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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. That looks like "Cold Duck" or "Spewmante". You are a cheap bastard Stuie!
  2. The word does have many connotations Loonshadow. However, it takes a miserable and sordid type like yourself to try and create smut out innocent curiosity on my part. Did you take the children to McGatt's for the after party?
  3. At last we are in agreement Stuie. You have a basic knowledge of football.
  4. Eddie said first! Eddie told the AFL to get stuffed over jumpers! Essendon wasn't paying Golden Boy! Some clubs do as they please while we bend over and are the recipient of a painful insertion.
  5. Well witch would be obvious but wrong gender. We have had a wizard -- Conjuror is a mouthful ... How about Magician?
  6. What a bunch of ignorant peasants you are. When in SE Asia the palanquin is the only way to travel. You have to give the bearers a good thrashing though. Lazy buggers.
  7. You know the rootine well Grape. You have to take care with Biffen and his girls though - their clock tends to run rather quickly. Like some taximeters in Ho Chi Minh city.
  8. Not witty ..... not funny ...... Your posts are making me look forward to Fl ogs return. The only thing that would make me even more happy ---- is if--- Fl og didn't return!!!
  9. I think we've had enough of your guy love MS. How about manning up?
  10. I use the shotty on Rosellas, Lyrebirds, Kookaburras (teach the bastards to wake me up) etc, etc. Supposed to be protected species but I haven't seen anyone protecting them. If I see any little green Fl ogs Frogs I'll give them both barrels!
  11. This has shitted me for years WYL. When you look at what our blokes have produced over the last few years compared to almost anyone else and yet they get the same 10 mill or so shared around. There was an old saying about your hand shaking on payday (ie you didn't earn it). There's a few of our blokes who should have permanent tremors.
  12. Perhaps saving souls has all become too much for our venerable LW. Has he finally succumbed to more venal and carnal pursuits? Perhaps he has formed "some extreme religious sect" and is tithing poor families and interfering with virgins.
  13. I believe it is called "list management" an oddly unfamiliar concept at the MFC.
  14. I get depressed watching these teams. It simply supports my belief that I will never see Melbourne win a premiership.
  15. Thanks for your sane and incisive comments EN. Be assured, I shall give them the consideration they deserve.
  16. Check those cattle Biff!! If their teats look bruised and roughly fondled they probably belong to Jazza.
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