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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. The difference I think is between the ears R and BI think they have that in spades pity their actually a ability is a bit less. On the other hand our ability between the ears is Fairy Floss.
  2. Not sure what you had for dinner h_h but I suspect it was liquid
  3. I don't think I have read anyone saying he should be back Playing.IMO People are concerned / amazed at how long he has been out and there does not seem to be any improvment.
  4. Don't disagree h_h and I am happy we picked him but seriously doubt he will every kick a bag.A couple of goals every now and then looks his ability. No one was queing up for his services when we got him so he is probably fairly cheap. He is better at his caper then anyone else we have at present.
  5. As I understand Ernest he got a job.
  6. Broken toe was the initial injury as I remember. Foot injuries are shocking things to get over. With our luck the operation will have failed and he will start taking photos.
  7. I think we can forget Frost for 2015 . That leaves Salem and Perhaps Kent for the last three weeks or so of the season
  8. I agree Django and do not take this the wrong way but that is no big recommendation at the MFC.
  9. I am no big fan of Garlett he is a one quarter a game player a worthwhile pick up but Rioli he ain't
  10. Good question vanished without a trace. Probably a bit cold and boring this time of the year. I go a few times over the summer but in winter it is a little hard to raise the enthusiasm.
  11. Correct dc very bloody sad. still some time to go before the Neeld era is eradicated.
  12. Correct praha Injuries sure ain't helping. Sadly we are probably stuck with Dawes till the end of this year because there ain't no one else
  13. I am but that does not mean I dont want to win on the weekend or any of the games I go to in the next few weeks.
  14. That is what people were telling me in 2008 ETIt has been a bloody long night
  15. I don't disgree with that however there is another reason I did not mention.I want to able to watch a games that we win. Especially against the likes of Essendon and Brisbane next Sunday. After nine years I am sick to the back teeth of losing.
  16. I am living for the day when this type of thread is discussing the best talent around at pick 12.
  17. The major problem as I see it for the MFC is that we have been irrelevant to the competition for the best part of a decade.The club needs to win a lot more than four games a year. It is vital to keep the membership above 35 000 and attract sponsers etc or we risk being in the bottom four forever. It will just make it impossible to attract and keep good players. We need 7-8 wins in 2015 IMO. Right now we cannot beat teams in the bottom six. If we cannot show during the rest of this year that we can win against the Lions, Saints etc the future will look bleak at the start of 2016. Our sponsor ship with our major sponsor is up this year. Will they go again with a team that cannot win more than four games a year and has bugger all free to air TV exposure?
  18. I think the ideas is to try a win a couple of games between now and the end of August. You know that think that most teams try every week but seems so very hard for the MFC. Might just take a little pressure off a kid in his first year who has played a dozen or so games.
  19. It has been a couple of long hard days Unleash Hell.
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