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Everything posted by Eth

  1. Edited to make more sense
  2. Eth

    Plan B

    You know why they kicked 22 points? Our game plan was to push them wide so we could go through the corridor. It's harder to kick goals from the boundary.
  3. If you're talking about Riewoldt, you're joking. Compare Jamar's season so far to his last few.
  4. Anyone who can kick long and accurately (Grimes, Strauss, Davey), and tell them after a score they have three seconds to pick it up and kick it to a teammate
  5. Tell the defenders to pretend they have five seconds to get the ball after a behind and kick it outside 50.
  6. Shaw had twelve touches. How about Green, Moloney and Grimes co-captain the club? I just realised that's a forward captain, a midfield captain and a defence captain. Me likey :D
  7. Eth

    Oh umpire!

    Nobody has a clear interpretation of the rule anymore.
  8. Collingwood were pretty hopeless in the three quarters after that
  9. Heard on the news. Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
  10. Why are the votes halved? 3 - Mark Jamar 2.5 - Cale Morton 2 - Brent Moloney 1.5 - Neville Jetta 1 - Colin Garland 0.5 - Clint Bartram
  11. That kick to Lynden Dunn in the third quarter was a beauty. Just sailed high enough to get over the Collingwood player.
  12. Which as a result won't see them win a premiership for a while until they bottom out again IMO
  13. Averaging most marks for Melbourne this year too with 6 and a half a game
  14. That's not really a big name, I was expecting a Swan or Pendlebury. By expecting I mean hoping.
  15. If the answer is that they've all had threads about them, then you're missing Watts
  16. Morton had twelve disposals in the only quarter of good footy we played last week.
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