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old dee

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Posts posted by old dee

  1. Siddle & Dirk Nannes maybe??

    Hiditch's comments post ashes were far worse than "ill timed" (you a spin writer by trade at all?)

    His comments smacked off arrogance and disregard..."The selectors have done a fine job"....how can you ill time that?

    Clarke out for 9 (again) The limited over game is not for him...i wish certain people could see that.

    You mean there is a game for Him!

    Took himself out of 20/20 because he was too slow.

    Cannot make runs in the fifty over version

    and has one reasonable score at Test level in twelve months.

    Back to NSW for me and the faster the better.

    There are a dozen batsman at State level that could not be any worse.

    Give one of them a go anyone! how could they do any worse!

  2. Another great scathing essay WYL. Well researched, thoughtful and deeply incisive.

    FWIW. His post Ashes comment was at worst ill judged. Whether we had retained the Ashes or not, Hilditch was not going to take another contract. The ACB have been planning and are grooming G Chappell for the C of S.

    Given Australia has six front line quicks injured and thats not including the strike power of Hilfy, Mitch and Dougy. :rolleyes: who would you have chosen beside Tait and what would your World Cup strategy have been WYL???

    Tait was a breakdown waiting to happen, even when "fit" his fitness seldom allows him to bowl more than 4 overs on the trot.

    he is a one trick pony, fast and nothing else.

    He also has trouble bowling a consistantly tight line.

    Should never have been picked he is from the past and no longer good enough.

    There is a God after all as he broke now and not in The middle of the World Cup.

  3. You know what. I could have predicted you would come back with that dumb response. "Well if you dont agree with me then you must think he is doing a good job". Its dimmer than your scathing essays.

    Just like you dont read and understand other posters point of view.

    Go and re read his scathing essays. Probing stuff.

    Hi Rhino there is one unescapable fact concerning Mr. Hilditch.

    He is part time!

    It is the 21st. Century for god sake, Australia should have a full time chairman of selectors.

    It is not his fault in this matter it is at the feet of the ACB board.

    They should have said Full time or nothing.

    lets get with it ACB are you serious or trapped in a by gone age?

  4. Well you are in the Hilditch Camp RR, his comments Post Test series have been rivetting.

    Hilditch is more interested in Legal work than as a selector, but his ego won't let him step down. He doesn't even read Press releases.

    Spot on His selections have been either no change or he picks someone out of nowhere.

    His contract is up in April it cannot come quick enough for me.

  5. Well our wonderful Captain ( yes the under wear salesman )has done it again!

    Leading from the front he has made a magnificant 10.

    Continuing on from were he left off in 2010.

    Well he has played at 5, 4 now 3

    can we hope for 2, 1 and you are out! gone !

    Perhaps we could hide him at 6 he could not be much worse than Smith.

    and so we head off to the World cup

    With A captain who has not played for 7 weeeks and was in poor form.

    A VC who is bad and very slow on his good days ( have not seen one for a while )

    A number 4 who has a bad hamstring if he gets a game

    A number 6 who has not made a score all summer

    Three bowlers who cannot bowl a tight line to save themselves and one of which gets very tired bowling three over spells.

    Does not look pretty!

    cannot see us getting into the top 6 teams.

    Oh well looking on the positive side.

    By April we will have a new Chairman of selectors, a new coach and several of the current lot will have confined

    themselves to the shield ranks never to be seen again.

    This might be the time not be picked!

    How luck are Siddle and Company to be left out.

  6. I see Dunn growing into a genuine forward target, and hope we re-try him at full forward this year. he is gaining confidence no doubt and his kicking has become a real weapon.

    I cannot see why he couldn't fulfill the full forward role in games, he is strong enough to bring the ball to ground and leads up well. His marking is improving, but he is, like Jurrah just a natural forward.

    He can also be released into tagging roles on guys that suit him like Jobe Watson.

    Like Bate the year before he was our best big bodied forward this year. Will be interesting how both will go as they are decent forwards but both lack a yard of pace.

    Dunn adds a bit more though because he does add some mongrel which we lack.

    Could not agree more with your last comment.

    we have almost no mongrel, there is probably no melborne player that other teams hate.

    Too many "nice guys"

  7. No mention of Howe?

    I'm hopeful of big things from him

    Me too DC but the only way you find out is in real games.

    Training proves very little, some players are great trainers but lousy players

    when in the heat of battle and vice versa.

    Hang in there till April.

  8. http://au.sports.yahoo.com/news/article/-/8612175/australia-cricket-review/

    Better Late than never i suppose, i only wish this had been done some time before the Ashes Series. Maybe then the team could have been in australia last november playing 4 day matches.....Enough said.

    Maybe C.A. needs to sell membership packages to the Australian public, like the MFC does. Thus making itself that little more accessible and a little less aloof from the people who go to the games.

    Just a thought....

    I agree but after todays statements you won't get anything from this lot it is all about self preservation.

    It reminds of the old one "we did not break down we just failed to proceed"

    Is james Sutherland the "king with no clothes " of australian sport or what.

    We just got beaten in the worst manner ever recorded vs the Poms.

    Have some decency and resign alone with Hildich and Neilson.

  9. I think it is all fairly simple.

    We do not have enough quality players to compete with the top 3 - 4 test teams.

    If you look at the performances over the fives games

    then IMO only 4 players would be in contention to get a game with England.

    Watson at 5, Hussey at 4, Haddin and perhaps Siddle, would any of them actually replace an english player?

    The only player I think that would replace an englishman would be Watson for Collingwood.

    I have been around for a while and this is the worst team that we have fielded against England.

    Even the team that took on england at the start of the "Packer" revolution did not get belted like this team.

    At least we had a captain and Vice captain that justfied their spots in the team.

    It is sad but we have a very long way to go to get back to the top.

    IMO it is time to start at the top, how can you entertain a chairman of selectors who is part time!

    We should replace the selection commitee, and coaching panel even if they have long contracts, the ACB is far from broke.

    A bit of "Essendon Therapy" is required then start a fresh with the team, pick a side for August based on performances

    over the next three months shield results.

    A few players should be advised that their ACB contracts are under review

    and a few others should be told that it is over, eg. Hughes, Ponting, Kadich, and all the bowlers except Siddle and Bolanger ( too early on Beer ).

    I know that is a lot to replace but as the saying goes "to make an omelette you have to break a few eggs".

  10. I never said he was innocent. He's been guilty of being an Idiot many times over. But the Media & the frenzy that builds around these stories, is way over the top when you quietly way them up, against others bad deeds. Benny, or Wayne or others have done many, quite bad things and haven't been pursued to this level of blame.

    I can't help but feel that Fev has taken some of the angst away from the Blues really poor form. Blame Fev, he was there, it must have been him. The handcuffed lad on the boat. Fev wasn't there. Not to much noise there, It died down quick. Just a storm in a six pack.

    The Brisbane Lions poor season, blame Fev. He was there. It must have been him. Not the coach for his recruiting or strategies, or what he traded out. Or the Injuries to Brown & Fev at the same time. Fev cops the lions share of the blame!

    That O/S incident with the Irish. I thought there were other players involved in stuff as well. Where did that noise go about them? Fev again! Why does he end up always the media focal point when others slip out the side door?

    He's been a dude,,, but he doesn't deserve the hatred he's getting.

    I'd have him as a mate over that Roos champ that cheated the club. And I'd have him as a mate over that Teflon Blue, or Green imposter. You know you'ld be with someone who would look out for you. Old fashioned values, the sort our WW11 diggers where proud of. Just a bit of a dyckhed. Who needs some direction.

    I am not trying to get up your nose, go back and read the end of second last line.

    It says " but he is really quite innocent"

    Whatever else he is it is not "innocent"

  11. Clarke's Twenty20 batting form has absolutely nothing to do with his suitability for the Australian test captaincy. Nothing at all. When he bats in a test match then the relevance of his ability to slog sixes is slightly less than infinitely small.

    Also, you are being grossly unfair saying that Clarke 'threw away his wicket on the last ball of the day trying a ridiculous shot'. He was turning a ball to leg, like he does comfortably so many times, and he got one that spun sharply on him. He didn't throw his wicket away and his shot certainly wasn't 'ridiculous'.

    He averages nearly 50 with the bat over an extended period of test cricket. He's clearly a good enough batsman, but is in a lean patch of form.

    So what is the real reason you don't think he should be captain?

    Cameron White could pssibly be a better captain, or then again he may not. But nobody in their right mind would think that he is a test calibre batsman - certainly at the moment. He averages just 42 in first class cricket batting at 5 and 6 behind the likes of Hodge and Hussey.

    The reason Victoria has been so good has been on the back of their more experienced players and the weakness of the other states at the moment. Hussey is a good first class batsman, Hodge too. With White and Rogers in the side, plus a genuine all rounder in McDonald, there is a side that has a solid core of players that is much better than other weak states. Add to them they have a solid core of experienced bowlers who are very good state cricketers, even if they have limited prospects above that - McKay, Nannes, Wright, Hastings, Harwood etc.

    Mind you, if Victoria played against a full strength NSW team team then they'd get smashed. Watson, Clarke, Haddin, Katich, Khawaja, Smith, Hughes, Jaques, Lee, Hauritz, Clark, Bollinger, Copeland ..... they'd get killed.

    The state with the best players hasn't been winning the shield because they've had to field their B-team as their best players have been playing for Australia.

    Victoria has a couple of top class internation prospects on the books. However they are currently under 21 years of age: Pattinson and Keath. These are the types of player that Victoria needs to promote, rather than search for trophies by filling the gaps with imports like Wright and Rogers.

    Well AoB he has put up another fine display today 4, yes FOUR!

    Summer average is now 18 and still headed south.

    a long time ago I was told you dead bat the last ball of the day no matter what the game position.

    He was the VC with his team in a tough position.

    Pure and simple he gave away his wicket.

    If you look at his long term average the big scores are against the weaker test nations eg NZ.

    The guy is a good shield player who is not up to it against the better test sides.

    Should not be in the test side let alone be the captain after his performances this summer.

  12. I agree.

    It's a distraction really.

    She would have been better off coming out and saying what happened to her and not worrying about the photos.

    But she is now only 17 rpfc, this has been going on since adam and eve.

    young girl gets involved with an older man.

    Older man has his fun then dumps her.

    Young girl is very sad and upset.

    The only difference is in 2011 the young girl now has new ways to get revenge even if in a misguided way.

    I do however agree with you and others the photos are not the real story!

  13. Exactly, he's being persecuted because he's a LAD & a rebel & he's big, so he's easy prey for the Journo's. He's been stupid on more counts you'ld want to mention, but he's really quite innocent.

    The Danger is, if they back him too hard into a corner,,,, then he really might do something crazy. He does need support & strong quality leadership about him.

    I don't think he is being persecuted "dee-luded" his list of Alcoholic episodes is long.

    He is not "really quite innocent" the guy is 30, has a wife and children.

    However he is an Alcoholic, pure and simple, in Australia he has a lot of mates

    However that does not excuse him.

    I hope he can realise what he is and stop drinking that is the only way out for him.

    The alternative as you suggest is bad.

  14. In isolation all he has done is drink too much on New years eve.

    However he is an alcoholic with numerous transgressions and like a lot of achololics

    he gets agressive when he drinks.

    I think that Brisbane is stuck with him unless the AFL suspends his license to play AFL

    e.g. Cousins.

    The call will have been made to the AFL

    until they decide the Bris line will be he has asked for leave to sort himself out.

    If the AFL suspend him Brisbane is off the hook.

    If not Brisbane is stuck with him.

    Unfortunately he is no rocket scientist and now may be the end!

    No football cheque and with big bebts it would not surprise to see him do something very silly.

    I hope not but it looks grim.

  15. Of course thats what logic says. I was just trying to cheer up old dee

    Thanks DC I am not ancient but 3-4 years seems a long time compared to 10 years ago.

    I have every intention of being around long after 2014

    I just get a little frustrated with 3 - 4 year time frames these days.

    Happy new year guys I am looking forward to a big 2011, 10 wins will make me very very happy.

  16. C'mon Old Dee, your eyesight or comprehension failing? When did i ever say that they wouldn't be approached? If you read my post properly i said one may well leave and i would not begrudge him, but i honestly do not believe that it will be any of our core or required players that does. Perhaps a fringe player or a player not getting opportunities. Maric?

    Happy New Year...

    Eye sight maybe but comprehension is ok.

    Like DC said I think we are all pretty much of the same opinion.

    Nice tread though that is worth reading on the last day of 2010.

    Does anyone have an opinion on when our premiership window will open?

    I think 2014 ( hope it is earlier as I am not getting any younger )

    because I think it will be that long before we have a large number of players with 100 games to their credit.

    around 100 seems to be the magic figure floated by some "experts"

  17. Michael Clarke gets a shocking run of it from the punters on the sidelines. Why do people not want him as captain?

    Remember this is someone who, over his career, averages 48 with the bat. Talk that he shouldn't be captain because he is having bad series is idiotic. It is obvious that he is a class player who is just having a bad run of form and, that being the case, he is clearly a long term member of the Australian test set up. Since he is a long term player, the only question is whether or not he'd be a good captain.

    I think his work captaining the ODIs and T20s has been pretty good. Certainly there is nothing that he has done that has made me think that he's not the right person to captain the test side after Ponting.

    So, I ask again, why do you not want him to be captain? Who is the alternative? Why is the alternative better than Clarke?

    And don't get me started on the idiocy of people claiming NSW bias. I dare not even suggest that the next batsman who makes it into the Australian set up is an immensely talented 19 year old by the name of Nic Maddinson.

    Watson (NSW ex Qld ex Tas ex Qld)

    Hughes (NSW)

    Ponting (Tas)

    Clarke (NSW)

    Hussey (WA)

    Haddin (NSW)

    Johnson (WA ex Qld)

    Harris (Qld ex SA)

    Siddle (Vic)

    Hilfenhaus (Tas)

    Beer (WA ex Vic)

    4 players out of 12? And that includes Watson, who was initially selected for Aus when playing for Tassie, and then for Queensland.

    33% of players in the 12 for Melbourne. NSW contains 32% of all people in Australia (just over 7 million). One could argue, by the numbers, that they are under-represented!!

    I am a Victorian, but NSW is producing the best cricketers in the country (especially young cricketers).

    Sorry AoB but he is a promoted beyond his ability!

    He should not be in the 20/20 side, every game his slow scoring holds back the team.

    A captain does not throw away his wicket on the last ball of the day trying a ridiculous shot.

    He should stick to selling second hand Astons and underwear.

    I think you have missed the new guy from NSW to replace Ponting, so that makes 5 out of the 11 starters is 45%.

  18. I think you are grossly underestimating factors other than money old dee. And EVERY player goes to their first club via the draft- National or Rookie. Strangly, 90% of them stay loyal to the club who drafted them???

    I would say MFC is a long way ahead of GWS, given they haven't even played a year of reserves footy.

    So are you saying Presti regrets staying at Collingwood?

    Look i understand that a 60% pay increase is a fairly big incentive. Like Gold Coast, GWS will attract some players. And there may be a chance that someone from MFC goes. But let me ask you this- how many players do you think GC approached and GWS have already approached with big dollars, much bigger than what they'll see at their current clubs, only to have the player/s turn their backs and sign another contract with their club? I guarantee you it is far more than they actually signed.

    Gold Coast for all their positioning and talk of massive money, lifestyle and poaching players got the following:

    Ablett- left a team on the decline

    Harbrow- left a team that is not good enough to take the next step

    Rischitelli- left a crap team after being poorly treated as trade bait the year before

    Brennan- left a crap team for money at the back end of his career

    Brown- left a team in decline at the back end of his career and again was poorly treated by that club the previous year

    Krakour- left a crap team going nowhere after falling out with the coaching panel

    Fraser- left the premiers after realising he was no longer in their best team and would struggle to get any more games

    Not one player from a developing team or "young gun".

    GWS have less incentives in terms of lifestyle etc than GC.

    There will be much talk and posturing by GWS and Sheedy, and plenty of MFCSS in the meantime until all our kids sign. I would not begrudge any player leaving. But doubt any will- or at least any that will be the core of our team going forward. We will be compensated accordingly if we do and that in itself can prove very valuable as we move up the ladder.

    All of what you say is correct

    I just think you are kidding yourself to think that our players are going to be immune to approaches.

    I will not be surprised if one of our young guys leaves.

  19. You seem unhealthily driven by money alone.

    What about things like uprooting your life to move to a place where you know no-one, have no family, isn't a particularly nice place to live, to a team that will be a long long way off any real success. These obviously have no bearing in your mind. I think you will find however that most players in developing teams or teams in the premiership window think differently (thank god) and will gladly stay at their club for less money for a realistic chance of the ultimate success.

    Most players have stayed with their existing club because it was very difficult to get to the club of their choice and the incentive was probably only 15% more.

    That is not the case with the GWS, they know exactly where they would be going and increase could easily be 100%.

    A large number of recruits come from interstate they know no one at the start but relationships soon develop.

    No different in going to a new club.

    As for the premiership window, that only applies to a few clubs any way.

    The MFC is probably not a long way ahead of GWS and you may never win one by staying at the MFC.

    Look at Prestie at Collingwood played there all his career and was injured and never played in a winning GF.

    I think at times we all want players to stay and convince ourselves that players will stay

    for various reasons.

    The reality is that given a big enough cheque a large number will jump ship

    and I could not blame them.

    Remember they only came to Melbourne in the first place because we chose them in the draft!

  20. this is going to be the crucial thing a few years down the track.. if all our young guns grow up to be older guns, it's going to be nigh on impossible to keep them all, and stay within the cap

    aah, they should all be made to read robbie's (auto)biography with ron reed, and discover how sticking with one club can pay an emotional dividend at the end hehe

    I saw a lot of Robbie Flower he was brilliant!

    Unfortunately he played in a period when we were hopeless.

    Had he left and gone to Carlton / north melbourne he would have played in premierships

    Been on TV ( They only recorded 2 games a week in those days )had much more exposure.

    And his reputation would be 10 times bigger than it is now.

    I have no arguement with his decision to stay at Melbourne.

    However there is always another side to every story

    and RF has no idea how he would have felt playing in a Premiership for Carlton.

    If he had left his book might have said "leaving to play in a premiership was a good move".

  21. You didn't read my post too closely

    I just said thankfully thats not true of all players e.g. Geelong and Brisbane (when they were on top) retained many very good players on well below their going rate.

    Of course some will always follow the money but its not a cut and dry decision that you implied

    On the other side of the coin maybe MFC can buy a few top notchers in the future?

    I agree with you DC however I think an MFC player will go for the cash in the next couple of years

    Especially if you think the competition for your spot is getting too tight e.g Mclean

    As I said before I would for an extra $300 000 x 3 years = $900 000

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