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Curry & Beer

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Everything posted by Curry & Beer

  1. Let's just charge him with murder then if it's all the same. Why not mass-murder, because threatening to kill somebody is the same as actually murdering a lot of people, all in the same parcel.
  2. Let's not lose grasp of the fact that there is a gigantic difference between threatening something and actually doing it
  3. Raised 1,501.00 AUD of 2,000.00 AUD target
  4. you will surrender the argument without firing a shot you mean unbelievable
  5. I told you why, if one of them can orchestrate the type of farce that got Judd to Carlton instead of Melbourne - $$$$$$$$$$ Say whatever you want about the salary cap, it is an easily avoidable obstacle through which loopholes can navigate
  6. I am actually, but that has nothing to do with the fact you have been unable to substantiate your argument in any way. One more time: What is the reason why one of the other Vic clubs won't be the ones that snatch Hogan?
  7. but again, what are you claiming is the REASON for this weve only looked at one year BTW
  8. Who's next? Raised 1,351.00 AUD of 2,000.00 AUD target http://demonland.com/forums/clients/donations/
  9. But I don't understand your point, why are we 'safe' from the other Vic clubs poaching him, what is the factor I'm missing?
  10. What? Just this year: Henderson, Suckling, Melksham, Anderson, Howe, Kennedy, Carlisle, Fitzpatrick and Yarran all went from one Vic club to another. ..and how can you doubt the importance of money, do you think any of the big name recruits of the last decade didn't end up better off financially at their destination than they would have if they had stayed? Dangerfield might be the exception, but I'm still waiting to find out what sneaky procedure is in place for the cats to give him his gold house and rocket car
  11. we're obviously discussing something that has already been discussed ad nauseam BUT the 'young talent/promising future' is only one aspect of the decision. We are still yet to prove this anyway, as we have stockpiled talent in recent history to watch it fail miserably. The big one is money - what can others engineer to snatch him the way Carlton did with Judd and the Swans did with Franklin. The other is the 'family reason', or geographical line that gets trotted out IMO to cover the REAL reason which is the aforementioned financial one. If being home at Freo isn't a concern, we have the advantage of being in the best city to live in Australia, and the capital of footy, but so do 8 others. We are also one of the few that gets to play at the mighty G. In summary I'm saying that there are a lot of factors involved and the apparent talent we have IMO is not that big a piece of the puzzle. I've already come to terms with possibility that we get burned - but we know that if this happens we will be very well compensated for it and you never know if keeping or losing the Hulk will actually be a positive or negative in the end. If we hadn't got stiffed by Scully and Frawley we wouldn't even have Hogan or Brayshaw, which is something to think about.
  12. wouldve been hard anyway. We're not a 'destination club' remember
  13. I'm not saying he's going to leave, I'm saying whatever happens we are going to cop the media speculation for an entire year between draft periods
  14. will this be to avoid getting publicly done for drug use or to weasel his way into another club, or both? pathetic isn't it
  15. Just plonked down $50, well overdue. Thanks fellas for your work.
  16. 11 wins, 11th place Not out of the question though that everything will go CLICK and we finally see September. There is going to be another bunch of lineup changes and our young talent is very, very good, anything can happen.
  17. except that Hogan ended up being the clear no.1 source of enjoyment/excitement.. so the anticipation wasn't really misplaced
  18. Nice work! Thanks! Q: Do signatures no longer exist?
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