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Everything posted by Arrow

  1. Dawes is only a 2nd or low 3rd round pick so we wouldn't use it on him unless it was packaged with a player from Collingwood. A Caddy yes, but i agree in that he doesn't want to come. Don't understand why everyone thinks we have to use a first round pick to get a mature body- these players are unwanted therefore, they're not first round picks.
  2. This is exactly right. Top 5 selecting is not an exact science as sadly we are all too familiar with. So when a born-leader, son of a club legend who is tough as nails you can take with a dibs on him you'd be stupid not too. Melbourne know what they need to do, and they will.
  3. NTRD, I'm sorry that happened to you, there certainly are people who you need to be aware of and simply ignore. One Moderator picked me apart the other day when I was simply making my point of an issue. Sometimes sh!t happens, but don't join the discussion on how that is the moderators fault, think how much traffic goes through here... It's a second unpaid job to look after this and as new members you should be even more grateful that they allow you to have a domain where you can post like we do about our Demons.
  4. Get out, don't come onto this beautiful forum and go mouthing off. The amount of work the moderators have to do is absolutely enormous, and generally with any gratitude. If you're not happy leave the website, I'm sick of you already.
  5. Haha Omg I hope you're all listening to SEN. Brilliant.
  6. I just want to call him up and explain to him that no quotes should make no article. His jumping around about what players were 'shopping' around was truly laughable! No standards in the media and truly think KB does a reasonable show a disservice by having this clown on twice a week. Cannot wait till Melbourne get awesome so I can call him and just berate him!
  7. I know you want stuff thats not mainstream so I'll keep it short and the details very intimate. Jack Viney will be drafted in the 2012 draft- my source doesn't know where but he will go! Like your post it's important we keep it out of the media, so just on Demonland please Household D!
  8. Olisik you are painful to read sometimes. Just let the people do their job and stop speculating blindly. Its one thing to discuss but don't preach SNF, we've all been there and left disappointed. Kim H makes Mark Robinson look like the Dalai Lama.
  9. I wish RPFC, I think it's naive to think we'll lose 3 players only one of which impacted our team this year in Rivers, and than pick up 2 players in return and expect a first round pick for it. We'll be lucky to get a band 2 second round pick for those players but a mid 2nd round or 3rd round wouldn't shock.
  10. I'm keen to play, I'm youthful but incredibly unfit. Maybe a spot in the forward pocket for me haha.
  11. Grapevine that Melbourne are trying to sabotage Tigers getting Chris Knights. We are very keen on a left footer and Crumber and it seems the race is on. Further Melbourne also dipping its foot into Travis Tuck
  12. Kennedy will be on 12 after 4 or 5 games and not poll again till Round 17. Him and Cotchin are the two lay's of the night in my opinion. Beams to beat Swan in Collingwood votes is a decent bet, and I think it'll be a trifecta in some order of Watson, Thompson & Ablett.
  13. Back in 07 it was limited to 5 players per game, and a maximum of 10 games during the year for each. You may be correct in that limitations still exist but it's certainly gone up since than.
  14. I was his athletics coach at Scotch for 2 years and still keep in contact with him, he's a ripper kid, fast and also incredibly fit with an incredible ability to read the play. Would love for him to come to the Dees.
  15. That's exactly right Jarka and you've made my point in a far more efficient way. He picks two of the poorer clubs who are both at the bottom of the ladder and blames it on our lack of resources. He probably interviewed Adem Yze and asked him how often we used GPS systems. Who will hold Lloyd accountable for naming his sources that gave him this info? No one. Gone are the days were you could expect an article as fact, there is more accountability of 'Land; at least we pry out sources when people talk rumours.
  16. Never suggested that I know more about AFL but I'm sick of being whacked pillar to post for what is wrong with our club. We have excellent resources and yes I am 100% sure we own the GPS' to put them on our players for each and every session, whether we choose to or not I do not know, but that isn't about availability of resources but simply what would be a choice for the coach. If the article read Neeld is behind the big clubs because they use GPS' every training than I would be none the wiser to say whether we were or were not in other teams ballpark but to say we don't have the resources is incorrect. If you've been to training or the games you can see players wearing them and they are prevalent. Rhino if you ever want to add to a topic as opposed to being a spawn of Kyle Sandilands, I'll be eagerly awaiting to hear your insightful thoughts.
  17. If you think Nathan Jones wearing a GPS in Round 23 will give you any information you didn't already know, you're pretty thick. Who do you think MFC are more concerned about with how hard they are working.. Nathan Jones or a handful of rookies and mid-range players.... Hmmm
  18. If they have enough to use on both MFC's Casey and Melbourne players to me it suggests we own 40+ GPS' and once you've purchased them, that is 90% of the cost. There are no running costs it sends the info straight to a computer and takes one person to evaluate it. We own the GPS' so I don't understand how he suggests we can't afford to use them at training. There are no costs to run them..
  19. Agree until the last bit. Only 3 weeks ago Carlton had 24 more I50's and were beaten by 2 goals by Gold Coast. We also lost the I50 count by a fair bit in our win over Essendon. Adelaide created actual or implied pressure on Hawthorn forcing errors, I completely disagree with the constant referral that if the other team had more scoring shots they should have won by more. Adelaide had far more efficiency going I50 and that's more important. Would have been very deserving winners.
  20. That's a load of sh!t I know for 100% fact every player is expected to wear a GPS every week in game. Some players find them uncomfortable and I'd expect players like Jones wouldn't be expected too, you know what you'll get, but the reporting here is simply unfactual from a person I am still bewildered how he got a job in media.
  21. I've watched Jackson a few times at Carey with Jack and others Hrovat, Jaksch and Haynes and he is a field general. Half back flanker who leads by his gorgeous left foot and creates action. His likeness is player I would say is very close to Luke Hodge. Not so much the leadership but he sets up a team with his left foot, is a great accumulator and is very good at reading the footy. Would be a great pick if Toumpas is taken at 2 or potentially 3.
  22. He played Prelim and got in the best so don't see why not. TAC Cup doesn't have eligibility Criteria because so many of their players would play school footy or the state carnival and miss too many games.
  23. His sister is a stone cold fox if that makes the decision any easier.
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