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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. There are a couple of kids at Casey they will do if push comes to shove. You can get by with someone who just competes.
  2. We played our best football this year without Gawn and Spencer. A greatly overrated position in this era of AFL. We have enough Ruckman, worry more about who will kick a winning score.
  3. Correct my error. Sadly it does not alter the fact we not good enough. and she has returned to where she came. I go back to my original statement Do we care?
  4. The last line says it all and he won't have Watts to blame.
  5. Simple fact is they did not make the GF. Beaten by both the finalists. Whatever way you cut it they were not good enough. Hence my comment if they were not finalists then what loss is one of the chiefs? And don't forget they had a head start on most of the other sides forming a couple of years before the others. Out thought and played. Losing the chief may be an advantage.
  6. The upside is the club gets the opinion of its members and if the down side is looking silly then nothing much is lost because members look silly often based on the actions of their club.
  7. Spot on as you say reasonable chance he could be a useful player when settled back in Melbourne.
  8. I don't think it hurts for members to give their opinions Wise. what is the down side?
  9. No idea but I know who is coming off.
  10. It is simple bb I have next to no interest in ladies football. However if the MFC ladies never looked like making the final last year how good could the boss be? Happy for you if you have an interest.
  11. Kiss of death for him Ernest. we played our best football in 2017 without him so not sure he is vitally important. Like so many other clubs in the last decade the Tigers won the flag with an average Ruckman. A champion is not a vital element.
  12. Well it is massive fail because there has not been one recruited for some time. I suspect it is just another AFL old boys club rout.
  13. 100% correct. I simply do not understand what this hybrid game is meant to achieve.
  14. So using Watts as an example that means he will pushed out in 2019!
  15. He does not want to be in Brisbane perhaps!!
  16. Yes I guess it is a bit hard to be blamed if you are not in the team DJ.
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