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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. She has not been proven wrong yet And as none of us know what was in the report to the MFC She may still yet be 100% right.
  2. Urban Myth If it was true the media would have been all over it.
  3. I understand your arguement Of. And you maybe proved right. However I still believe they have gone public way to early. Time will prove one of us wrong.
  4. Mate I think you have to wait till at least tomorrow. I think there is an AFL board meeting today. I reckon there will be no announcement till the situation is discussed / approved at that meeting. So that probably means in a hours time McQueen!
  5. I did not say don't get angry hardtack. Just calm down consider the situation and then act. Believe me it is the best method. Also it has a habit of saving you from wounds to the feet
  6. Then why go off so early Of? Is that not the premis of our system, innocent until proven guilty. IMO we have some politicans who want the lime light off them and on a law enforcement issue so (1) they look to be doing something and (2) the media follows this story and not the numerous ones that show their failures. Call me a cynic if you like but until something happens to show otherwise it is all low risk and all talk as far as I am concerned.
  7. Not when I am angry hardtack. Should have followed that old piece of wisdom "never act when you are angry"
  8. Wise But I cannot help myself Some things get right up my nose
  9. This started to p--- me of a week ago dc. Now it seems AFL teams will be up for every bit of slander and mischievous piece from anyone seeking fame or revenge from any slight real or imagined. And still there are no charges or any hard evidence. This may go down as the biggest political witch hunt we have seen so far this century. We should all read Andrew Bolt's peice in todays HUN.
  10. I was not suggesting it was Redleg. Just observation on the planning of some people
  11. Could be a very lonely spot BH The odds are stacked against you
  12. The problem guys is the Players union won't wear 1 strike and you are out. The AFL panders to this so they can get other things approved by the union. IMO it is that simple.
  13. That will not be far from 12 months dc I thought it was the First GWS game in June. But not sure. Anyway I will be delighted if it is round 5
  14. This thread has gone for 111 pages of exactly the same postings page after page. I wonder what we would have posted if there was no tanking probe. All it has achieved for me is I now know who hates who on Demonland!
  15. Why would anyone plan a wedding outside in February? It is a monty to be as hot as hell. Didn't anyone say "good chance it will be 35 - 40 degrees that day" Take your own ice redleg and by that I mean the frozen water variety
  16. Me too wyl. To the courts, I am prepared to add a little bit extra that I can afford.
  17. My gut feel tells me think May / June returnWhen it happened a physio friend told me think 12 months off. I have seen nothing to suggest he was wrong
  18. Never let the truth get in the way of a good story Redleg
  19. Me neither Redleg any admission less than no case to answer is an admission of guilty. However I think it is going to happen. IMO they have been negotating a result for the last week. AFL Board meeting on Monday, GM takes the agreement to the board for approval and it is announced on Tuesday.
  20. I will stick with Cavendish, other come and go but cavendish remains. By the way HC welcome to the thread
  21. I think we are on the same person Robbie. If I am correct I seldom read anything he writes.
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