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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Well it appears that way dc.I ended up at Uni blacks game, they won again. I heard the three quarter time score and thought thank god I decided to come here.
  2. Great then what is all the gloom about?Seriously I have been thinking this for some months now but this the worst MFC side in my memory of 54 years bar none. I did not expect to win and I thought 10 - 12 would be the result. But I have to say 20 is returning to the Neeld days. took the MFC sticker off the car this morning, packed away the cap and scarf. Think I am just about done, there is more to life than the pain that is the MFC.
  3. Well my big weekend in Bendigo turned to nothing. Five of us getting together. Friday one was down with flu, one broke his arm Thursday night, third one had to visit wife in hospital after fall from a golf cart. Yes you are reading correctly she fell out of golf cart. So the two of us left standing called the weekend early Saturday morning. After some discussion we are all on for next weekend. There seems to be a bit of sadness around tonight did we lose on Saturday or something.
  4. It says something about our season and the last six years that 24 hours before a game we are all talking about another team that we are not even playing. Anyone feel like dancing on a grave?
  5. No hh The trip has been postponed till Novemeber, it was in the HUN earlier this week. Quoted him.
  6. Unfortunately you will have to wait another year hh I wish we were as "average"
  7. I am serious to the extent Redleg that we have seemingly been fixated on early draft picks. It seems to me that we had this view that all we had to do was get early picks and problems solved. The result was we picked some shockers over a five period and ended up with tanking problems and a crap list. Does it really matter wether you get 2,3 or 4?
  8. I think the bookies are right, The saints have not put up the number of shockers we have this season.
  9. Thank God someones sees things in this light. Thank you LDC.
  10. yep When they were writing about us tanking we were saying they were a pack of cretins who knew little and were inventing stories to fill space. Now a lot on here think they are the fountain of all knowledge and every story is God's truth. Conversion on the road to Damascus!
  11. I really don't think Dunn is THAT bad. IMO Pedersen is VFL end of story
  12. Redleg we have got lots of early draft picks over the last seven years and what has it achieved? Bugger all. Forget wether we get position 1,2, 3, 4 or 10 Choice better and develop them better that is the answer not the position in the draft.
  13. What about WCE players going in for ops eg Nic Nat. Would they be having them if they were still a chance to make the finals? Another scandal over looked.
  14. You may be hearing from the undertakers union by way of a defamation action for that one dc.If I was an undertaker I would be extremely offended.
  15. Yes that probably just push up the size of the defeat.
  16. looks a reasonable change. Can it possibly makes us worse?
  17. You have my vote Maldonboy he also had an ability that a few of the current crop could emulate He could get the bloody ball even if he was an outside player.
  18. Since the AFL have an agreement to play a certain number of games there. A year or two back we played Richmond there and it was their home game and from memory the G was vacant. Get over it , it is not a big deal.
  19. I have a feeling there is more to this than we know. However he has said he wants to go and spend some time with his son in the USA who is trying to make a College team as a kicker. Sometimes people in the AFL tell the truth ( yes I know rarely ) but this may be one of those cases.
  20. Spot on Redleg it wins by a country Mile or a city one for that matter.I am also partial to Hawthorn and Carlton as well. Obviously I like A Grand old Flag but there are a few as good IMO.
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