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old dee

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Posts posted by old dee

  1. In some ways I agree, but I've never liked the notion of changing numbers. If I were a player I'd want to stick with the first number I got. It would hold a lot of significance to me and I doubt that I'd want to give it up.

    You are right Mcdonald and Barassi carried a big numbers all there careers and did they not seem to want to change.

    Did it make them poorer players.

    Whats the problem with a big number anyway, surely it is how you carry it that counts.

    I have a feeling that it is the supporters who worry the most about the numbers.

    When Cook kicks the winning goal in our next premiership I won't care if he is carrying no.50 or no.1

  2. Can you two give it a rest.

    OD - Watts will be fine.

    E25 - Stop badgering the witness.

    And there is no oracle on DLand.

    There is the anti-oracle however...

    You are right rpfc I will shut up and I hope you are right, I really do.

    All I want is to win lots of games and if that means I have to say he is great so be it.

    I cannot wait to say it!

  3. well, the P=Provocative (you can work out the rest yourself)

    Not trying to be a Provocative anything daisycutter, just a little jibe in the on going saga of white jumpers.

    I know you are fiecely anti white and you know I have lost the will for the fight

    because I think we are tilting at wind mills!

    On reflection you may be right perhaps I am an old PF'er

  4. The time is now that we speculate what numbers the club will throw around in possible options for our new breed to wear.

    Anyone want to have a stab on the most likely choices?

    Lucas Cook -

    Troy Davis -

    Jeremy Howe -

    Tom McDonald -

    According to MFC these are the numbers that are available.

    7, 11, 17, 21, 25, 26, 30, 32, 38, 41, 45, 49 and more....

    My only guesses would be that

    We will save #11 for someone truly special. Possibly someone with the surname Viney and first name Jack.

    # 23 would surely have a rest for a year....if not go to Lucas Cook

    # 32 will almost definitely be given out...much the same as Chooks no.5 was given to Jizz straight away :)

    I am definately old fashion about giving numbers to new players.

    Unless they are players in the first 10 selections they should get a high number,

    when they have proved they are a player capable of playing in the best 22 on a regular basis

    you award a lower number.

  5. Would love to be proven wrong this year, but I haven't seen anything to like about Maric so far. He was supposed to be a an elite kick and a goal shark but have not even seen a sniff in that dept so far.

    Like I said love to be proven wrong

    I agree with you I keep hoping he will turn the corner

    however I have seen him at Casey a few times and as yet have not seen him dominate a game there.

    I would not have put him in the top 5 players in the games I have seen.

  6. I think there are 2 types of supporters:

    - those that recognize the true value of Jack Watts to the team & the qualities that he possesses.

    - as AoB said, those that just don't know football.

    Thanks for your expect opinion E25.

    We all have opinions just because they vary to yours does not mean they are necessarily wrong.

    Once again thank you for being the self appointed oracle of player ability on demonland.

  7. I would agree about Watts if there was a better option, there isn't. Bate at his best, sure, but it's been a while...

    You suggest Tapscott and Howe instead of Watts when they haven't played a game? How does that work? Bennell's bad games are worse than Watts'.

    Whenever JW puts the ball inside 50, it results in a shot on goal, think it's close to 100%. So you're selling his value a bit short.

    I am not a Bennell fan and you are right he has good games then poor games however he has shown real talent a few times more than Watts.

    I struggle to remember Watts good games, the only one I can remember was vs Port in Darwin. The rest are average!

  8. I hate it how people talk about howe as if they know who he is. 48 hours ago, people had no idea who he was..now they're talking about his chances of lining up in the dee's jumper next year.

    On another note, I think Tapscott is our most promising forward youngster coming through. But we just have so many forwards. I think people also need to question whether Watts should be in the team. Last season he was played purely because he was a number 1 pick, now that we have a forward set up of:

    HF: Green Dunn Tapscott/Bate/Bennell/Howe

    FF: Petterd Jurrah Wonaeamirri

    There is no reason to suggest Watts should play if we are fully fit. If we are all honest with ourselves, Watts hasn't shown anything more than what an average player would show given the great playing minutes he has had thus far. now with a full line-up I dont think he should be there.

    You are right on the money "Freak".

    I hate to get a love/ hate fest going on Watts again however I agree he has shown nothing yet to convince me he is more than an Average player.

    I hope like hell he is!

    2011 will in my opinion decide if he is more than average.

  9. Hahaha!

    If you didn't already know I have a very acute aversion to "predominately white" no matter how cleverly disguised

    Unfortunately no medication helps me

    Daisycutter I thought I was winning you over!


    Now 2010 will have been a waste for me.

    However I am sure that as the wins roll on in 2011 you will get used to the lovely white Jumper!

  10. I had hopes for Darling. Thought he might be a bit of a Brereton.

    Of course that depended on FD assessing his off-field stability. Seems they assessed it too risky. C'est la vie.

    Maybe Howe will provide some X factor?

    Me too "daisycutter" we need some mongrel at the Dees.

    So far the FD have done pretty well but time will tell.

  11. What would steve price Know?? Feel free to enjoy the Cricket RR, as i said the game is lost. too may secret handshakes within the sub continent for my liking.

    It is now the game of " The Greater Indian Cricket Club".

  12. And we're all doomed!!!

    Do you despise Andrew Hilditch as well?

    So much to phone Steve Price with. Wow

    Yes I do RR, heard him on SEN this morning. He is a goose.

    I have a feeling McDonald is going to end up the same as Hodge.

    Three centuries in 2 shield matches and he cannot get a run in the 17 man group for the first test or the Aust. A side.

    All this crap about who the "all rounder" is in both sides.

    What about playing him as a batesman Andrew!

    Pity he does not play for NSW.

  13. As I said before, 'I can't think of it being used in Non USA related sports'. If it was used in Soccer, cricket, Rugby etc around the world then it would be the same as lions, sharks, tigers. But it's not. Giants has been an American sports name until now. I don't think it fits as an AFL name. But that's just my opinion.

    I agree Mallee Bull just doesn't sound Aussie to me.

    What about the "Bulls" ?

    I could see myself yelling that in the outer but not the Giants.

    Fortunately I won't have to yell either.

  14. maybe he didnt grassp the significance ? :rolleyes:

    I am not complete thick BB!

    I should have said a jumper with some green in it!

    How does that grab you?

    I never minded the old Freo jumper that had some green.

    I don't mind the red and green colour jumper of south sydney!

    The current prediction ( if true )just leaves me cold.

  15. ahhh i just saw the jumper. that is totally appalling. are they going to wear helmets and shoulder pads too?? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    Well I thought it was impossible to have something worse than the " Gold Coast"

    But they have done it!

    I have never seen anything so insipid in my life.

    What is wrong with primary colours these days.

    With no green in any of the other 17 clubs I thought Green was a certain colour.

    And the "Giants" it beggars belief!

  16. why are people so concerned with the risk of taking him? he was going to be a top 3 pick if it wasn't for a lean year this year on the field, yes he has made some mistakes but what 18 yr old hasn't, as far as im concerned he's just what we need and I for one hope we take him! i mean i don't see many people on here complaining about the bloke in the middle of our banner n how he turned out, there's not enough grunt in our side (especially our forward line) n i reckon darling would be a perfect fit!

    Me too and I think we need a bit of Mongrel. We have far too many "Nice" boys.

    Carey was a [censored] and he led The Roos to two flags!

  17. Haven't we all learnt from previous drafts. If Anthony is determined to go to Freo, it doesn't matter what position we hold in the PSD, he will go to Freo.

    Melb arnt in the business of picking up players against their will.

    Luke Ball?

    The article doesn't mention whether he is keen to go or not, however, I think I know were he would prefer to go at this stage. I hope Iam wrong. I think he would be a decent pick up.

    Spot on rusty it is Luke ball all over again.

    If Anthony wants to go to a specific club it will happen.

    My gut tells me that is Carlton / Fremantle

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