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old dee

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Posts posted by old dee

  1. I'm surely not the only one that gets nervous when I see a new Jimmy Stynes thread?

    Me too "Jacks"

    By the way can you change your name

    "The Jacks" has a whole different meaning for us older guys.

    Not good!

  2. I just can't get excited about either the Heart or the Victory, not for lacking of trying.

    I just don't care.

    The quality isn't there.

    I guess it's like when I've been to lesser EPL matches.

    I once saw Middlesborough take on Fulham and was thoroughly disinterested.

    Give me Arsenal v Tottenham any day.

    I could not agree more.

    It will probably be a really good game but you never know some one might score and mess it all up!

    However my money is on nil all.

  3. May have been the case for 2009. But in 2007 and 2008 he was a regular for the Cats. He is no Keating. Keating had injury hassled years in 2000, 2002 to 2004.

    Rhino I did not intentional turn this into an assessment of Ottens.

    Started out on TJ.

    He did not give us the value we expected from a No.1 pick

    However he gave me a lot of joy (and some heart ache ) over the journey.

    At the time we traded him I thought it was foolish to trade the best kick we had when most of the team

    were struggleing to hit a barn door from 30 meters.

    However we got Grimes as a result so as in numerous times in the past the FD at The Dees

    knew a lot more than me.

    But it is entertaining to discuss these things at this time of the year.

    Lets hope this time next year we are arguing over why Melbourne finished 5th and not 4th.

  4. This is probably the difference.

    He caused me untold frustration over the years.

    If he had have hardened up and learned to take a hit for the better of the team, then he'd have been a much better player.

    Instead he was afraid of contact and it hurt us.

    Well that probably is where it ends.

    We have a difference of opinion that will not change.

    Go Dees

  5. We had Jeff White so we did not need Ottens at the time.

    Suffered back injuries early on and his initial years were typical of a young ruckman growing into the role. Was traded for 2 first round picks so he was hardly flung at all. It was part of the deal that ulitimately lead to Beamer coming to MFC.

    Was a key element in the Cats premiership run as No 1 ruckman.

    Far better performer than TJ by a street.(And not Peter Street).

    TJ was the standout junior footballer of his year but these days his gameboy character would see him as a 1st round pick and not a number one pick.

    Rhino luck is a fortune.

    He arrived at Geelong at just the right time.

    If you look at his performances at the Cats he has had about 20 good games which happen to be finals performances over 2- 3 years in Championship teams.

    The first year at Geelong everyone was saying they gave away far too much to get him.

    Reminds me of Jack Hawkins.

    In any other club he would be delisted by now.

    Just lucked out on being around in the great Geelong era.

    Both will fad away when Geelong drops this year.

  6. All the more reason to think he might like to stay at a team thats going to win a lot more games and enjoy being part of that. Its not like the club is going backwards ffs. All the good stuff happening at the club in what would be his final year(s) and after 220+ games and MFC life membership he says sorry not interested in that I'm going to the Dorks for less money cos I might be a able to jump on a flag bandwaggon

    Sorry old dee, he's perfectly entitled to turn his back on the club and walk, I can respect his time at the MFC, but don't expect me to hope he wins a flag at the dorks ffs. I don't wish him good luck or bad luck. Whilst he plays for the Dorks instead of the Dees he's nothing to me

    So be it DC but I will have a smile when I see him do well at the Hawks.

  7. I wish him all the best.

    But the same way you wish your ex 'all the best.'

    And it doesn't include wishing them luck in running off with your current girlfriend (the equivalency of wishing Cameron would win the flag).

    We are definitely getting better with our metaphors...

    It just surprises me the ill feeling you have for Bruce!

    He gave me a lot of enjoyment over the years.

    In today's football world Players are chewed up and spat out at the whim of the Club.

    So if a player decides to leave after a long service so be it.

    It does not make him a bum just part of the system.

    I still hope he achieves what he could not at the DEES.

    Numerous other MFC players have done similar over the years and I have no doubt others will in the future.

  8. No, just never liked him when he was at our club and I like him even less now that he's gone.

    My criticism of him is well documented.

    I hope he just fades into obscurity and I seriously think it's all he will do.

    Hawthorn are not a serious threat for the flag and I'd never wish for them to be, unless it was so we could beat them in a GF.

    Now the last bit I like.

    However I think we are both dreaming!

    But as someone famous once said "don't take my dreams away as I will have nothing left"!

  9. I will NEVER wish the Hawthorn Football Club success, maybe some of us forget 1987 & 1988

    Cameron Bruce now plays for that club. His choice, for less money.

    I hope the Hawks finish 9th next year, below the MFC.

    Move on it is 22 years ago.

  10. In fact, I'd say if Bruce was a better player we may have on a flag during his time at MFC.

    I truly hope hawthorn never wins another flag, are forced into a mini-rebuild and Bruce's career ends quickly as he fades into obscurity...

    E25 you smell of sour grapes.

    Bruce gave his all to the MFC.

    Like most players he was not perfect.

    I Cannot remember a finals match we played in that he cost us the game.

    However i can think of ten others who performed a lost worse.

    Have a little grace where he is concerned.

    Whats up your nose so much about the hawks?

    They are just another competitor and a lot better than a alot of the others eg. Collingwood or Essendon.

  11. I just feel sad!

    He played through a lot of poor years at the Dees.

    Gave us a lot of good games.

    It was not his fault we did not win a Flag through his years.

    I truely hope the Hawks win a flag this year and he is on the ground when it happens.

    Good luck Bruce you gave your all for the Dees for a long time.

  12. 20/20 hindsight vision is great but who else would you of picked #1 in that draft?

    Ottens or Croad? Maybe. Black or goodes yes but both were not rated back in the day and went high. Power?

    Looking at the options I reckon Trav J was still a pretty good pick. Good on Trav, hopefully you keep the beard

    I think you are right, Ottens I think went at no.2 to Richmond.

    He never produced at the Tigers and they eventually flung him.

    I think we got the better of those two.

    As numerous people have said drafting is not an exact science.

    Lots of players drafted in the top ten only ever become average players.

    But higher picks like Goodes become Brownlow winners!

  13. ^Thanks for the reports Bhima. Excellent.

    I wouldn't be too concerned with Cook, probably had the wind knocked out of him. And as for Beamer, he's an aggressive player and one that reacts. He'd hate being shown up by a kid. Probably just wanted to put him in his place and give him what for - being a non-full on exercise. Most likely would have had calm words with him off the track if he had any leadership ambitions.

    Pleasing to read about R.Campbell. :)

    I agree with you HT, we need a bit more mongrel in our side.

    All the really good sides have at least one [censored].

    I am a little tired of all the "nice boys" at the Dees

    I would like a bit more agro on the field if that is Moloney so be it.

  14. Thanks Trav.

    You lazy good for nothing bum.

    Take a deep breath H,

    The guy did not live up to his No.1 status however he played a lot of good games for the Dees

    and hardly deserves that.

    And remember it is only a game and it is December.

    Chill out Christmas is only 14 days away.

  15. The Cripps issue is unfortunate and unusual and the condition may have emerged only post draft.

    However, the Saints drafting and trading over the last 5 years has been ordinary to say the least. So its no surprise heads would roll there.

    You are correct Rhino it appears they only discovered it after Cripps attended his first training session.

    My info is that most people knew of his problem the exception was St kilda, seems no one in the recruiting department either knew or did they did not inform the coach etc. prior to the draft!

    Either way I think it was the straw that broke the camels back.

    RL it appears has been unhappy with this area for some time.

    He had better win one in the next couple of years as he has cleaned out just about everyone from before his time.

  16. More so elite sportsmen - at least many of them

    It partly what makes them different from the run of the mill sportsmen

    Anyway, I have a lot more faith in the current FD than previous ones. Lets hope they continue to live up to their improved performance

    Me too DC unlike St kilda!

    Did you see Chief recruiter at the saints has left. Pushed do you think?

    just happens to be a coincide with the discovery that one of their draftees ( Jamie Cripps ) suffers from Diabetes.

    Do you think someone at the saints missed something in their research!

    Seems There has been a big clean out at the saints, 6 from the FD this year.

  17. ............we also didnt bribe anybody.

    Now we have got to the bottom of things!

    just remember the soccer boys and the olympics boys

    Are in the top two positions for the World Honesty Stakes

    ( lack of it that is )Championship".

    It beggars belief that we ever thought Australia would win.

    I feel too many people were too scared to say "we cannot win" for fear of being

    seen to be negative and un australian.

  18. Apparently Chips Rafferty wasn't available and Rolf Harris had a prior commitment.

    What do you mean Chips was not available!

    And why was "Skippy" not included.

    We did not have her "clicks" in the presentation, a major gaff

    and I am sure she would have been better than the cartoon version.

  19. It was painful to have major matches in the tournament decided by poor refereeing and a flat refusal to use the technology available to get a correct ruling.

    Unfortunately, every World Cup seems to be marred by some ugly controversy.

    I love the game (not as much as AFL) but it really does have some ugly elements to it.

    It's like a beautiful girl who wears too much makeup and fake tan.

    I do not believe it E25 this is the second time this week we are in agreement.

    I am glad we are not donating Aussie Tax payers money to this mob.

    They run the Olympics a close second in the honesty stakes!

  20. 1948 was an excellent vintage old dee. Not only did we win a Flag, but by the time the mid 50s rolled around, I was already taking an interest in footy, and I had a succession of premierships and near misses to redouble my enthusiasm for the Dees. It's been a long drought since 1964, but the ground is now moist and fertile, and it won't be long before our topsoil is turned, old fella.

    God we are getting on!

    My father starting taking me from the late 50's but to be honest the only one I can remember is 64 as a teenager.

    and you are correct it has been a long time between drinks.

    I hope we both live long enough to see the next one.

  21. As advertised in the Demon Shop:

    "Our 2011 guernsey is the most technically advanced in the AFL, but also recalls elements of our club’s proud history. The return of the collar, along with a sharper V, a deeper red and darker shade of navy blue take the guernsey back to our true colours, while ventilated side panels have been added to cater for the athletic nature of today’s game. Our clash guernsey retains all of the elements of our home guernsey, with the addition of white panels that create a gladiatorial feel and represent the colours of the Melbourne Cricket Club."

    Brilliant that we have returned to the sharper V and our true colours, as worn in our premiership years.

    Thanks Cam.

    Well DOF I am of a similar vintage to you I think, to be honest all I can remember about the Jumper from the 60's is it had a dark blue body with a red yoke and a collar and Red socks.

    With either white or black shorts.

    I quite liked last years home jumper.

    And at the end of the day winning games in our traditional blue body with a red yoke is what turns my top soil.

    So bring it on!

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