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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. Nonsense. Despite Wrecker's selecting just a part of my statement, it is obvious that the legislation will simply be the granting of the same legal marriage status to same sex couples as is currently afforded to any other male/female couple. A NO vote simply assures that the issue will be shelved indefinitely.
  2. We are voting on whether we would like to see Marriage Equality, YES or NO. The legislation is unlikely to be anything other than the simple passing of a law to validate marriage between same sex couples. The government knows that if there is a resounding YES vote, then dicking with legislation in a way that will devalue marriage equality, will see a big backlash against them the next time they go to the polls. As for the "activists" ruining the YES vote's chances, it is probably no more likely to do so than the rubbish being touted by the pro NO vote people will ruin the NO vote's chances...
  3. But can we be certain that his attitude has not been shaped by the way the club might be treating him? Irreconcilable differences may be a simple as clashes of personality which can in turn affect how each party responds to the other.
  4. And further to my last reply, I was kind of replying while (in my mind) referencing Wrecker's comment along the lines of "...but no club will pay enough with his injury history". Apologies for the confusion.
  5. Yeah, fair enough... definitely not an injury, and I'm pretty sure that once his condition is under control, it can be kept under control.
  6. I think that brick knocked his sinuses out of whack.
  7. I'm interested in knowing exactly what it is he is supposed to have done (or not done) that has earned him the d-head epithet? I get the feeling that whoever gets him will indeed get a very very good player; this is because I feel his poor performances at the Doggies are down to the breakdown of the relationship between him and his coaches (and possibly players?).
  8. I'd be interested to know just how many football related injuries Salem has a history of having had. As far as I am aware, he missed the most time suffering from a thyroid condition (hardly football related), then concussion as a result of a brick hitting him in the head (again, hardly football related... self inflicted) and most recently suffered a hamstring injury (and I get the feeling Salem is not the first AFL player to have done a hammy). So, just what is this injury history he has, and what "worse prognosis" could the club possibly be holding back on?
  9. Larry's first post was suggesting Jones request a transfer out of the club, and now this. As previously suggested, Moe and Curly are in need of your assistance.
  10. I thought the arm slipped up during the tackle while the player was attempting to dispose of the ball, pretty much unassisted... so it's not so different to a low tackle slipping down the legs resulting in an unintended trip. That is, a free kick is given. I had no problem with it.
  11. Actually, the goal was referred for review (you could hear the umpire referring it) and it was deemed ok, so the Centre bounce went ahead. Regardless of that, as the earlier goal by Port was accepted by the 3rd umpire when it was clearly touched at the same point of impact by the kicker as that Kennedy goal, then it had to be given. But wow, what a game (apart from the 2nd and 3rd quarters).
  12. I thought I'd accidentally switched to the NRL final on the other channel. This game is almost unwatchable.
  13. I used to enjoy going to the Tiger Lounge to watch Paul Madigan and the Humans winding up the "radical feminists". Joined by Ross Hannaford, Wayne Duncan and Fred Strauks, Madigan certainly had a way with words, set to the best possible musical accompaniment.
  14. Agree on all except the Richmond result. I want to see Richmond go out in straight sets and hence, the balance of the universe restored. Geelong will not make it to the Grand Final regardless, so I won't begrudge them a win this week.
  15. Would love to see them go out in straight sets. The only decent thing to come out of that club was one of Melbourne's best music venues in the late 70's early 80's, the Tiger Lounge at the Royal Oak Hotel in Richmond... it was managed by former captain Francis Bourke who was a really nice guy.
  16. Um, what question was he supposed to be answering? At least he had something to say, unlike yourself who prefers to dismiss everything as leftist.
  17. Because people see some merit in some of the issues he had (note the word SOME), they (we) are the "touchy feely brigade"?? I think the tunnel visioned blinkered brigade sums you up nicely.
  18. Soft [censored] brigade? Maybe some people see beyond his being a player who failed our club. Sure he was an attention seeker, but that wasn't always a bad thing. I'd say the real soft [censored] are the posters that take the easy way out and simply dismiss him as an arrogant [censored].
  19. How can it be revenge when the MFC screwed it? We had our destiny in our own hands (and feet) and blew it badly. It's not Collingwood's fault that we blew it. They turned up ready to play for the future of their coach and for their own pride... we couldn't even get motivated by the prospect of playing finals for the first time in years! We should be thanking Collingwood for what has hopefully been a massive wake up call, not seeking to exact some sort of misguided revenge.
  20. That membership cost argument doesn't really cut it for me. I am one who, if that argument rang true, probably shouldn't be paying mine and my son's memberships, having not worked since being made redundant a couple of years ago. However, the reality is that those two memberships amount to nothing more than a couple of coffees a week at my favourite cafe; so for me it's not too difficult a decision to continue supporting the club financially.
  21. I believe it's been renamed to "Merde Monday" (excuse my French)
  22. Please pass on my best regards to Moe and Curly.
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