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Curry & Beer

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Everything posted by Curry & Beer

  1. Yep. There's only one thing that can be concluded which is that the club KNEW that the Bombers would take whoever it is WE want with their 4th or 5th pick, so they have pulled this swifty
  2. Let's say we finish 9th or 10th and end up with pick 10 next year. That means we just got a free upgrade from 6 to 3, which appears to be because we have our eye on someone we know would be gone at 6. Even if we have pick 6 again, it is still better to go from 6->3 then it is to go from 10->6. Shrewd move.
  3. There's a huge problem everyone is overlooking: How are we possibly going to squeeze 2 more gun midfielders into a rotation that already has Jones, Vince, Melksham, Kennedy, Trengove, Tyson, Kent, Viney, Salem, Brayshaw, Vandenberg and Petracca? :D
  4. That is so good I feel like printing it out and putting it on my wall
  5. PFt. He is not claiming to have a crystal ball about how players are going to turn out. He is saying that muppets have been proven wrong for slagging off the club this trade period. Which is clear.
  6. It's crazy that people STILL don't get that what comes out of Mahoney's mouth is not necessarily the reality of what's going on
  7. Melbourne will now take picks 3, 10 and 43 into the national draft, while they also secured Jake Melksham (Essendon) and Ben Kennedy (Collingwood) in this year's NAB AFL Trade Period. The Dees have lost Howe to the Pies and Jimmy Toumpas to Port Adelaide. I believe we started with 6, 25, 43 so it's OUT: Howe, Toumpas, 6, 25 IN: Kennedy, Melksham, 3, 10 yeah?
  8. FMD It would be good if the OP mentioned this bit: The two clubs have also swapped picks No.29 and No.43 Not huge but does take a little gloss off http://www.afl.com.au/news/2015-10-21/melbourne-to-take-two-top10-picks-into-this-years-draft-after-deal-with-gold-coast
  9. BTW, if you are one of the many who have prattled on about what we did and failed to do and how Mahoney sucks and how you are a better negotiator and waawaawaa... this would be a good time to stick your hand up and admit you don't know WTF you're talking about
  10. On future picks, does anyone else find it strange, not only that the AFL has introduced this situation, but several clubs have already taken to it? How can you deal for something unknown? How can we allow an element of pure gambling into the system? Bloody hell we better not be regretting this one year from now... on the other hand, if we finish in the bottom 4 again we might as well close up shop anyway so why not go 'all in'
  11. true, but I'm referring more to our overall image for current players, current and prospective supporters, sponsors, opposition clubs etc would just like to see us getting a little more confident
  12. It's just that it is pretty unlikely that our preferred player at 25 will be gone at 29
  13. I agree. Gawn, Vandenberg, TMac, Tyson, Frost, Kent, Viney, Hogan, JKH, Salem, Harmes, Petracca, Brayshaw, ANB and Stretch are all under 24 with oodles of good footy ahead of them. Amongst that lot we should have a quality FF, CHB and Ruck and 5-6 gun midfielders. We have an impressive stable to work with and have shown a bump in improvement each of the last two years on and off the field. We should be putting this in everyone's faces a little bit more instead of continuing to act so... sniveling.
  14. and the second is a very good reason why we should not be fussed we haven't nabbed him this year I can't handle any more guns not being able to get on the park and if we're going to pay through the nose for a big fish we simply cannot afford a damaged one
  15. Viney would have been top10 if not for F/s Hogan would clearly be no.1 under normal circumstances Tyson was pick 3, traded to us for use of our pick 2
  16. He's also different because the club he is developing around is not the complete muppet show that it was for those other three So maybe we WILL have a better track record from now on
  17. so.. there wasn't a dumb club that fell for the trick, and we only got a fair deal for him. That's a break-even, not a loss.
  18. because it's just impossible that one of the other 16 clubs could swoop in and offer Essendon more in a trade?
  19. how do you know we didn't float that with Essendon and they said no deal we'll take 25 thanks we can tell them whatever we want but they don't have to accept it we wanted Melksham so we got him
  20. are you telling me you thought Howe had a good year? did you happen to catch any of the games?
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