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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. And just exactly how many times and how many peoples' lives has he put at risk? Yes, he made a big error of judgement by driving when extremely drunk (I haven't seen any official reports of a more recent drunk driving charge), he has done time for one crime and he was never charged with attacking anyone with a machete. Fair enough to have a low opinion of him, but what is the point of the exaggeration?
  2. I was making that comparison on here a long time ago... and I disagree (not with you HH) re Plugger not being such a great bloke; I thought he was a great person, quite a private person who "quietly" went about his job without being a show pony.
  3. If you look at the AFL's FB page in the topic dealing with Hird's payment, there are a surprising (or unsurprising perhaps) number of supporters right behind him... all flashing the #standbyhird hashtag.
  4. I'm still wondering what the AFL will do if ASADA serves notices...so far they have just been charged with bringing the game into disrepute; will the AFL take further action beyond the penalties ASADA imposes?
  5. In that case we better send Holmes out to locate him... no point in getting Watson to assist as he's gone missing as well.
  6. Great stuff Saty ... how is Barry looking now? particularly when seen alongside some of our newer and more highly regarded recruits? He's a player I would love to see getting a chance.
  7. So who was the player that said it? If it's ok to add grist to the mill of those who all ready slag off Toumpas as being soft on here, then surely the player that said this doesn't need to be protected from a wider Demonland community that could equally well handle such a momentous disclosure.
  8. Thanks... he seems to have a pretty impressive vertical leap.
  9. Excuse my ignorance, but who is the blond kid getting all of the air time?
  10. There's the problem! The recipients are running a half a metre too slow!! ;-) Edit: Oh, and thanks for the great report Roger! ;-)
  11. Fitzroy has been a "hipster" suburb for decades... sure they weren't the wealthy trendies that you get now, but they were the beginning of that particular group. That whole Fitzroy/Carlton boundary was a very trendy inner city haunt from the late 60's, with places like Johnny's Green Room, The TF Much Ballroom (later to become the Much More Ballroom, La Mama Theatre, Brunswick Street was always a poor man's Lygon Street. I lived over in Hawthorn East at that time (just off Burke Road) and people on my side of town considered Carlton and Fitzroy too trendy to ever think of living in (and Collingwood too scary) :-)
  12. I doubt very much that ASADA have backed off... I think that one of the reasons this is starting to take wings again is that ASADA are probably getting closer to using their power to haul Dank before them and people are starting to get nervous. I really don't understand this talk of ASADA backing off or ASADA being unprofessional... when you think about it, the whole Cronulla, EFC, NRL/AFL issue has only been "officially" with them for a few months and in terms of what the ramifications can be, they should not and will not attempt to rush a decision.... our dislike (ok, for some, hatred) of Hird and the EFC clouds our judgement and makes us impatient, but ASADA has to get this right or the consequences could be disastrous... particularly if WADA becomes directly involved. I imagine any precedent set here that favours the perpetrators could have a flow on effect beyond our shores, and that is something WADA will not be wanting to happen. As I have already mentioned a couple of times, I read somewhere that ASADA will be invoking their powers and calling Dank in for questioning possibly in January, so I guess there is every possibility that player sanctions could come into effect some time later in 2014... and I suppose the other issue for the EFC and the AFL then becomes, as the AFL has only penalised the EFC for bringing the game into disrepute, what further penalties will they issue on top of ASADA sanctions if they are found guilty with rgeards to the injections program?
  13. Well, where the article discusses the AFL clubs, it does say "Richmond, Adelaide, the Brisbane Lions, Port Adelaide, St Kilda and Melbourne were also listed in the top 20", so you would have to assume that the answer to your question is "Yes".
  14. http://www.afl.com.au/news/2013-12-09/afl-clubs-lead-way-in-most-valuable-sporting-brands
  15. For mine it's: Hogan based on the very brief preview we had in the NAB Cup and the fact that he will have had a year in the system at Casey and a full pre-season under the tutelage of Paul Roos - however, I hope the weight of expectations doesn't hold him back. Watts - I am really looking forward to see what the new coaching team can extract from him...he was obviously inspired enough to sign a new contract and remain at the club when he could easily have walked, so hopefully this will show in his match day performances. Toumpas - from all reports he is looking a lot slicker at training and given a full pre-season with more freedom of movement and no lingering affects from his hip surgery, I look forward to seeing him playing with more confidence. Of course I always look forward to seeing how our new recruits perform, but my main interest lies in seeing what improvements have been made in players from our pre draft/trade list; players that we know have ability but for whatever reason haven't translated that into consistent quality on-field performance.
  16. Seriously RF, you are like a dog with a bone.You make an accusation, then I am pretty sure it is incumbent on you to provide the proof. I'm not even defending myself as I have neither denied nor agreed... in fact I did say I had called out people on race related issues in the past. You however said that I have used the term "racist" more than any others.... and on that point, I disagree vehemently. As usual, you pull claims out of you backside and don't expect to have to back it up. One show I'm sure you used to identify with on the ABC must have been "Grumpy Old Men"... would have been like looking in a mirror (and yes, that is an intentionally snide remark).
  17. You make an accusation, you back it up. Just what exactly am I lying about? Please quote my lie.
  18. That probably should read, hung by your own lack of comprehension RF... I stated that "to get you started, here is something I said.." and stated that despite you insisting that I throw the term "racist" around more than anyone else, the term "racist" was not used. I will say it one last time, you are the one making the accusation, so show the proof, otherwise, STFU. I have no need to prove anything.
  19. In other words, you are unable to do it. I know I have called people out on race issues.... but nowhere near as much as you are suggesting. Yes we have done this dance before, and to this very day you have not been able to put up any solid evidence or point to anything where I have actually called someone a racist... and that is what you are accusing me of. In other words, put up or shut up!!
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