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John Crow Batty

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Everything posted by John Crow Batty

  1. We all know that TS is grossly overpaid. Hence GWS have to find extra duties for him and get some modicum of value out of him. He does the media bull spin that others don't want to do.
  2. If so he would have been one of many. This is one of those truths that dares not speak it's name at all clubs. I would add. One of my former employees is married to an undercover police detective. She told me many years ago that Hird's house had been raided by the police in possible connection to PED's. Funny enough reports of the same story popped up in the media when the issue blew up this year.
  3. Who remembers Marion Jones? Not to mention more than several departed leading body builders and "Macho Man" Randy Savage. Those who muck around with unnatural substances are rolling the dice on life.
  4. LFL is not my cup of tea but my visual senses are accosted by pretty women every time I walk down a busy street and my olfactory senses also if I get too close. If only they dressed in unwashed tracky daks, potato sacks or a Burka I might be spared these distractions.
  5. if JK likes to hang out with crooks and watch the LFL then thats no big deal by me. Just shows his type. As if the tats were not a dead giveaway. I have more of a problem of society becoming the revived version of the consorting squad. I bet JK gets close and personal to those lingerie babes every other day. Others who only whinge get a long distance eyefull at best.
  6. Under AD the AFL has had a "nudge nudge wink wink" attitude to dodgy dealings with the expectation that if you don't cover your backside you quietly leave the building. Worked well but in this case JH does not want play by the rules. Just takes one bad egg to spoil the cake.
  7. Reported in THE AGE that McLardy put in $168,000 around January this year. And maybe a few other unnamed Melbourne identiles did too. An Annus Horribillis for Don.
  8. 5 million left in the bank at 5% interest returns well over $800, 000 in real money over three years. And the news get better and better the next year without raising a sweat.
  9. Most ARL clubs are now gaming /social businesses that happen to have a rugby team to justify their existence so that they can continue to make millions without any hinderance. AFL clubs are real football clubs that solely exist to play football and happen to have a limited gaming/social aspect to help pay the bills. More like a modest cash earner rather than as a core business.
  10. The refreshing thing is that Roos will not have the baggage from the previous administration that Neeld had to deal with. The players had lost all confidence in those in charge and the direction the club was heading under Stynes, McLardy and Schwab and Co. Neeld was made skipper of a fast sinking ship and he did not have the qualities to do anything positive about it. Hence his game plan was still born from the begining because he was perceived as a tool of the old regime. Roos will have a clean slate to work with what I believe is maximum buy in from the players.
  11. They may require a lttle more time than 2 weeks. The prognosis is not good.
  12. Glad to see him back for one more season. Too many prospects have withered on the vine due too poor development. I think he can make genuine progress under Roos.
  13. You must be into group think.
  14. I believe the system would work better if the "likes" were not accumulated in a point scoring fashion.
  15. There are arguments pro and con. Myself, I don't care for them much and use them sparingly. One negative aspect can be that it encourages point scoring and IMO there is a pattern of posters swapping likes on just about everything. Can become sycophantic and peer influenced. Then there are those who refrain from liking a post they do like because they don't like the poster and there are those who post populist comments to attract likes. And there are posters liking personal attacks and insults on others. I believe debate was more honest and sincere before they came along.
  16. I wish we picked up Tom Barrass. His name has a familiar nostalgic ring to it. Gone to WC for pick 43"...sigh!
  17. Can this temporary change become permanent?
  18. Neeld's captaincy master stroke. Keeping the two captains on the bench for the return to Geelong after 186 so they will not be molested and traumatised by those Geelong brutes. WTF was he doing? Exposed his lack of confidence they were up to the job? I have a different take on Neeld. His tenure was doomed from the start because he had to work under Schwab. I believe no matter who coached us with Schwab in control would have failed. The club disintegration was complete after Bailey was sacked and Schwab remained. The burning of the senior players for political reasons was fatal and irreversable.
  19. www.youtube.com:watch?v=kA5QJqUioVg
  20. Sind sie Renfield durch zufall?
  21. Schwab's parting message to Saty before he resigned. "Gehe nach norden nach Riga. Die armee von ratten und pest werden folgen"
  22. I am sure Roos is being conservative in his public expectations. He will be thinking if Hinkley can turn things around quickly so can I. And given he has a two year tenure, he will be aiming for respectable results in that timeframe. IMO all the right moves have happened since Jackson took over and I expect us next season to fall somewhere between the efforts of the Suns and Port this season.
  23. We have been substituting for the Christians lately.
  24. Because media barons are just an itsy bit more powerful. A little higher on the pecking order. They are the same but worse. And football is very big business and political just like when the Romans kept the plebs happy with gladiators and feeding Christians to lions. A good way to keep the mobs off the streets.
  25. I don't know ex president McLardy's sincerest motives but people who put themselves in such a position leave themselves wide open for personal attack and anger when things go horribly wrong. An irresistible motive for many who take on such positions is the power and prestige. Looks great on a business mans or politicians CV. Not to mention the opportunities for aggrandisement and riches that can follow. Being a supporter of a particular club just makes it easier for them. And they have lots of money so whatever they choose to contribute looks like a fantastic gesture to ordinary plebs. And their egos do not consider the prospect of failure. Some are also attracted by the warlord syndrome. One upon a time the rich and powerful sponsored their own private armies to curry influence and wield power. Of course these days this cannot be done, hence being the boss of a football club is the modern substitute. These types are tough nuts and did not become who they are by being fragile and sensitive. To be successful in business and politics one has to be ruthless, have a high level of immunity to criticism and no pity for those they vanquished on their way to success.Thus just like your least favourite politician they are fair game when they fail.
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