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Curry & Beer

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Everything posted by Curry & Beer

  1. PS why don't you suggest that mono apologise for his comparison to ISIS and medieval torture, that is far more off-base and absurd than what I am apparently being accused of, which is some sort of murky 'unintended devaluation' FFS
  2. i'm not weaseling out of anything. I was 100% right when I said 'it's not as bad'. It's a statement of fact. I was forced to continue pushing it because a few like mo64 were challenging it. If others choose to ignore my many clarifications and talk about this 'devaluing' BS that is not my problem. I am dealing in facts. The facts are we should not be treating Martin like he has murdered somebody because he hasn't. That is how the law will be dealing with it also because they understand it is not as bad. Tell me again which part of this I am incorrect about again? BTW your use of the collective 'everyone' is not accurate. There are plenty who have backed me up as you have chosen to ignore.
  3. I can't be bothered reading through but I think this thread has been 'furnished' by moderators. Trust me that stuie did as he does 100% of the time, day in day out, which is just be a terrible human being to anyone that doesn't agree with him. Axis of Bob chimed in with some gut-wrenchingly bad condescension and arrogance.
  4. The irony being that Axis of Bob and Stuie are just mean-spirted bullies who thrive on attacking others, yet they want to see Martin lynched in the town square because they are just these noble enlightened protectors of women? Yeah I noticed it too.
  5. I don't understand how I can give the impression of something when I have categorically stated the opposite, without ambiguity, on 5 or 6 occasions now.
  6. My position on the bolded bit is the same as the 990 people; that's why the legal system has different sentences. My position on puppies is that I find them cute and adorable. My position on anchovies is that I think they have their place, but I don't want to overdo them because they have a very strong taste. Nobody is arguing that point .... you only think they are because you need to find something to oppose Stuie on. Unfortunately you are fighting a war that nobody else is bothering to fight, because it is irrelevant. You are getting indignant that nobody is answering your question, but nobody is answering it because it isn't a very good question. In dot point form: Dustin Martin did something bad. You said that at least he didn't do something worse. Everyone said, "Who cares, because what he did was really bad" You then got into a huff and said "Why don't you agree that murder is worse than threatening to kill?" Everyone ignored your question because it was irrelevant. I hope I've made this thread easier for you to follow. I agree with everything you've said except the bolded bit. It is very obvious that several DID in fact argue this point, which is of course why I was forced to continue - you must have seen those posts, having read the thread so carefully and through being just generally so much smarter than everyone
  7. How can you say it's not relevant? The question is if threats to kill equal actual killing threats - 10 years murder - life how could a point possibly be MORE relevant to the discussion?
  8. if you neversaid that, and that's not your position, then what in god's name are you arguing with me about? because that's the ONLY thing i have ever argued for.
  9. i nor anyone else has ever suggested that what he did wasn't a serous crime. Show me one single post where this has been said. I'm simply pointing out the obvious that the likes of stuie who are equating a threat with an actual murder are being nonsensical and frankly absurd - but i and others have re-clarified this point several times already but apparently some people simply can't read. we are being told his crime has a max penalty of 10 years, right? What's the penalty for murder? Max life in prison isn't it? So if you can explain to me why the law doesn't give people life for threats to kill I will concede the argument. But of course, you can't and won't do that.
  10. you're 'devaluing' the actual victims of murder by suggesting people have merely been threatened are just as big victims ps what's the link between appreciating an attractive woman and not respecting her? pps as already established, youre insane, downright nutbar
  11. so I take it you have no valid rebuttal for this point, maybe you missed it
  12. we were typing at the same time but your new response has matched mine perfectly your position is nonsensical and despite the fact you know most disagree with it, you choose to pass that off as them being illectually inferior to yourself. It's little surprise you are holding an oar on the SS STUIE
  13. Translation: Yes, I am in the minority with this argument - but that's only because average people are so dumb and I'm a level above them all obviously you think you know better then the law of the land, which, last time I checked, imposes a far more severe penalty for murder than it does for threats and intimidation. Maybe because its basic bloody common sense.
  14. lol the stuie move again.. hey as long as youre accusing people of being sexist, might as well call them racist too, just pile on the outrage, t's all the same isn't it i would like to see you explain to the family of somebody who was actually murdered in a domestic violence incident, that this restaurant woman is just as much a victim as their deceased loved one.
  15. It would seem you are the one who has not comprehended Nasher's post I have an idea, run a poll and ask if it is the same or worse to hit somebody than to just threaten to do it. Love to see the result.
  16. how many times does it need to be re-stated? NOBODY, not one person, has suggested the offence is 'nothing'. Have you been paying attention? The point is that it is not AS BAD as actually doing it. I think a 5 year old would understand the difference.
  17. the point was very obvious, mono was comparing martin's offense to medieval torture and ISIS terrorism. There is quite the difference between that and intimidating somebody, but you yourself have already acknowledged that so your argument baffles me TBH
  18. LoL you're just going to arbitrarily work race into it now are you.. wouldn't that be the cherry on top for you if the story developed that the victim was a non-white person, you could start your own forum with the material!
  19. i know actual female feminists that would laugh at your stance on this. The irony is if the actual victim were a male, you wouldn't give the slightest toss about his rights - which means you are not into equality at all.
  20. such an enlightened new age battler for women's rights, we're all super impressed.
  21. he was seriously being compared to a medieval torturer and ISIS yep, i'm the one one living in a strange world
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