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DEE fence

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Posts posted by DEE fence

  1. Was stunned on AFL 360, Robbo slammed Dutton saying he'd be a disaster and then got Gerard to agree!!! On a Fox show... Never seen such a bold call on a non sporting issue. Had a good laugh at how uncomfortable Gerard was, I think he knew they were well off the reservation.

  2. 3 hours ago, Wells 11 said:

    Really sad. Was such an inspirational player. A living testimony to the culture of the eagles at the time. Yes Ben is responsible for his own life but so many people in power over there also have a hand in his current state. He was Captain of an AFL premiership side FFS. So sad. 

    In a related topic..Caro ( dont we love her) in the age podcast yesterday said that what Melb did re tanking was " as bad as what EFC did"  and it bothered her to see Jimmys statue outside the G. I  wanted to explode. When I heard the cousins story today and thought about drugs in sport in general I couldnt help but reflect on the stupidty of her comments,. Why am I even surprised though?! 

    I just wish the idiots like Eddie, etc., hadn't commented/used her gender when attacking her, as gender has nothing to do with her being a nasty spiteful person, and she really deserved to be taken down a peg or two. Now any criticism of her is seen through a gender lens (and to be fair the need to fix gender issues/inequality in society is far far more important than football) but I really wish she could be called out for peddling so much unkind merde.  

  3. 1 hour ago, Dappa Dan said:

     I don't wanna be glass half empty, but I think it's pretty much what we see now. He's taken the criticism and I think doubled his metres gained this year.

    So I think it is the metres gained that will go up further over two years (so yes improvement still to be had IMHO), I also think his team mates will learn to play better to him, so to speak, (and I already think that is an improvement this year), so the question/observation will be, is he better, his team mates better, or has he made his team mates better (my pick) 


    BTW did anyone notice that Brayshaw is doing the over the head handpass now (did it in the 4th Qtr I think) , straight out of Olivers playbook.

  4. Serious Question:


    Oliver had less possessions, but I thought was super damaging (starting more effective chains of possession) on the weekend so he got 4 votes for me and I was debating 5., in many ways I thought the game marked a new level for him actually. Donc.

    What do you think - Is Clarry as good as he gets?, or is he just a new player who still has another two years of progression before he really hits (his personal) straps?

    I realized I had thought he had reached his potential sooner than most, I now think he in two years will be even better.


  5. 5 hours ago, Deespicable said:


    Vanders is the most dangerous player at the club - with Viney out, he's the one player you don't want to draw in team tackling drills. He a different personality to others on our team, but he's got some amazing abilities and he's been a part of all our big wins in the past four years (except last year when he was out). That includes BOG v Richmond in our first ever Anzac Eve night game and on Hodgey v Hawthorn in 2016. And people don't realise this but with Jayden injured, he's the fastest straight-line sprinter in the team over distance from 40m to 75m - Frosty can get to him by 80m.

    This shocked me, he must have been injured when I last saw him play as I remember thinking he was too slow and it was a perception I still carried so thanks for the correction. He certainly kept his strength, I thought he was a little lucky not to get some more HTB against him but I really love the way he stands up in a tackle, has some strength that is for sure.

  6. 2 hours ago, ding said:

    Not only did we book a finals berth, but i reckon it will also have a couple of blokes who are looking to change clubs reconsidering the payday they have been offered by other teams, V's the now obvious prospect of genuine, continued success if they sign with us for less coin.

    Agree, was a bit worried about the flip side as well if we had faltered at the line, perception is a big thing. It may be fugazi but it has a documented effect.

    • Like 2
  7. 7 minutes ago, Deemented Are Go! said:

    I smiled , shook my head and said maybe we should save it for the next win. I’d gotten 2 new flags for the girls but left them bitterly in the boot of the car. Their smiling faces beneath their Dees beanies just ripped my bloody heart out; as much as the club had an hour earlier. It took every ounce of mindfulness to enjoy the moment for what it was, albeit gut wrenching.

    I had a tear(s) in my eye reading this (well written), am with my two babies in Geneva for the weekend, so couldn't watch game,yet. Followed the score and the MFCSS (Gameday) thread, was only kept sane by how much I love being with my kids) caved in the last 4 min to watch the finish on my app (on skype with the older kid who was running around the room with hysterical happiness). Now in the very serious position of playing finals and my partner about to give birth in 5 weeks, I think the compromise will be a new and very large TV.

    • Like 6
  8. 1 hour ago, DubDee said:

    If WC somehow win, port are in serious doubt of missing finals. They are away to Pies next week. Plus WC will be pretty much locked in the top 4 and won’t need a win next week. 

    I know who I want to win

    Nah I want them to lose twice in a row, no way I want to play a final in Perth.

    • Like 1
  9. 12 hours ago, La Dee-vina Comedia said:

    The Herald Sun today (9/8) has a table showing accuracy for all teams over the period 2017-18. (I'm not sure if finals are included in the data). It is simply ranking teams based on how many times they scored more behinds than goals. St Kilda is worst with it occurring 28 times. We're the best with it only having happened 8 times out of 41 games. 

    The story is about St Kilda, so I didn't read it all, but I wonder why we are the best? Is it that we have more set shots given we have two power forwards? Is it that we have fewer shots from tight angles? Do we have more players with better foot skills? I guess it's probably a mix of all of these things. 



    I think I have the answer - there is a high correlation to our score assists and lack of selfishness. This team first attitude is the reason, players check for who is in the very best position and pass it, even if they are a reasonable chance of dobbing the goal themselves.

  10. 1 hour ago, Earl Hood said:

    I have had a couple of implants over the years at about 3 to 5k each. Not cheap but not $100K I think. Just for the record. 

    If (and it is a huge 'if') WCE had some class they would foot the entire medical bill. I reckon they should raise the issue on AFL360, WCE has stunk with how they have handled it so far.

    • Love 1
  11. 49 minutes ago, drysdale demon said:

    I am one of those paid killers, so don't upset me or I will blow your computer up.

    Could you nuke his computer anyway, obviously been watching Punisher on Netflix.

    • Haha 1
  12. 3 hours ago, DV8 said:

    How can people want to be the hanging judge on hits in an aggressive physical contact game and at the same time as a nation we condone mentally training our young men to be paid Killers for the armed forces or lately our police forces.?


    And then these armed forces folk when they get home are de-arranged ticking time-bombs, in the right circumstances.

    We talk about terrorists coming back here as dangerous, yet we train our own of a similar ability.


    ....  having our cake, and eating it as well.

    some people will always find ways to barrack for their own views... no matter what.  without need of question, or a mirror.

    paid killers, you have no clue, everyone is a deranged ticking time bomb in the right circumstances, yourself included after reading this post.

  13. Just now, willmoy said:

    What ruined a great game today, apart from Smith's bad luck again?

    "Jones, don't kick the ball into the fence, free kick"

    "stop play, we'll throw that in again". Melbourne you got that ball too easily bring it back.

    I felt strongly reminded of the schoolyard and felt the love........

    The GCFC 'non holding the balls' were a joke as well.

    • Like 9
  14. 19 minutes ago, Rod Grinter Riot Squad said:

    All this talk about top 8, with a bit of help from Port, I have my eyes set firmly on 2nd

    Me too, endless hours playing with the ladder predictor, manipulating 4 Vic teams in the top 4, playing Collingwood in the Prelim and Richmond in the Granny.

    • Like 2
  15. 6 minutes ago, Nasher said:


    I love my brothers dearly but I don’t think someone punching them is any worse a crime than if that same person had punched someone unknown to me. If I could move on from a mate punching a random, I could also move on from a random punching a mate.

    I also reckon I’d be able to pretty easily push it aside enough to be professionally civil with the player. There’s no requirement for Gaff and Brayshaw to be best mates if they become teammates. 

    I accept my perspective isn’t universal though and that most people are a lot better at hanging on to grudges than me.

    Anyway I hope I’m not seen as endorsing the punch. I’m definitely not. It was a reprehensible act.

    You are right and are more evolved than me I think, (it's not a matter of love, it is silly to chest beat about who loves their brothers more), I watch a bloke, out of play, spear tackle my brother over the boundary line onto his head (may have mentioned it before) knocking him cold - I still wouldn't shake his hand 8 years later, and I'm not normally a grudge holder.

    • Like 1
  16. Frost is doing a great job, I think he has been watching vision of Lever. I would give him the job on Buddy and as a smokey move Tmac if Buddy finds some sort of form against us, We actually have the tools to keep buddy quiet.

    I like the comment about the bar being set high in the 1st QTR, when you see that you just want to watch more and more of it.

    Garlett doing defensive efforts in the back line was a pleasure to see, he's looking interested, this is huge news for us, I always say a little prayer that mentally he is 'on' before a game.

    Oliver - woo hoo, this resting forward thing works well.

    Harmes - cut from the same cloth as ANB, just keeps working to make himself better, has found some good endurance.

    Hogan is still looking proppy, I am concerned, his heart and head are ok but I wasn't sure this was a game he needed to play. I gave him votes, I did love that even with an injury he still puts his arms out for marks, he's putting his body on the line.

    ANB I know I'm a booster, but this bloke never stops trying to get better.

    Tyson played a little more outside and was cleaner with his disposal, he is best 22 for mine.

    Can anyone tell me how far the Gawn barrel went? From the broadcast it looked like Gawn kicked it 75 m to Tmac chest (would have been 3 brownlow points to Gawn if Tmac had kicked the goal) Tmac, seemed to not have any luck today.

    Could prattle on about all the other players, everyone showed what they can do at their best, keen to see the next three weeks and who does the same stuff under adversity.

    I thought Dew played the Suns to learn rather than to stem the scoring. I thought they were positive, they still have some good players, rumours of their demise are exaggerated - yes the experiment is in trouble, but a few things change and I could see them improving, I thought Dew being bold enough to do press shows he is not a nervous sort and just the guy for the job. Witts played his heart out, good on him.  

    I still think with our new whole of team defensive mindset we are a huge threat for the finals, our scoring will continue to mean we start games with the initiative, we are just devastating offensively. Personally I feel we are a even money chance to win the next 3 games, with the Giants run of injuries today and West Coast in trouble as well, I would say we are favourites for Syd/GWS and even money for Perth (barring anymore injuries of our own. Against Syd I think we will win by at least 6 goals.  

    JKH Vince and vdB not currently in my best 22, seriously want to know which Hunt will come back, he plays his best footy it is Houli like and would really complement - Viney and Hibberd the obvious two to come back for finals.

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