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Curry & Beer

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Everything posted by Curry & Beer

  1. Yeah, it was only a notch above touch footy, you take on a tackler but if he made contact you had to toss the ball to him
  2. are you effing kidding me? He cost us a lot of money and instability in the club, and compromised the reputation of the club, and you're backing him for some reason. What is with some people here? The McLean, Scully and Clark defenders who the F do you barrack for? just shut up
  3. Based on what? There are 10-15 maybe even 20 players who have put more runs on the board than Trengove. You just like to think he is really good, well he hasn't shown it. Of course he has the ultimate golden ticket but the fact remains he has done nothing to justify this hero worship. The odds of him coming back and say, winning a BnF, have got to be very, very long indeed.
  4. I went, I thought they looked a lot better than when I saw them on Australia day. We look to be pretty fit, Watts did a lot of running and minimal participation, as did Bernie - but he did do a bit of a kick-to-kick at the end. He looks 100% fit to me I don't know why he is not drilling. Howe looked OK too, just running laps. Can't wait to see Petracca out there he looks totally ready for it IMO
  5. could also be called 'download manager'
  6. what kind of twisted logic is it to think that a 2016 finals target automatically means 'no finals in 2015'? I would have thought the obvious inherent meaning of the statement is '2016 at the latest' it doesn't matter in the slightest what he does or does not say anyway.. it's not like it will have some effect on game day talk about whinging over nothing
  7. The one and only reason we got scrutinised was because of Brock McLean. The AFL could not allow the image of the game tarnished and they were forced to act. One dog-faced bogan and his big arrogant mouth
  8. or WTF is the deal some piece of information from somebody would be nice
  9. Looking at FB and most opinions on here, I truly am amazed at how narrow-minded most people are - you would think we finished second last out of 100 teams, not 18. It's pizzing me off. We led on 9 occasions in the last qtr, and lost 6 by 20 pts or less. In other words we came came very close to winning 9 or 10 games in 2014. Our list ins/outs have clearly improved, IDGAF how anyone spins it If our score against remains similar, but we kick 28 points more per week we will finish with a % of 100 That's it. 4 or 5 goals better. >20 point losses. Hanging on to last quarter leads. The amount of improvement required to be back to average is way, way less than simple-minded folk (who cannot analyse any deeper than looking at a '4' on the 2014 ladder) would have you believe. The top 6 or so are a rung up on us but to suggest we can't push ahead 7 spots or so is just plain idiocy. The fact we are paying 2.70 in round 1 illustrates it well. We were just about robbed against the same mob on the same ground last year when the bald golden boy got the softest free in history and snuffed us out. We beat the Crows in Adelaide and the tigers. The dogs and port beat us twice each in close ones - but for some reason it is totally far-fetched that we could move ahead of any of these sides. Grr.
  10. I want to know what the deal with Trengove is.. is there any chance he will be play any games this year or what
  11. now you're speaking my language available for selection = available to perform
  12. I'm also not that keen on dwelling on the past If our past wasn't such a pile of excrement I might feel differently
  13. well if he plays most games and has a sub-par year, watch how it often it will be trotted out as an excuse
  14. that's exactly right, which is why he will probably be in the LG in the FUTURE right now it's about the PRESENT of the club
  15. It's good and bad IMO.. the fact we have so few senior leaders that have grown up at the club is a terrible indictment - but on the other hand, the players we have chosen to import from other clubs have been fantastic choices
  16. http://www.melbournefc.com.au/news/2015-01-28/howe-suffers-hamstring-injury Hear ye, hear ye! Jeremy Howe has been formally allocated a Demonland 'golden ticket' for the upcoming 2015 AFL season. It is hereby decreed that any valuable on-field performance IS NOT expected, and at the conclusion of the season his paltry contribution wil be ENTIRELY EXCUSED. Despite the fact that he is expected to be fit and available for selection for round 1, his position in the 22 will be largely symbolic, as sports science 'experts' have deemed it impossible for Howe to perform given his 'conditioning' has been 'interrupted'. With two months of pre-season training remaining, it is expected that several other key players will join Howe in golden ticket certification, and as such, their extremely low quality contribution to season 2015 will also be held to no account in any post-season reviews. :D
  17. don't forget this is the club that has won 10 games in 3 years. We have about 6 players who have even been around 'long enough' someone has to go on the banner
  18. 100% this. The opposition gets 3-4 goals a week from truly awful disposal mistakes in the back half and these are the main offenders, I dont care what the stats say
  19. maybe some people attribute value to player because they have been regularly amongst our most effective for the most recent couple of seasons.. and not some neanderthalic macho reason (which has pretty much zero basis in fact BTW) maybe you would like Dunn to carry on like tough guy Dawes so he can watch a few games from the sidelines each year? in case you hadn't noticed, the AFL in all their wisdom have pretty much erased all trace of the 'toughness' you so adore.. maybe just go follow MMA or something
  20. I see your Lucas Cook and raise you a Luke Molan PS In googling 'luke molan' I came across this: http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/from-david-schwarz-to-mitch-clark-with-plenty-inbetween-melbournes-forward-stocks-have-had-a-cursed-run/story-fni5f91a-1226879199657 can you believe the anti-melbourne tone of that article ("when they tried to tank games" as if that is a fact), and the overall sense of 'rubbing it in' and basking in the glory of our misfortune... and the quoted comments by Schwarz himself, raking us over the coals suggesting karma has given us what we deserve! How can a 'news' article even discuss the existence of karma, suggesting some poor kid getting a bad run of injury has some 'cosmic' link to how Bailey and Connolly MAY have 'managed' the end of a particular season, FMD! Uneffingbelievable! I missed this at the time, but I now count 5 or 6 occasions over the last decade or so where Schwarz has publicly sledged the club in egregious fashion. Can you even name ONE other former 'champion' of a club who goes out of his way to sledge his former organisation. Can you imagine Riccuito, for example, being quoted in that fashion in commenting on the Crows? Does Schwarz hate this club or what? F him. /end rant
  21. clearly represents everything this club is about
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