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Everything posted by Eth

  1. Yet it shares the name with the city also know as Australia's home of sport, and the MCG is the main stadium of Melbourne. RM I agree with your point, but as a team that's got itself out of a big hole the way it has and the team most likely to be fighting out premierships with GC and GWS, I do't think we're going anywhere. Get rid of North Melbourne, they're struggling the most by far
  2. First I'd like to say great analysis and great thread, but I'd like to do my own: Defenders: CP= Frawley, Grimes GP= Garland, Warnock, Rivers, Strauss (could be CP), Cheney DP= Joel Macdonald, Bartram, McNamara, Martin Midfield: CP= Scully, Trengove, Davey, McKenzie GP= Moloney, Morton, Blease, Gysberts, Jones, Jetta DP= I actually think that, given how young Jones/Jetta/Blease/Gysberts are, all of them could easily become great players and be in the best 22 every week, so no DPs here Forwards: CP= Jurrah, Watts, Tapscott, Petterd GP= Bate, Sylvia, Green, Bennel, Fitzpatrick (almost CP, next KPF), Bail, Wonaeamirri DP= Dunn, Miller, Maric Rucks: CP= Jamar GP= Gawn DP= PJ, Spencer Maybe I could be a bit stricter, but this is my honest opinion
  3. Frawley generally plays on the best/most dangerous forward. I think he was battling that stomach problem earlier which restricted him a bit. Stats still tell a story thouh. And he's not exactly well known amongst the supporters...yet I don't control the background mate, but it is the World Cup still and it's not just an AFL site
  4. Another prediction: Jordie McKenzie to get 26 touches, but no nomination again
  5. Wait, so the Melbourne Football Club, named after the capital city of the state where football was originally played, as the longest survivng team of 152 years, is moving to Tasmania? That post is nearly as stupid as TheBoss' on the Debt Demolition thread where he said he's not donating because it means more money for Bails and Mahoney
  6. Wouldn't mind seeing you IP banned
  7. I reckon seeing as most people are predicting goals kicked by a certain player, next year we should do a comp where we keep guessing who will kick however many goals. They also do a thing in the Melbourne forum on BigFooty where every week you have to select a player and if he doesn't kick a goal you're out - but you can only select a player once. And Frawley to get 22 possessions.
  8. We saw the effects of a lumbering unco ruckman last Sunday. Late change: Johnson for Bail...of course
  9. I'd call them Bails, Mahoney and the Williams twins - we would have two Mark Williams
  10. Link AT LEAST THIS ARTICLE IS RELEVANT TO THE DEES, DON'T GET ANGRY *glares at wonnabeeri* Quick article I wrote about James Frawley, read/comment if you can Thoughts?
  11. We don't need to bring this up again...
  12. My name is Ethan. That's not the name of the guy who wrote the article. If I find/write anything related to the Dees it might as well go on here...this is a forum about the Melbourne Demons after all
  13. This article reminded me of Jeff White's injury/attack from Steven King in 2006 (maybe because it's in the article) and it brought back a few memories of the game...poor Jeff. Five plates, fourteen screws, and a shitload of blood puring from his face as I remember. I was level one that day and I remember the cracking sound of King's foot - he should have been suspended. Here's the article: Link It's a pretty good article, I suggest you have a read/comment/whatever :D Anyone else remember any other injuries? I'm surprised Caracella didn't make the cut
  14. Jimmy Stynes at least deserves something named after him...maybe the Rising Star award can be called the Jim Stynes Medal
  15. It's the WWE nowadays, it clashed with the WWF (World Wildlife Fund or whatever it is) so they had to change it. Entertainment makes more sense as it's obvious how scripted it is And that's one big brick shithouse
  16. My dad won't be so happy when he sees the hole in the page in the Sport section
  17. Well, let's state some facts: PETTERD, GARLAND AND RIVERS AREN'T GOING You happy? And the articles: HERALD SUN THE AGE That's everything you asked for, you should be happy.
  18. The picture on the Herald Sun site is FARKIN' EPIC
  19. However much he's getting paid...multiplied by ten
  20. If you don't know who it is, don't create the thread. /thread
  21. The white one is our only clash strip, you don't get multiple options
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