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DEE fence

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Everything posted by DEE fence

  1. +1 IF ever there was an exception to be made it is for Trenners.
  2. I have never followed Priddis much as a player, but i really enjoyed watching him give his all, nothing to lose and leaving it all on the field, didn't look slow tonight. Good on him, first rate way to play your last game. However watching Wines play makes me want to sue the club for emotional abuse. I also think that WC got its money's worth out of Mitchell the guy is a sniper but wow he makes an extraordinary coach. He gets some of the credit for turning a bunch of oea-hearts into lions...
  3. I'm almost willing to put his comments down to being a frustrated, hurting, supporter. But then i think he's a [censored] of rhe first order. Watching that game, the Port players all tipped in, it was a furious game, you think Dixon wanted to kick 5 points, i didn't see too many passengers this is the sort of comment that when player are hurting would make them say F U ... if i was coach I'd be pi$$ed. Dude has a record of being a windsock just like Kennett.
  4. my 2017 Membership pack arrived this week , I kid you not... (but to be clear that is the Italian post and not the MFC)
  5. ;-) am jet lagged, arrived in Melbourne, Australia to find out that we were bumped out of the finals as soon as I got out the door at Tulla... personally Tourettes Tuesday is good for me as well.
  6. After this season, I think we need a short period with no swearing filter - I really am frustrated. But just for a day or two, and then lock it down and move on.
  7. After R23 I've suddenly gone a bit cold on him. Reckon he's signed with Carlton after that game.
  8. Am not big on putting injured players like Garland and Vandenberg on these lists - Garland is not a spud at all.
  9. it is all part of a cunning plan - easier to beat Port in SA than Sydney in Sudney.... have faith you doubters but seriously what a train crash.
  10. Certainly mixed reports on the benefit - the initial sites I read seemed more positive but I trust the mayo clinic http://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/hyperbaric-oxygen-therapy/basics/why-its-done/prc-20019167
  11. So Webber et.al.(the medical folk)... I am freaking out about the foot injury, shades of Trengove etc. Would there be any value in oxygen therapy for this injury. We need him in finals, as i'm sure everyone agrees. At the moment he is looking 4 to 6 and it is a huge disaster. Please tell me he will be up for the elimination final? I am sure it is worth the cash.
  12. The are many things to like about this rumour. 1. Ending up with Salem, Kelly and Tyson in the same team, swallow that purple. 2. Watching a Scott brother spontaneously combust. 3. Reminding the World of where the centre of the football universe is. 4. Best of all... probably won't happen, but will still make DB choke, the Scotts go shrill, and dominate with the list we have.
  13. So I'll take that as a 'no', you have no clue what a press pass is. Please don't subscribe me to sentiments I don't hold. No effin where, do i say i want to curtail free speech. Most of the pulitzer prize winners didnt have a press pass. As for the AFL I agree, there is plenty of dodgy behaviour that needs to be held to account. But still my point is about holding the media to account by some method, not the AFL and two wrongs, reporrtedly, don't make a right.
  14. Count to ten, I actually work in places where people get killed for what they say, let alone what they write. My great grand father, grand father, and brother have all been journalists. You do not need to lecture me on my family members who have died in war. I am strictly talking about a press tag, not the ability to write, and about football, you get that there is a difference? I also posted that I was happy to hear other options. Make a constructive suggestion about how to hold the football press to account without being shrill.
  15. something about the contract extension - not the 1st time wirh Gartlett but i do reckon he's been getting alot of attention.
  16. i actually thought the worm turned for Bernie yesterday, please eatch the replay again (its not quite so hard om the heart) i saw enough. Watts and Salem in Stretch Hannan and Wagner out (allthough only Wagner stank), and the mystery 3rd spot goes to someone who deserves a chance. either Trengove or JKH. Viney needs another week not based on anything other than how he plays and a guess at the pain he is in.
  17. i hear you brother, confess to being weak and checking 1st before starting the replay
  18. Totally disagree, I am totally fine with journo's being held to account, there is a difference between writing about football, which anyone can do, and you don't need a press pass from the AFL to do this. Without doubt and frequently journo's have had axes to grind over perceived or real sleights. A journo losing a press pass would be forced to be a bit more accountable and bring some reasonable attention to his antics. it is not like they are talking of barring them from the ground, they could still do their job. Obviously if it was run in a DPKR style then the AFL is going to cop it, so I think their would be some natural selection in play, but I really would like to see some of the terrible journalism held to account. the WP or NYT they are not. EDIT: If someone has another sanction for media other than black balling a press pass - I'm happy to hear it, but i still think a press pass is a courtesy and not a necessity (By the way I have never met Gil and he doesn't look like me)
  19. the only problem is a bike in Rome is a Magic Carpet, i came unstuck.. litterally going down a steep dry grass hill on road tyres on a 220kg bike. Before and After Photos (Abruzzo Mountains shortly before i got the helicopter view ;-(
  20. i justed busted my collarbone in 4 places, sitting in hospital after surgery, feel like throwing up at the thought of playing, Hogan is made of stone
  21. i'm on board with Gil, there has to be some accountability, and journos bleat like lambs when criticised (robbo a prime example) but they really do harm with some of the crap they peddle. and hardly Gestapo, if someone is talking crap about you you're simply asking them to leave your house. nothing says they cant keep writing.
  22. I find it interesting (and I know I can sound like a patronising git - this isn't meant to be) that people have such a different perspective on the same incident. Several respected posters saying the same thing has had me look at it another dozen times and I still see a very intentional dog act. To me this is so much clearer than the Schofield cheap shot to Olivers' jaw. I want a few of you my jury when I get done for murder, that is for sure.
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