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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Best leave it at that RTG. It is, however, a salutary example of what happens when people try to rise above their social station.
  2. The bottom of a pack. A front on tackle. A contested mark. A gut run........
  3. Biffen is very vindictive RTG. He actually sniped an invite to a posh polo even at Werribee Mansions. Unfortunately, he cut loose on the free pizz, groped a couple of socialites and got turfed out. He has managed to transfer the blame for this sordid affair onto polo players in general.
  4. Cool down guys. As Caro (over whom I have fantasies) pointed out the other day, Eddie Everywhere is the main man. He calls the shots and everyone else falls into line. Forget this goose.
  5. Post 10318 above. One of Biffen's more subtle and esoteric efforts.
  6. Well anus you'd have to admit there is something rather compelling in the thought of winning more games. I suppose you can say we're now getting flogged by smaller margins and see that as an improvement. But it doesn't really do it for me. A bit like saying I'm a better man because I only bash my wife once a fortnight.
  7. Buy her a new (bike, barbie doll .... ) whatever she wants!
  8. Just had a quick scan over this thread. ATM, I'm slurping a particularly decent shiraz so I may have missed something. BUT. Did I really read Dawes position in the side being questioned? If so - you've gotta be effing kidding! ( or you are slurping something even better than me)
  9. Being buggered senseless makes a man of you!!
  10. ENYAW if you're online, could you please translate the above for me?
  11. Biffen is particularly [censored] at the moment OD because some of his financial interests have been jeopardized by .... er ... good policing. ( see today's Hun)
  12. You're very positive today Biff - did you knock a child down in the carpark?
  13. Patchewollock!!!!!!! FMD! FMD! That is a scary place. Makes "Deliverance" look like a normal day!
  14. If it happened to our "lesser skilled" players we would struggle to field a team!
  15. My make up artist was a bit heavy handed that day - I've replaced him.
  16. Wonder how Buddy would have reacted to a Jack Watts cuddle? It would be a Logie winning performance to convince anyone that that hurt.
  17. I believe that happens when you remove your head from a cow's clacker Jazz. As to the Fl og, I am hoping that he has gently paddled to the bottom of the lily pond (or, more crudely, got caught in the S bend) but, no doubt, he will rise phoenix like, from the ashes (excuse the mixed metaphor) and continue to haunt.
  18. I really believe we should just leave this alone. There is nothing that can be said here that will change/help this sad situation. Leave it be. Close the thread.
  19. I believe Biff has a portrait of Lord Baden-Powell on his wall at the Gat DC. I'm not sure what that old bugger would make of the company though.
  20. Where did the "class" discussion come from? I've got "class" but I don't have to brag about it - it's apparent.
  21. Well we can't argue with that, you would be an expert on such matters Moon!
  22. This holding the ball business has to be sorted out. Apparently a player can take possession, immediately be tackled and ridden to the ground, have a couple more jump on top and be guilty of holding. No wonder we have these "mauls" - where is the incentive/protection for the play maker?
  23. Might as well close this thread and the discussion. Eddie said "No" - so that's that!
  24. Terlich has copped an unfair amount of hammer. I realize he makes the odd super clanger but a couple of his tackles were ferocious and he can get the pill. At least two of his more credentialed mates could do worse than use his guts and endeavour as an example to emulate.
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