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old dee

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Posts posted by old dee

  1. Don't know what happened to your disappearing post Nasher

    Anyway your interpretation is very generous and acceptable, but not my intention

    I was just throwing a bit of (balancing) support for my buddy WYL

    I know he can look after himself very well but I do like his passion, its quite infective

    But back to the Guernsey, emblem, new demon logo etc, I think its all great and I'm really looking forward to seeing it all, and with the boys starting to train again, draft day getting closer the excitement is starting to pick up - bring on 2011

    You have my vote Daisycutter, Lets win a whole lot of games in 2011 in whatever Red and blue Guernsey they run out in.

  2. You winding me up old dee? :)

    Anyway, my comment re stars wasn't serious, just having a laugh with WYL

    No objection to little bits of white in accessories, afterall the numbers on back are white, there is white on sponsor logos and there is white away shorts (though on this I don't understand why). So some small white stars don't faze me.

    Still, we haven't seen them yet, or have we?

    Yes I was! glad to see you did not take the bait.

    What else do we have to talk about in November?

    Perhaps that [censored] who captained Australia last night.

    For the life of me I have never seen an Australian captain laughing when they are loosing the unloseable!

    Can anyone imagine Border,Taylor,Waugh or Ponting laughing in the same situation as last night.

    Why did he let the bowlers bowl all that short rubbish over after over?

    God deliver us!

  3. I couldn't give a crap about what anyone thinks about the draft, except for Emma Quayle. If she says it, I'll believe it. If some hack says it, whether their name is Jay Clark or E25, I will pay scant attention.

    You have my vote Titan---

    In fact most of us do not have a clue about these players. Unless you go to a lot of games we are all guessing.

    The only group that matters is Melbourne Football department.

    They get all the info, go to matches, attend pre draft camps and so far have a good record.

    The selection of players is not an exact science, lots of things can change after selection

    and quite often players develop later as they mature and late draft picks can produce jewels e.g. Mckenzie.

    So the rest of us are just blowing hot air because most of the time we do not have a clue.

  4. They replayed Bails' response on KB's show. I thought that Bails was a tad 'obscure' in his response.

    I heard it on SEN live and I thought they caught Bailey out.

    I thought his reply had all the marks of someone covering up their interest.

    I believe the MFC is interested and were trying to keep it quiet, that way they could pick him up with a late pick.

    However just my thoughts on the interview.

    I saw him in one game vs Casey and he killed us that day,

    however we got walloped that day by 10 goals so probably anyone would have looked good.

    Taken as a late pick or PSD he might be worth the risk.

    He was picked at a low number by Hawthorn, so he must have shown something!

    I know there were injuries and a big head, however what are we risking for one year.

  5. I agree! He is worth perservering with.

    The games I rememebr he played half back / wing and was damaging with his run and carry and he knows how to use his body

    He is very raw and needs to get confidence with game time!

    IMO he could be anything "maybe a star". Now we have cleared the decks it really is betwween Spencer Newted Fitspatrick and Martin. He is clearly the best athlete and does have ball skills so I'm hoping the FD gives him some game time this year.

    I agree with you in the main

    However I saw him a couple of times at Casey and he just did not seem interested.

    Before he gets a go a senior level I would want to see some geninue endeavour at casey in the first 5-6 games.

    For mine 2011 is it for Steff, show some endeavour or it is over.

  6. I downloaded Kaspersky Pure largely because KL are a club sponsor.

    I have used numerous antivirus s/ware packages (Norton, PCDoctor etc) over the years and I reckon KL are great.

    They provide you with a membership card with access to a hotline. I had no problems as regards installation.

    You may, however, need to disable any existing antivirus s/ware as the instructions warn.

    Thanks M9 but I did all that I was asked including removing the existing protection. I went for 24 hours with no protection trying to load it but it just went around in circles and never seem to want to load.

    As I said I was disappointed I could not get it to work.

  7. If this kid likes to throw his weight around, has a bit of a swagger and the talent to warrant it I'm all for selecting him. If a 17 year old footballer doesn't misbehave it's only because no one noticed.

    Not sure about your last comment

    However what the MFC needs is is a forward who throws his weight around and has a high opinon of himself.

    We have enough wall flowers lets get a Dermie, Buddy or Brown.

    Those guys win flags not meek little numbers who worry to much about getting reported.

  8. David neitz was no giant but could crash a pack as a key forward the players u mentioned are not kpp players this guy may well be regardless of his lack of 3-5cm! As for the injury I'm sure all 17 clubs will have him completely checked out

    If his character is in doubt the club won't touch him especially at pick 12 there is way to much talent around

    Daz I must have been watching a different player.

    Neitz was well over 6 feet ( In the old language )and weight 100Kg+

    If used correctly That size will get most backmen looking over their shoulder.

  9. In the interest of supporting a club sponser I tried this week to Use Kaspersky.

    My Virus protection was about to expire and a few friends had said they were good value.

    So I tried, after three attempts over two days The system refused to down load!

    With my virus protection expiring in 2 hours I gave up and renew my subscription

    with Trend Micro.

    Hope other fans have more luck.

    I was actually disappointed I could not use Kaspersky!

  10. What if?

    You cannot replace an AA ruckman - if he goes down then you may aswell play a good kid, rather than hope to the gods that the NQR ruckman who has replaced him can give near the same output.

    rpfc" I agree, if the worst happens you play Spencer or even Fitzpatrick and hope they can gives us a break even share.

    After watching AFL for a long time I have seen guys rise to the occasion.

    Some times players mature and develop faster when thrown in at the deep end.

    The only way I would be happy with us selecting a mature age ruckman would be:

    - A good ruckman is available

    - A good "Hale" type is available

    I may be wrong but I do not see either type available in the draft at present.

    God knows if Spencer will make it but he has a contract and over the next two years for better or worse we have to find out.

  11. Good luck to the tofs in the dining room- too expensive for me every time I go.

    Could not agree more!

    Wona makes it sound like we have a choice!

    At the end of the day a Dees win is a Dees win wherever you are.

    I would stand in the outer with nothing to eat and my bladder bursting to see a GF win.

    Hang on I did that in 64.

    Sorry! could not help myself I had to say it!

  12. one game in brisbane not to bad, im guessing we can use that as the free game since we dont play lions up hereand instead the Gold Coast

    Dratts I have a brother in Brisbane who is a lions member.

    Normal gets me in and I will now miss the chance to brag while we are killing them.

    Oh well nothing in the world is perfect.

  13. This is a very good draw for the MFC

    forget when / where we play!

    We only play the top sides once and get to play sides at our level or lower twice.

    IMO if we do not do well in 2011 then our list is not as good as we all think.

    With this draw we should make 8th place.

    IMO anything less will be a poor result.


    1. Bail, Rohan

    2. Bartram, Clint

    3. Bate, Matthew

    4. Bennell, Jamie

    5. Blease, Sam

    6. Bruce, Cameron (veteran - outside list)

    7. Davey, Aaron

    8. Dunn, Lynden

    9. Fitzpatrick, Jack

    10. Frawley, James

    11. Garland, Colin

    12. Gawn, Max

    13. Green, Brad (veteran - outside list)

    14. Grimes, Jack

    15. Gysberts, Jordan

    16. Jamar, Mark

    17. Jetta, Neville

    18. Jones, Nathan

    19. Jurrah, Liam

    20. Macdonald, Joel

    21. Maric, Addam

    22. McKenzie, Jordie

    23. Martin, Stefan

    24. Moloney, Brent

    25. Morton, Cale

    26. Petterd, Ricky

    27. Rivers, Jared

    28. Scully, Tom

    29. Spencer, Jake

    30. Strauss, James

    31. Sylvia, Colin

    32. Tapscott, Luke

    33. Trengove, Jack

    34. Warnock, Matthew

    35. Watts, Jack

    36. Wonaeamirri, Austin

    37. Strong bodied forward

    38. Tough SOB small backmen

    39. Mature age tall

    40. Beautiful footballer

    Rookie list

    1. Newton, Michael

    I've bolded the players who are genuine top 22 at the moment and put in italics those who should be pushing really hard for a spot

    Strauss I just haven't seen enough on to formulate an opinion. Also Joel Macdonald could well be struggling for a game by year's end.

    For mine the only passenger on our entire list is, well work it out for yourself.

    My conclusion is that we have a very strong list and with a bit of luck could well finish the jigsaw over the next two years.

    "Roost IT" there may be another change or have I missed Bruce resigning?

    If he should go that would give us five selections in the draft or 1 in the pre season.

    Otherwise it looks good!

  15. I think Juice Newton should be renamed Phoenix Newton

    7 years! This guy has got to be the luckiest footballer going around

    As for insurance, once you deduct the excess you'll wonder why you bothered

    My big hope is we pick up better insurance via the ND/RD/PSD, please at least some alternatives, I don't think I can go another Newton year

    P.S. nothing personal against Newton, he just aint got it and I'd rather risk a long shot

    OH Daisy he will only get a gig if there are big man injuries and as I said else where

    He is there for 2011 so lets concentrate on people on the main list.

    In my opinion there are 3-4 there that would need very big years in 2011!

  16. newton has had more come backs then Lazarus, maybe just maybe he does a Jamar and improves out of sight, weirder thing have happened before.

    I don't mind him on the rookie list a reasonable bit of insurance.

    In spite of what a lot think on Demonland he is not the worst player going round.

    He is tall, reasonable weight, a good mark and a passable help out Ruckman.

    Pity about his kicking for goal. ( he is however a long kick so all is not lost )

    So everyone he is part of 2011 so lets get off his back, he will only get a gig if we have injuries to our big men!

  17. i agree that we do not need another project ruckman.

    we need a big strong bodied full forward - currently we have no one

    we need a decent established ruck that can play a role as relief ruckman that can kick a goal and hurt opposition when he is on. - currently we have no one

    we need a running defender with good skills and decision making and can defend, to free up grimes - currently we have grimes but need to free him up, also have bail but need an elite player.

    we need a good small forward to rome the feet of the packs - we have jetta and maric - wonna is good but needs help, davey can do it but needed elsewhere as well.

    we need a good shut down player - currently we have jones who looks slow at times

    we need a good small defender to take the opposition small forward. - currently we have bartram whose kicking and decision making badly lets him down.

    that is where our list can improve still a fair bit.

    it all just means that jetta, martin, bruce, strauss, maric and bartram to a degree are all in the gun for next year. they all need to have good years to keep their spots.

    Hi Hille, Agree with your last comment, not sure if I agree with some of your earlier comments.

    I still think the forward line presents bigger problems than the backs.

    Jury is still out for me with Wona and I don't believe Jetta/Maric are good enough.

    They would be the first dropped next year unless they show a lot more in 2011

    I want a big improvment from Watts in 2011.

    Also what if Bruce Leaves?

    That gives us five picks!

  18. Wow.

    Now that is a concession.

    Did they support our right to the QB match though?

    I don't recall.

    If they did, I almost feel like I should thank him also.

    Don't think I could bring myself to do it though...

    Oh go on !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You will find it very liberating.

    you can then hate them for the next twelve months without any guilt at all.

  19. As a general rule, winners are rewarded by the AFL in these matters.

    Winners in terms of winning matches and finals, and winners in terms of supporter strength.

    It's not entirely fair, but it is understandable.

    Once we can show we are a winning team with considerable support, we will get the home matches against Collingwood & Essendon, etc.

    Spot on E25!

    That is the reason that for the last 3-4 years we have had very few Friday nights and a lot of sunday afternoons.

    Put the results on the board and all of a sudden the draw improves.

    I hate to say this but if it was not for Collingwood supporting our right to play them an Queens birthday that would be gone as well.

    Don't believe I am saying this but "Thanks Eddie"

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