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old dee

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Posts posted by old dee

  1. This just keeps going and going. Just now Drain Russell announced that David King had said that Tom had signed along with four other players. Gerard Healey did not dismiss it and said that what was looking to be a promising year for the Demons suddenly if Tom had signed, looked likely to be problematic year instead. Did anyone else hear this.

    I have no idea if TS has signed, is about to sign or has not made up his mind.

    But one thing is certain whichever way it goes in 2011 there are going to be some people with egg on their faces.

    If the above is untrue there goes omlete head King.

    If it is true a few around the Dees will look silly if we play him all year only to discover he signed up before 2011 started.

    As well as his manager who I believe has said nothing has been discussed.

    The History of this will be very interesting.

  2. Until proven otherwise we can't win at this ground.

    Don't really mind getting bundled out first round. I love the opportunity to see the dees play practice matches at suburban venues.

    Gee pipef I doubt we can win over there however I sure as hell want to win.

    I prefer us in the second round than playing on some poor ground up the country where I won't see a thing.

    For me there would be no better start to the season than a Nab grand final.

  3. I think it pays to not believe every thing you read on the internet.

    I never saw Hughes or any other MFC player kick a drop kick.

    Given the slippers they wear as football boots since the 1970s I doubt whether many players would risk the toe injuries.

    Then you have my sympathy RR to see the drop kick done well was a thing of beauty.

    Over the years the Dees had some players who were very good.

    The big problem was that not many players could do it well

    and it was deleted from the Game because if you could not do it well

    it resulted in a turn over and in modern football that is the ultimate sin.

    Re injuries I have never heard of anyone injuring their toes.

    I did a few my self over the years ( even in "the slippers" ) and not one injury.

  4. I've got four letters for you. A. A. M. I. I've been to so many ritual humiliations at this place (I live here), and seen us play like imbeciles every single time, that I'll believe we can ever win there if and when we do. So expect little, and you won't be disappointed. On the other hand, if by some miracle we do win at least one, then your joy will be boundless. Sorry to sound a bit cynical, but living in Adelaide means that most of the games I've seen in recent years have been at this hellhole. Leaving the ground, and the following week, wouldn't be so hard to take if we'd at least put up a fight, but we've been totally embarrassing, every time, even when our recent form has been good and Crows/Port's has been poor. So, I'll believe it when I see it. And I hope I do, but I'm not holding my breath.

    It is not a lot better watching it from this end "Bigdeel".

  5. You guys were starting to make me think "Old-timer's Disease" had set in even harder...until I found the following on the internet...

    "An excellent kick, he combined dexterous use of the body with superb ..... the most conspicuous feature of his play was his prodigious drop kicking. ..... Recruited locally, Danny Hughes made his league debut for Port Adelaide in 1981 "

    So, maybe my memory aint as bad as some of you claim. LOL

    Well we may owe you an apology "Vagg".

    I will retrack my comments, I just don't remember him doing drop kicks.

    I thought they had gone from the game by the early 80's

  6. If we are to make eighth place or higher this year we will need to beat both these sides where ever we play them.

    I believe we are good enough, it will depend on how badly DB wants to win the first round of the NAB.

    However we cannot beat time with a stick in Adelaide so a

    Lose is the result.

  7. yeah that's why I asked, hoping someone would offer something, alas the mystery of the post's deletion remains unsolved

    pick 18 for this bloke.. wouldn't mind seeing something, even Blease has got on the park a bit and he broke his leg

    Perhaps he is filling the token "season injured player " spot.

    At least that keeps some others on the park

  8. yeah! bring back the daisy cutter B)

    He led with his chin on that one DC!

    From my memory the SP was the hardest kick to do there where very few players who could even do it moderately well.

    It usually skidded across the ground.

    Thats why it disappeared it was too hard to do.

    In today's game the player would back at Casey after a couple of those.

  9. Played a few in the Casey 2's and 1s late last year, looked ok but hip was still causing trouble. I am sure he would love to be playing if he could.

    Me too, if it is still his hip problem it worries me.

    If he goes two seasons without an appearance at senior level you would have to worry about his spot on the list.

    Not another Moylan I hope

  10. Danny Hughes...drop kicks.... to the centre!!

    Cant recall that. Kicked a few mongrel punts 50 ro 60 metres from time to time. I do not recall any thing prodigous about the kicking of this old fashioned hard man of defence.

    I agree with you Rhino, the drop kick had gone long before Danny Hughes.

    This is one area of the game I think has improved. The current players are a lot better kick than in the "good old days"

    Watched the 1966 grand Final last year and I was surprised at the poor kicking and that was between the two best sides of 1966.

    From My memory the best Drop kick at Melbourne was Tassie Johnson but that is 50 years ago.

    Lets stay with the current kicking style.

    Someone who could do a long punt kick could be useful late in a game

    but they would probably get dropped for not maintaining control of the ball.

  11. can I ask why on Earth the posts between glengarry and myself were deleted?

    I was asking about Luke Tapscott - what is/has been his injury status, what has anyone seen of him at Casey, are we expecting to see him in red and blue anytime soon etc

    pretty reasonable line of discussion not breaking any rules?

    Good questions C & B, I too was wondering does he do anything besides "look Big"

    So far I don't think he has played a game anywhere.

    May be wrong but I cannot remember one.

    Hope we don't have another John Tilbrook here, all muscle looks good and no action!

  12. The jumpers on display today definitely had a pinkish hue to it.

    I even heard a club admin person say the same and that they weren't happy about it.

    Having seen the jumper I am not happy about the red colour and from far away it looks like the Swans jumper. The blue on the V should be more prominent to make it stand out more.

    Having said that the white jumper is awful and the clash strip should be red.

    Oh get over it "A" the clash jumper is going to be white.

    The current one is a hell of an improvment.

    It's time to accept it and move on.

  13. you know what, at the AGM tonight I noticed when Bails was on stage his shirt was true fire engine red, but in the TV monitors and projectors it looked a lot pinker! Did anyone else reckon that? I think there is genuinely something in what someone said earlier that the reflectivity(?) of the material may affect the way it appears in photos/TV

    Spot On C and B I agree 100% I was there last night and you are correct.

    In real life they looked fine.

  14. I'm not going to draw on the Scully debate specifically as it is a wait and see situation. I must admit though that the though of a lot of this being in the hands of his manager who could make an absolute mint out of this is worrying. A generic concern I guess.

    I think you over estimate how much the agents get.

    I have it on good authority that the going rate is 3% but lets say it is 5%

    5% of $500 000 is $25 000

    5% of $1000 000 is $50 000

    I would not call $25 000 a mint as you actually have to work for it

  15. What about simple quality of life?

    I'd take a job that paid 10% less to work with a bunch of my good mates in the city I love, as opposed to working with a bunch of relative strangers in the west of Sydney for more.

    And if I was earning an inflated AFL salary, I'd probably be happy with 30% less, because I know on that money I'd still be very comfortable.

    For us normal people, the money would make a real difference, but at that level it'll just mean he can afford an extra jetski and a second apartment in New York..

    But what if the job offer was 50 or 70 or 100% more?

    You would soon make some new friends and remember it is only 18 months ago that JS started with a new bunch and he seems happy with them.

  16. They must have missed the eight games Wonaeamirri played last year.


    I must have too.

    I only saw 3- 4 games that showed he deserved his spot.

    I agree I think he needs a big year as there are a lot of players looking for a spot in the 22

    and his spot is far from a certainty.

  17. There is no doubt the "new professionalism" that has seen the Melbourne Football Club embark on a total youth policy at the expense of older servants

    will have huge repercussions in the future.

    Loyalty is a two way street and the current players will be well aware they need to look after their best interests as the club does.

    Would you change jobs for 6 Million Dollars?

    yes in a heart beat if the existing salary was $3 million for 6 years.

  18. I don't believe the club is almighty has the right to do as it please but wants ultimate loyal from players (fan are a different thing.

    Loyalty and respect is a two way street if the club doesn't provide that loyalty to the players, I find it difficult to see why we hold the players to a higher standard???

    I could not agree more WM, we are seeing the 21st football world develop before our eyes.

    First Tom Scully did not pick Melbourne he had no choice, he was drafted to the bottom team.

    So IMO he owes Melbourne only one thing and that is to play at his best while he is a contracted player.

    When the contract ends he is sort of a free agent!

    He can make the decision to stay or go and tough for us if he should decide that the next paddock is greener.

    That is the reality and it will be the same for a number of our players in the next few years,I find it hard to believe we will keep them all.

    I would hate to see him go but that is the reality of the football world we live in.

    The challenge for the MFC is to make him an good offer of which the financial element is one part of the offer.

    What I would hate more than loosing Tom is for us to try and compete with the money that may be offered by GWS and others.

    Make him a good overall offer and then move on if we loose the fight.

  19. Fairly obvious - staggering the contracts of our projected stars to make it easier to front-load contracts.

    Neither of the 2 are safe from GWS if they want to go.

    It's harder to convince kids to leave for money when they are so young that they don't have a family to provide for and it seems like they have a whole career ahead of them where they will earn bucketloads of cash compared to what they are used to.

    Money is less important as playing with mates, playing close to family, playing infront of large crowds at the MCG instead of 14K at a suburban stadium in West Sydney.

    My memory of this is that both players were offered 3 year deals.

    Trengove took the 3 year deal and Scully chose to take the std. 2 year deal.

    I always thought he believed he would be worth more in the third year then the Dees were offering on the original 3 year deal.

  20. There's no doubt GWS would be talking to him but $6m over SIX years is just ridculous. If Tom wanted MFC to match that offer then personally I'd let him walk and just take the compensation that will come with him - would have to be a few high draft picks should he poll well in our BnF (hint hint).

    I agree with you Harcourt it is hard to believe $6 mill for 6 years.

    However if that is the offer I would say take the money Tom!

    It would hurt but who could say he was making the wrong move.

    Not me.

    By the way Melbourne should not offer anything like that he is a second year player for god sake!

  21. I give it 5 minutes into the first Collingwood St Kilda game before the Filth's cheer squad gives Nicky Dal the one finger salute..... The pinky finger that is!!!!

    Five Minutes!

    I would have thought 2 at the Max.

    I suggest that the fact Lyon has raise it suggests he knows he has a problem.

    If you look back over the last 3-4 years there is a recuring theme at St Kilda.

    They have not won after three consecutive GF appearances.

    Another miss in 2011 and it might be close to the end for RL.

    A number of their better players are approaching late 20's and due to there time at the top of the ladder

    the recruits of recent years have been average, the drop cannot be to far away.

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