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DEE fence

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Posts posted by DEE fence

  1. 2 minutes ago, DV8 said:

    I understand all that, but he has a max of 2 years with us, before he's gets overtaken from within.  

    There is every chance that Jones'y will lose the captaincy at the Demons within the next 12 months.


    That won't be the case at the Suns.  As his leadership alone will dictate he plays on there to aid in their recovery.

    They and the AFL would pay him overs  to have a player of his skill-sets and experience,  to help lead the Sun's out of the shadows.


    I cannot think of any other leader within the AFL that has his bulk of experiences,,, that makes them a better choice to do that job.   He is far and away the most suited for the role.

    Loyalty of course... but how will it be when we have to drop him from our finals bound sides next year, or the season after.  How will that be for loyalty ?  And after that,  retirement beckons.    A sudden fall from grace.

    I get your point, yes he would offer something to the Suns, but after dealing with 2007-2015 why on earth would you put yourself through that again? for sure he will go out on a high with us.

  2. 10 minutes ago, jnrmac said:

    And not only that Bugg was pilloried widely including by his own teammates and club, who I think were very poor and unsupportive of Bugg who was repentent and contrite over his actions .

    Yeah while Bugg needed the stint, I didn't love some of the commentary he got from the club.

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  3. 1 minute ago, Sir Why You Little said:

    I don’t think Gaff missed at all

    he sized him up first

    agree to disagree, but be clear on this point, I think Gaff should go for as long as he would get as if he had 100% meant it.

  4. 1 minute ago, Nasher said:

    Angus seems to manage just fine with Bugg as a teammate.

    Did Bugg snot one of the Brayshaws? I don't recall that. I was fine with Pickett, Vince and Lewis joining the Demons, more than happy to see Gaff join the side (if it happens) was just speaking as a brother, to use the cliche 'blood is thicker' and all of that.

  5. Will scream blue murder if he doesn't get 6, the fact that he was facing Brayshaw really sinks him (Bugg lashed out blind), is enormous in the context of their season (and I certainly think the odds on us winning over there just shortened). All that said and done, I do think Gaff was going for the chest and effd it up, not the same sort of dog as Matthews). 

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, SaberFang said:

    Gaff obviously thinking of us there. Just trying to make our match against West Coast a little easier, and giving himself a longer off-season to get himself cherry ripe for us Round 1 2019. ;)

    it's dirty but i thought the same thing,.. But for real, very sorry for Brayshaw with the broken jaw, how do we think Gaff will go as a team mate of Angus? I'd be a little dark to say the least.

  7. 10 hours ago, The Chazz said:

    I think you would need to look at a break down of all quarters results to see if there's coincidence or not.  If we find we are winning a majority of first quarters, then what does that tell us?

    Perhaps if @DaisyDeeciple feels like slacking off again today, they might be able to do a break down of quarter by quarter results.

    I think whether we win other quarters is not as important as that we can leak a few goals quickly - my focus on the 3rd quarter is because it has been traditionally regarded as an indicator of a good team and also that we used to be crap at them. All in support of my theory that i can throw my personal case of MFCSS in the bin. 

    Also work is busy today...


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  8. The so called 'premiership quarter' has been a strength of ours this year. One of the things I am enjoying about this season, is the 3rd quarters, I slacked off at work and checked and we have won 14 (and lost round 5 Tiges and round 15 Saints by 1 pt each). My memory is fuzzy but even in our salad days between 2000 to 2006 (relatively speaking) we never had such a good run with 3rd quarters. Following conclusions:

    1, When Goodwin says the playing group is not caught up/in history(Pre Roos/Goodwin), I believe him. Our percentage this year shows the team took round 23, 2017 to heart.

    2, Everyone bar Richmond has been cruelled by injuries (GWS might just get all its players back, which sucks). The dance card for the grand ball is open.


    We get to the finals, lack of experience will mean nothing for us. Our 'on' switch is terrifying and I expect cricket scores. If HUNT shows form at Casey swap him for Vince, but might want Vince for hardness if we get there.

    My favourite finals team:

    B: Michael Hibberd, Sam Frost, Neville Jetta

    HB: Christian Salem, Oscar McDonald, Jordan Lewis

    C:  Jack Viney, Clayton Oliver, Angus Brayshaw

    HF: Jake Melksham, Jesse Hogan, Bayley Fritsch

    F: Christian Petracca, Tom McDonald, Charlie Spargo

    Foll: Max Gawn, Nathan Jones, Dom Tyson 

    I/C: Jeff Garlett, James Harmes, Alex Neal-Bullen, Bernie Vince

    Emg: Cam Pedersen, Aaron vandenBerg, Jayden Hunt, Sam Weideman, Jay Kennedy Harris,


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  9. Late post, too busy having victory nookie on a lilo in Lago di Nemi, the sweetest of days. But what a grinding win over serious opposition at a cauldron of a ground. BTW has anyone else noticed how many 3rd quarters we have won this year (am going to have to look it up, but I have a feeling we have been owning the premiership quarter this season.

    I would also like to take a moment to call out the ANB haters (who have called him weak etc), I have seen a few critics owning up and recanting which is nice, but some of the more vitriolic are yet to atone, grow a set 

    Frost, yes some clangers but also his best game for the demons, nearly put him in votes, his run is a weapon and he bullied poor tex, diddums needs a cuddle I think) a huge step forward and boy are we crying out for hard running heavy weight defenders ... actually the more I write the more I think I have to go back to votes, I was scared of tex having a day out today, Frost was the reason he didn't get going properly.

    Brayshaw plays a great brand of contested footylove to see a lad sign a contract and then play his heart out, his run is Bruce like, his hardness is much much better.

    Lewis, loved those goals, that kicking from 50 is a weapon I wish more players had.

    Salem, I though he would be out with broken ribs after that hit by the knee, huge huge cahonnas to get up and keep going, I hope he still has a kidney, mark my words, unrealistic marking attempt knees into backs is the next thing the AFL is going to police (was very sam mitchell like).

    Jetta did some sweet things today, some big tackles and you can see he is under eddies' skin, Betts was a shadow of himself, like he kept hearing footsteps. Oscar, still not listening to social media and just gets on with it, really loving his effort, gives everything.

    Our forwards generally looked dangerous but didnt fire properly, the thing that I like for finals though, is our scoring strength means teams have to play against us, our method cannot be ignored. As long as Goodwin can react in game in case something changes I still think we start most matches with the initiative, Goodwin has showed this season he has no sacred cows and has always been prepared to modify and adapt, not always as quick as we like but he does do it. 

    Rest Hogan for next week, we don't need him for GWS, he is too sore, it is affecting the timing of his hands but also he is getting angry at himself, a rest would be good.  Jones was off with his radar today, but was where the ball is, radar will work again soon I'm sure, was happy with his run.

    Harmes has really shifted my perception of him, I thought he was a front runner only but this season has demonstrated he is serious about doing all the work required of him, moving further away from fringe player all the time.

    I also think today was TRHE BEST EVER VERSION OF THE CLUB SONG I HAVE SEEN SUNG, the love and the whole group being in the circle really thrilled me, it wasn't 'a made for tv' moment, it was a genuine club moment and i think I will watch it as much as I watch Viney tackle highlights. We are making finals, and I'm not scared of anyone anymore, (I am however traumatised by last quarters)


    • Like 10
  10. So I think a PM to Alexander Downer will go down nicely (of my son in his his football scarf). I also have a Adelaide colleague in the office in Rome, who is going to find her computer wallpapered with the membership stickers (and has to have the scarf on her desk for a week, (and buy a coffee and a muffin), we were winding each other up all week and the bets kept getting larger. I'm not doing this gracious in victory thing very well at all.

    • Haha 2
  11. On 7/23/2018 at 3:26 PM, DV8 said:


    I've also been wondering about Hannan,,, as a swingman... learning to play as a defender.  mobile, agile, speed, and great tackler. OK kick.

    it's a thought, not the worst one either. i'd give it a go.

    • Like 1
  12. Just now, The Chazz said:

    Can you post the out on the full you speak of? Until then, I will seriously question your eyesight and your understanding of the game in its entirety. Will be happy to apologize if you can prove me wrong, but I don't think I will need to.

    How you can get this so wrong questions why I bother reading what you write. 

    take a look at the AFL highlights package, they put the Razor Ray low five on it. http://www.afl.com.au/video/2018-07-14/gus-and-razor-share-a-low-five 

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  13. 18 minutes ago, monoccular said:

    get a chance to renew hostilities with Duckwood. 

    Sadly I believe the entire Geelong midfield will have taken off the adult nappies, something about them really turns Viney into a hunter, was looking forward to him smashing them. ?

    • Like 1
  14. Glad we broke the 'when will we win at the 'G' stat.

    I will admit I was nervous at half time, listening to Dwayne Russel doesn't help, but then seeing our run, I will attempt to explain the stats this way, what I saw today was a team more concerned about helping each other than trying to do it for them selves. Watching the style of play each effort really seemed to focus on helping the person receiving the ball to put them in a better position to do something. In the past we have played 'hot potato' and none of our players want to be the one that has the turnover. I thought this 'helping your mate' style of play made the most of our touches and why we scorched them in the 3rd. (That and Max in every bullies face plugging holes, laying bumps etc, the dogs must have felt like they were running up hill against Max.)

    I now think with our mindset we can beat Geelong, more confidant of the next game than I was about this one. Fritsch is an amazing player, looks like he is in his 5th year not 1st. @beelzebub is right about the coach, he has definetly fixed some things about the way we play, big kudos to Goodwin for evolving. I also thought Lewis was the general QB tonight that he is meant to be, yes he had an interception, but the body of work tonight led the defense very well, and I am sure OMAC never reads social media, just keeps trying,


    Very happy Roman dee tonight.



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  15. 6. Gawn - If I could bet on Max getting 3 BV for this game I would, he was really up today.

    5. Oliver - hyped in the press then delivers, his goal while lucky off the back of a pack where he smartly stayed down, was a thing of beauty and will send fear through opposition, those low flat passes are so hard to kick and he pulls the trigger on them like they are bullets ready to go.

    4. Brayshaw - ball on a string, reminded me of Bruce on a good day with his galloping. (mostly better kicks too).

    3. Hogan - beautiful goals, who cares how he kicks them, and many many team things, for a big FF he is the best team player I have seen, almost a problem how unselfish he is.

    2. Fritsch - does it quietly, but such quality touches 

    1. ANB - Ran like a demon and kicked straight, had a big 3rd qtr when we won the game.

    stiff OMAC, Hibberd, Lewis, Salem

    note: Garlett didn't impact with goals, but I saw alot of running to the right place today, seemed invested. 

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  16. 2 hours ago, Skuit said:

    And there's reasonable wisdom in the contention that a gazillion points doesn't necessarily translate to a gazillion goals if a team had kicked straight, in that the ball is returned to the middle and there's less forward repeat points. But on this occasion I was so confident in our clearance ability against Freo and forward movement that I think if we'd kicked straight we could have put on 30.

    Looking at the replay - I would say that at least 12 of the points were high-percentage shots or very easily missed open opportunities (not counting the high number of dropped marks in the fifty where he had clear hands to the ball in front position), whereas we didn't really score any low percentage goals. Got over the line after nearly mucking a few up and got given a couple of soft freebies (balanced in part by the Petracca review error an instance or two the other way). 

    But if you take two thirds of those misses and add a quarter of the longer-shots that's an extra 12 goals right there alone. The conditions were bad but this was a complete annihilation in the centre - with all due respect for the poor opposition. In other circumstances, the clear equivalent of a 100-point win. We were effectively unlucky. 

    agree 100% was going to post similar- this game made me think we have improved over the last 3, opposition not withstanding. I liked that our radar was off but we didnt go into a funk. And our defense  worked well.

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