not a rabid lefty.

    What I would be keen to see is how many exceptions are made across the board by the Minister, if this was a one off (or only happened where there was a mate or a donor involved - then I'd say gut him like a fish, I just have a feeling that there are probably dozens and dozens of these cases where some grace is shown. I personally know of cases where the local MP was approached by a family to make representations to the Minister of Immigration because there has been some sort of error and eventually something good has happened. 

  8. BUMP - Was hoping they would ask Goody some more questions about this OTC. Do we start with Frost on Hawkins or does he give OMAC a chance on Hawkins again, to get his mojo back. Part of me wants to back a player a chance to redeem himself. The practical part of me says Frosty will run off Hawkins and be a weapon all day, thoughts? I lean towards 1st quarter OMac then swap.

  9. OTC Goodwin said Frost had acknowledged what he had needed to do to get back in the game. Must have been something, Goodwin doesn't seem to play favourites, I think he's actually quite honest with the players about what they need to do, and I don't think he'd fib about something like that, as it could bite him in the derriere in terms of trust with his players.

    @CBDees I thought the same thing, we seem to do much better than Carlton with Giants rejects, the John West of player recycling, thank you Mr Taylor.

  10. As a rabid lefty two comments, 1) an au pair got her Visa wrong, happens all the time, she was straight up with the immigration officers who interviewed her, just because Border Control are a complete pack of pajero's most of the time doesn't mean she deserved to have merde dumped on her.  That many deserving people get unfair, unjust, and cruel treatment is not up for debate/dispute and is the reason to think about how you vote, and what you want from society, but I'd leave this individual out of it. If we hadn't rooted our immigration system there could be alot more discretion and less hysterics about people just getting on with life.

    2) As much as we might dislike Gill for various reasons, there is nothing more to see here than someone vouching for a mate, which is not illegal, he didn't twist Duttons arm, and to suggest this was over a political donation is a stretch. I'm all for critiquing Gill for some goose stuff like with rule changes and the doping saga, but this, nah, move along. I loathe Dutton, think he's a racist pr1ck, but evidence for this actually being wrong is not there.


    BTW: This belongs on the other board.

  11. 7 minutes ago, layzie said:

    I’m glad the people who have their emotions running wild at the very sight of this thread aren’t running the FD.

    I fully agree. Running wild is a bit strong though, irritated would be closer to the mark.

  12. 4 minutes ago, beelzebub said:

    Please provide a pro forma

    Love to see it. It's called discussion. 

    Yep we're having a discussion, I am also allowed to take offense at some discussions, and I just find 'Trade Hogan' disloyal, he's not BHP shares, I am not silly enough to think everyone will agree with me, I am allowed to post my 2 cents though, as yiou say, it's a discussion .

  13. I get angry just seeing this thread title on this forum, should be on big footy. I'd rather trade some of the posters. Speculation could be postulated in a much more respectful fashion-some of it reads like the criticism of Richo back in the day at Richmond.

  14. 14 hours ago, DeeSpencer said:

    Spot on!

    Players now routinely use most of the shot clock. An obvious reaction to its introduction. Given the umpires go and mark the spot, often with their boots, spraying a line of shaving cream would either be quicker or take no longer. No idea why it hasn't come in yet.

    I wondered why there was a player that made such a big point of marking the turf, makes sense now, can't remember who just at the moment but was on the telecast.

  15. Huge love for Frost, and works well in combination with Hibberd, he also has some go in him, puts a hurt on the opposition with his body contact. His speed totally destroys the forward 50 pressure of the opposition, we don't leak runs of goals with him in the team. With Lever back next year (who can rotate with Lewis off the bench we will be Lions '01-'03 like with our rebound.

    • Like 2
  16. Hardest game ever to distribute votes, almost created a fake profile just to share the love, was so happy with the even team performance.

    ANB, in everything early and ripper goals, Jones a great game, Lewis many good touches, Spargo all heart, Vanders made me believe, Salem a silk touch, Hibberd a rebounding threat.

    6. Harmes - I counted four Dustin Martin moments where he shook a tag, hope he adjusts his game for when we play teams that like tackling as the Giants were a bit soft today. His ability to take a look and take the most damaging option rather than blaze away has shown enormous development.

    5. Gawn - - is only a clown off the field, a real leader on it - did you see his chase?, no tickets on himself, it was his turn to go so he did, must have killed him

    4. Oliver - his touch is becoming more damaging.

    3, Frost - His best game by far, Hunt who? I swear he's breathing nitrous, the way he turns it on, I just start cackling with laughter, how can a big bloke be so fast. I hope McCartney can do the same magic with his disposal that he has done with Harmes 

    2, Jetta - (Should be called Jack, because he was a giant killer, laid brutal tackles today on all of the giants biggest players) people are taking defence for granted, we won this game behind the ball, stopping the Giants run cold at the half back line. 2nd Quater was where we smashed the Giants (at about 10.30m in the qtr, was when the giants realized they weren't interested in the contact  

    1, Brayshaw - an excellent game finding the footy, in any other week he would have had 4 votes (look at who has been left out) but he gets the last of the 6 spots because his disposal was iffy, but then I think about his goal....Is the only reason he gets in over ANB, had a cracking game as well.

  17. 10 hours ago, dieter said:

    Australia is trying hard to emulate Italy this way. The trouble is Australian can't really emulate the Italians: Italian food, wine and culture is way way superior and Australia still hasn't produced a Sophia Loren .Still, those Italians, Lou Reed said, need a lesson to be taught..

    love the Lou Reed quote. Italy is awesome and effed at the same time, what I love about the place, although I am riding over the bridges with some trepidation. 

    Anyway-I'm hoping Penny Wong gets the gig before they call an election, give the mouth breathers something to really hyperventilate about. Go the Bernie Saunders option and give the people some proper choice. 

    • Like 1
  18. 8 minutes ago, Dante said:

    That’s interesting, I’ve just left Rome and no one I spoke to there even knew we had changed. 

    The Italians have had more changes of Government since the end of World War 11 than the English have had in 200 years so they’d hardly be the ones to take notice of. 

    I was making a joke comparing us to the Italians... they are way too busy with the mirrors to care about our politics

    • Like 1
  19. 2 hours ago, dieter said:


    I guess I have just understood where you come from if you regard Turnbull as left wing. Wow!!! That's about all I can say within the realms of decency and respect.

    Funny, just an aside but I took that to mean that Turnbull didn't like the left (which I would agree with), not that he was a smelly lefty.

    Personally as a dirty, tree hugging, rabbit patting, rice guarding, refugee helping, amarone sipping, but not a bloody vegetarian, humanitarian, Turnbull was the first right wing PM that could at least be unifying for the country since I don't know when. Even if I couldn't vote for him, I could respect him as someone that had made his own way in the world and was not just an entitled b@stard. I also respected his family life, as silly and as old fashioned as that is, was more important than him having an ego the size of a pyramid. 

    But what the recent days bring home, and really frustrates me, were the reminders of the massive own goals by the labour party, Rudd not working and delegating to his team throwing away a brilliant mandate to continue with some progressive policies and then white anting Julia out of bitterness when she was getting on with business (passing more legislation in a minority government than any bloke since WW2). This has led labour into having a total windsock in Bill Shorten, who I cannot respect, and I can't vote green because besides some environmental and progressive policies, they have a flat earth approach to the economy, and I can't support policies that don't make employment the primary consideration, otherwise things get violent, regardless of how much welfare you deliver.     

    @Earl Hood you are not in the cafe business are you (recent 30 year work anniversary)? 

    • Like 1
  20. Hey mods, (@grapeviney) just a query, is there some sort of grace period that we can chat politics? this is a good moment to have a chat? Don't want to be banned leading into Finals but wish to join @Dieter and @Jara in some jolly lefty gloating at the lunar right sinking one of the few reasonable liberal politicians. Here in Rome, the Italians and Belgians are laughing at us.

    also this gem from titus if you haven't seen it/subscribed...

    We live in a rare world where Richmond are more stable than our democracy.

    I remember when being Prime Minister was a stable job and being Richmond coach was a short-term position.


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  21. Salem then Fritsch are the best kicks, Hogan and Hibberd = 3rd for field kicks

    That said Petracca is the most likely to improve his technique, reminds me of Happy Gilmore either nails it or murders it, super frustrating.

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