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Curry & Beer

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Everything posted by Curry & Beer

  1. would they be the papers who love nothing more than to rub salt in our wounds and kick us while we're down? aren't Hogan and Toumpas living proof that you can get hurt and come back strongly? As for Blease, Tapscott and Strauss, can you believe they played 105 games between them? About 3 of those games were good ones because they were spud players who spent most of their time not making an impact down at Casey
  2. Didn't we catch a break getting PJ and Roos? What about getting Viney and Stretch a full round later than what they were worth? What about 2 compo picks for Scully? What about pick 3 for Frawley? What about effectively swapping Vince for Sylvia? All of that in the last 2-3 years. We did well to get Clark, and even after everything that happened we still have Lumumba as a result. Yes we have had a bad run but it's overblown by most - in any case, I don't know why this injury to Petracca has to be placed in some historical context, with every 2nd poster referencing some sort of 'curse' as if it were their original thought. CP's ACL is a bad one, but there are plenty of players I would have been more aggreived for it to happen to this year, and if CP had to have this injury I am glad it is now rather than when he is 26 and we are pushing for a flag
  3. According to my sources you already offed yourself in Idaho in 1961, Ernest!
  4. OK.. even putting aside the probability that CP would have done SFA in 2015... so now you might have to wait one more year for that one kid to make that impact is that seriously such a tragedy
  5. That doesn't fit the narrative LDVC. This is where the victims come to have a cry. Never mind Scully didn't make the top10 at GWS last year and we got two first round compos for him oh boo friggin hoo
  6. This is precisely my point. You have gone back at least 20 years to compile that list for which the last 3 don't count (you seriously complaining about Scully, GWS put a friggin bow on it) Do you really think every other AFL club doesn't have NINE 'sad stories' from the last 20 years?
  7. ban this person for life please
  8. yes that is true this situation with Petracca is completely different and nowhere near as damaging I would have thought that to be fairly self-evident
  9. you call people clueless, then in the next statement make one of the dumbest calls in the thread (or the world). If CP is worth 3 wins Nathan Jones is worth 120. Get a grip. How old are you? You sound like a 5 year old who just dropped a bag of lollies. The instant a player gets injured you create this retrospective fantasy about what 'would have' happened.. every 2 years or so, 1 player out of 100 or so jumps out of the gate and has a great debut season.. you are now suddenly convinced that man was CP.. it must be because of our sterling record of high draft picks coming in and destroying straight up right? I sincerely hope there is nobody in CP's personal or professional life with the defeatist crybaby attitude you have because he doesn't need it, and neither do we PS
  10. it is strange that they can't just work out how to have it on Saturday
  11. pft 95% of first year players do squat in their debut season and you know it
  12. they have the right of course, but they are blowing it way out of proportion and making it worse
  13. Pearce Hanley is out for 3 months, he their VC and finished 4th in the BnF last year, much bigger loss than what we suffered today and there will be plenty of others league wide Enough with the WAWAWAWA we're cursed rubbish
  14. What? He would have been lucky to finish in the top20 in the best and fairest, stop crying like little babies and harden up
  15. Geeziz DLand has really broken out the violins for this one Injuries happen. As far as our list is going at the moment we are near 100% Petracca wasn't in most people's best 22 this year, so there are plenty of other players we should be thankful weren't the ones to go down unless of course he never plays well again and this is his golden ticket, the big one, the career 'could have been anything' golden ticket at least we haven't given him dufflebags full of cash yet
  16. Yep. Vince, Howe and Watts all to contribute nothing as per the principles of modern sports medicine. Not a great start
  17. I went to my 5th session today. Notes (apologies for any repetition) - 8 or 9 blokes in the rehab, Vince wasn't at the ground. Watts and Howe look pretty fit despite not participating. - Frost looks great, a true athlete with size, speed and strength. You can see his usefulness streaming out of defense. I think he is a lock for R1 - Jones is as prolific in intra-club match sims as he is in the real thing, the bloke is just a gem - Gawny looked good playing key forward, a very imposing figure.. it seems very likely he will be spending lots of time down there in 2015 and for mine he could be one of the ones to take a big step forward - Toumpas is starting to grow on me. I still worry that he has nothing about him that makes him stand out, and that he might not be able to get his hands on it enough BUT gee he moves really well and is a super efficient user. He is a smooth operator. Can't wait to see his year. - Vandenberg got some wraps for some good tackling and general contested footy. Is a chance to make an impact. - Petracca looks every bit a senior player. Overall I was pretty happy, there were some fluffed kicks but if you take Terlich out of the equation you just about halve the number! Sorry but it's true! Overall marking, movement, linking up etc looked good Heart attack moment: Jones vs Tyson running back with the flight of a skyball, at the moment of contact each held their ground in attempt to 'body bounce' the other guy off, there was no holding back in intensity. Tyson won. Jones got up gingerly clutching his knee, with Tyson offering his apologies. Jones went to the boundary and got looked at, but it seems he is OK. Good thing this is the bloke that misses a game about every 2 years because he is made of concrete. Scary moment, but exciting to see Tyson man up and defeat the skipper..
  18. Exactly Trengove is a good example for injury reasons. Cale Morton was highly rated in his first 2 years but never came on. Taking a pretty big risk just assuming a kid is going to be an a-lister his whole career
  19. Yep just like everyone else in the competition, Judd, Franklin, Ablett, Goddard etc.. not taking the money and switching clubs via FA.. what dreamworld do you live in
  20. Didn't mean to be.. but I think it's fairly accurate to say he doesn't mind a turnover or two
  21. Refer the final 30 seconds of our game aganist GC Kick-out from the goalsquare by Dunn - 60 metre torp to near the centre of the ground Jeremy Howe pack screamer, quickly followed by 50 metre drop punt to true full-forward position C.Dawes on the lead, in front, marks easily. Siren goes. Goes back, kicks goal (we lost by 8 points)
  22. Crazy talk. Grimes has his issues, but he is in the LG which reflects how poor our collection of senior leaders is. There is no chance in hell he would be left out for some kid with zero runs on the board, just won't happen.
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