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Everything posted by dees189227

  1. There is nothing nore we can do about Trengove. Its a shame but we have a game to win on saturday. Im hoping that Dean gets the focus back on the task ahead. The next few weeks are huge. We have stkilda, Carlton. essendon and Collingwood. So hopefully the boys are angry and fired up and come out and do to nth what we did to the crows. At least Trengove gets a break and when he comes back for the queens birthday game he will be fresh. Hopefully our supporters go to etihad on saturday and outnumber the nth fans and show them we are behind them.
  2. Im please the clun has got David Gallaby. He is a top lawyer and even maybe a qc. But Im glad the club has the expense to do it. I dont know if he will get off. I thought if you appeal the tribunals decision you have to have new evidence. Anyway I hope he does get off or the very least get his weeks reduced. I hope they spoke to the melbourne storm because they have had issues in the past with these tackles and maybe they could help the demons with a ninsight on what evidence to use to get him off. But what I really like is how the the players have got around Jack. Not only the melbourne players but ones from the other teams. Joel Selwood tweeted, Steven Baker and mitch Robinson tweeted about the disgraceful decision. Maybe we could all protest out the front. Even Jack Watts mum tweeted about it. Good luck Jack
  3. I think thats great. I know she barracks for Carlton but its great that Jim managed to get her. 3 songs she will be singing. They said she will sing before the game and at half time. Her and Jim were on Neil Mitchells program this morning. I only heard a bit of it on the news. There is also an interview in todays herald sun. My mum is excited already. Hopefully she drowns out the bugle boy.
  4. just watching one week at a time where Brad Green is the special guest, Robert Walls could not believe that Trengove has been suspended let alone get 3 weeks. He said thats the way you should tackle and he wouldnt have meant to hurt Dangerfield on purpose. He, quarters and darcy compared trengove with what campbell brown did when he was hitting players behind the play. Said melbourne should definitely appeal and he should get off. They showed some tweets from players about it and Joel Selwood said it was a joke although he had appeared to take it off his twitter probably didnt want a fine. But hopefuuly we appeal.
  5. As soon as it happened I thought Trengove would be reported but I thought only a reprimand at best. Im sure Jack didnt mean to concuss him and 3 weeks is a disgrace. If Dangerfield plays this week then Jack should be let off. Im not sure weather its a risk fighting it. he would be a huge loss for 3 weeks. Maybe melbourne could speak to the storm because they have had to deal with the chicken wing tackles before. Trengove would be a massive loss. I dont know to who would replace him
  6. Depending on how serios Grimes injury is and he misses which Im assuming he will does Rivers jsut come back in for him depending if he has recovered. I wouldnt make any other changes. Bate needs game time and should stay and I think Dunn did ok in the ruck when he was out in there.
  7. Triple m said he is having scans tomorrow morning so I guess we will find out then
  8. Its easy to come out after the heat has been put on the team and the coach and thrash the corws by 96 points but it will mean nothing if we cant back it up next week. We need to prove we can win at other grounds and we havent won at Etihad in awhile and last year North thrashed us. This is a game we should win plus Id love to see boomer put on his backside by Tapscott or anyone for that matter. 2 wins in a row would be fantastic and keep our spot in the 8.
  9. Good glad to see none of this pre game flag stuff or after the game. It just would have looked stupid today I mean it was a great win but keep the flag raising till we win one. Bugle boy im getting used to. At least today the siren drowned him out. He did get a bit off key. Im far more happier seeing the players hand out footys to children and thank the crowd. It was also nice to see Jim out there after the game and his son kicking the footy to him.
  10. What about Brad Greens goal where he probaly should have passed it off but he had his head down. He went back from 50 and put it through then grabbed his jumper and turned to the crowd as if to say I love this club. His smother in the last quarter was great to. Jack Watts was good especially in the 1st half and he is showing improvement every week. Jurrah was exciting and Jones goal was great. Moloney just showed class in game.
  11. We had Sam Blease ring my house to speak to my brother about re signing. The funny thing is he already had round 1 but it must have got lost between the mcg and the office. Anyway just interested because I wonder if there was anyone who had the guts to say why should I buy a membership when you guys are getting paid heaps & not performing. I also wanted to know if the youngsters called because supporters would be a little easier on them.
  12. They just announced that Dean Bailey will be coming up on the show. I guess questions will be asked & answered.
  13. I dismiss watts first 2 seasons because the 1st one he was still doing year 12 and then a another season to settle in. Im sick of people putting the kid down. I know he will be a good player but fowards need development. Its because Nic Nat isnt doing much so the media think who can we compare Watts with next. I will tell you another reason why I want Watts over Hurley. Watts would never assualt a taxi driver.
  14. So did Eddie and Darcy apologise or not. I suppose Eddie had a reason on why he shouldnt.
  15. Did anyone listen to the hot breakfast this morning. Was there an apology made. As Grant Thomas said if that caller was going to mention a pies players do you reckon the call would have been put through. I noticed on there twitter page they said they heard they got a mention on Footy Classified and were going to check the tape. Imagine if JB went on radio this afternoon on the rush hour and a caller rang up and said I saw a pies player out drunk and then JB and Bill spoke about it and put the pies players name to air. Ed would be furious. Did anyone else hear on Footy Classified last night when Caro played a comment where also on the hot breakfast Mick Molloy was talking about Troy Taylor walking out on richmond and going back home to Alice Springs and Ed said something along the lines of dont worry he will go to another club and star meaning he was talking aboput Jurrah. Iknow Caro cops it but at least she has the guts to have a go at top people int he game. Move on Ed you lost Jurrah years ago and obviously you didnt help him in the way we have.
  16. Ok so I owe Brent an aplogy. Im sorry I believed what i heard in the news and on media websites. The thing that concerns me is his drinking. He said when he drinks he has trouble stopping. Binge drinking is a serious issue but hopefully the club and aflpa and hinself can sort it out. It sounds like he was the one to make the decision to stand down. Id rather him stand down than have him miss a week. He will get back in. Also just an issue with mmm hot breakfast if you get a caller with a story check it out before you run with it. I know it a breakfast show and they wouldnt have been able to find out the facts but maybe clarify before you report it. Also dont trust your callers so much. Remember when shaw ran away when he crashed his car a few years ago and people said Didak was with him and Eddie didnt believe them and turned out he was wrong and was made to look stupid. Well now he has done the opposite and it wrong. Im not entirely blaming eddie but what the public tell you isnt true all the time. Anyway the punishment has been done lets move on and focus on beating the suns.
  17. This is just disgusting urinating against a bar. Im guessing alcohol was involved. What he couldnt make it to the toilet. He is our vc and why I dont expect him to be an angel I owuld think a 27 28 year old man would have the sense not to do this. He is in a stkilda nightclub with people around. What would make him think he would get away with it. Very disappointing.
  18. Who was the melbourne ex footy player thast un veiled the flag yesterday? Was t robbo cause he was interviewed at half time. I was not in my seat at the time. I heard the bugle boy though and was glad to miss it. But when he played it the 2nd time in the stands it was terrible and I think he may have missed a few notes. Wh do we need entertainment before the game though. Cant people just come and wait. I know it can be a little boring but Id just rather see my team win then wonder who will unfurl the flag. Also after what collingwood did friday night and the size of there flag our flag seems a little pointless. Do we actually pay for bugle boy to do that. I hope not.
  19. Melbourne were trying to off load Ryan Ferguson for Sewell but Ferguson refused to go. I think the hawks agreed with it but melbourne couldnt get ferguson to agree. Which is stupid because he would have been alright at hawthorn. But Sewell would have been a handy get.
  20. Did I hear correctly that he is satying at crown. I thought he was staying at Chris newman's brothers place. Maybe he has outstayed his welcome there. I just cant believe he has gone to crown again. But its ok because he hasn't got a problem with poker or pokies. Maybe with his money he could be smart and invest in an apartmentor something. I just cant believe he texted Aker sexpecting to join him in Tassie. Im glad Aker told him that it doesnt work that way and you actually have to have trained. Fev doesnt know what he wants or where he wants to be. It sounds like his head is all over the place. But I hope Casey stand firm and tell him you are not good enough to be playing seniors. 2 kicks and a handpass is not good enough to be in the seniors. I cant believe he think because he is Fev he can just waltz into his team. Just because his ego has been burst. Dean Bailey was on SEN yesterday morning and Lloyd said to him I found your 112kg full foward you are after. Fev is available. I thought it was a bit harsh but funny at the same time. Suck it up Fev your name doesnt always get you want you want.
  21. Interesting to hear Gary on mmm footy tonight mention that Chris Connolly got Shane Crawford to mentor Tom Scully. This is for onfield stuff because Tom just trains so hard and always pushes himself just like Crawf did when he was Toms age. Not a bad idea to get Crawf to help him.
  22. What strikes me about Fev is footy is probably the only thing he has ever been good at. He never had anything else to fall back on. So now when he isnt training he doesnt know what to do with himself. But hearing fev say I have only had a problem with the horses not pokies or poker why doesnt anyone get that is a worry. He went to the atm took out $50 and lost it straight away on the pokies. He said on the footy show 2 weeks ago he was broke and he was living off Alex's DWTS money. Im tipping she probably isnt happy to know his money is going straight from the atm into the pokies. But I guess he can thank the footy show for the cash to waste on the slots. I know Ox's problem to was the horses but even he knows not to go to the pokies. Everytime Fev is seen near gambling places the mesia will be right onto it. He obviously needs a hobby and fast.
  23. I did the same thing last year when I went overseas and went to the Cologne Cathederal. Im not religious and I don't go to church but it was a huge & beautiful Cathederal and I lit a candle as you do and prayed that Jimmys cancer go away. I dont have any family members who are sick (touch wood) and Jimmy was the person I could think of. I just hope these 2 tumours go away and no more comes back. Its amazing hwta he has been through. Just hope the dees win next week.
  24. http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/battle-ahead-for-pioneer-20110311-1br99.html Garry has written a nice artcile in todays age. I think the last sentence sums up how every melbourne person would fell. Jim hit the nail on the head. I just wish Sean all the best with everything and im sure his spirits will be lifted by the support from all the club and his family.
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