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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. I think of those three Cats, Podsiadly is going to be the hardest to contain because of his ability to break packs. This will probably get me laughed out of town, but I wonder how someone like Dunn might go on that kind of opponent? I know he has done a lot of tagging, but has he ever been played in the backline (I can't recall)? Is it worth a try?
  2. Exactly... not to mention the fact that we had three players coming back in (Morton, Wonna and Jetta) who were yet to get up to AFL speed... and that was a game played at an exceptionally fast pace considering the conditions.
  3. Well AD, if you are going to survive this thread, I hope you know where your towel is Thanks for all the fish.
  4. I too found it rather ironic that while AD was complaining about the size of the thread and stating in large font the number of posts, he was actually contributing one more to that number. Anyway, I am looking forward to seeing how Jack can perform tonight with Miller there to hopefully take some of the heat off him. Regardless of what we think of him, I think there is a general perception in the footballing world that Miller can be a dangerous forward, so Port will have the dilemna of who to man up on, Miller or Watts. Hopefully he can boot a few this time.
  5. Actually, the way the results are going with no one team bolting away at the top and a lot of "favourites" faltering at the moment, 7 more wins would give us a total of 10 which would quite possibly be enough to secure 8th position. After that, if it happens, who knows?
  6. Hey, that's a double negative! - red card!
  7. Fair enough, I stand corrected... although he had a lot of possessions, I have to say from recollection that a lot of his delivery was not too good.
  8. He (and Sylvia) have gone missing in our last three games (ok, he did a bit against the Dogs, but he has not been traveling well (IMHO) since the Lions game.
  9. I would contend that they have earned a game and that equally, there are a number of Dees who have probably earned a stint at Casey; moving Wonna and Jetta up for this game may provide just the spark they need for a good win in Darwin - and who's to say that Gysberts shouldn't get a run and Moloney a wake-up call?
  10. I missed that (not being an avid Footy Show watcher)... funny, just by watching his Tweets, he seems like an "out there" kind of person :-)
  11. Nathan Jones does a good job on Twitter... I think he might enjoy the hot lights and the grease paint so to speak.
  12. Jimmy has forged a whole new culture at this club, and it will not be long before we see that start paying dividends on the field big time... The man is an absolute miracle worker, but I am hoping he will work his greatest miracle off the field.
  13. So you would say you have contributed more than the $10,000 he gave to the Debt Demolition fund? The guy was obviously committed to the club, but being a realist, and as I said somewhere else, he probably saw the writing on the wall as far as his future viability playing with Melbourne was concerned and decided to move on. Also, having an uncle who had been a prominent Carlton player probably helped his decision to move to that club (and made him more attractive to them). And don't forget that by moving on in the way he did, as well as the $10K, he contributed pick 11. You really ARE a "member".
  14. With an attitude like that, yes, perhaps you are a "member".
  15. Well I wouldn't have thought that an all uppercase "I DON'T" followed by a "stuff him" was simply a statement from someone who didn't really care. At least, that's how I interpreted it anyway.
  16. I get the feeling they will possibly look at using him in a defensive role (I seem to recall reading something along those lines somewhere - possibly a Casey report?) - perhaps as someone who can keep the smaller forwards honest but can also pressure the bigger bodies with solid tackling; maybe as a backman in the Whelan mould.
  17. You seem pretty bitter for someone who, judging by your comments, should have been happy to see him walk. People tend to forget that the game is a career for these guys and that Brock is now in a position where he could ultimately be delisted and effectively unemployed with no safety net. I wish him well - after all, he did come to the aid of the aid of the club when we were in need financially and I suspect he only jumped ship after carefully weighing up his options and coming to the conclusion that his future was pretty limited.
  18. I actually had a premonition that we would beat Geelong at the cattery this year and that I would be there to see it happen courtesy of the Powerball win I will have on the Thursday evening of the week before the game.
  19. Apart from the one episode in the Pies game, Bennell has been hard at it and has shown he learned from his mistake. Now off with you to the back paddock with the rest of the sheep.
  20. Agreed. And as for the rest of your explanation... fair enough.
  21. Of course there is nothing wrong with asking the question, but I have to ask, what exactly is the evidence that you talk of. I certainly haven't seen any incontrovertible evidence in this, or any other thread.
  22. Not really a dig... it is a comment relating to the fact that people can make statements that discredit without having to back it up or expose themselves in the process... just as politicians use Parliamentary Privilege. Your comment might be more plausible if I was to reveal BennytheJet's true identity and make unfounded claims of him engaging in questionable behaviour while keeping my own identity hidden.
  23. A rather strange interpretation of "anonymous" in relation to a public forum... but, whatever. Anyway, the real point was, "care to back those statements up?".
  24. Ah, anonymity, the forum equivalent to Parliamentary Privilege... care to back those statements up (assuming your tongue wasn't planted firmly in your cheek)?
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