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Curry & Beer

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Everything posted by Curry & Beer

  1. embarassing statement i know there has been some spilt milk and a lot of little girls are crying over it but for God's sake get a grip
  2. Lyon should remove his hand from it, they were very lucky to walk away witha win, let alone have the 5 best on the ground
  3. i thought they were intended for kids only so didnt even get mine
  4. God that is a stupid thing to say, the bloke's name is WELLMAN and as if you have THE SLIGHTEST CLUE to be able to attribute Bailey's success purely to him, why do people just fabricate things purely from their imagination and state them as fact. Grrrrr We should have won that game, if we hadnt anything like a full side in we would have, and even so we just needed to not have as many poor errors as we did. We ahve flogged sides by 15 and 16 goals this year and are a game out of the eigt. I honestly don't get why everyone is so pizzed off we are actually going OK. I am going to be bumping some threads when we get a big scalp soon and everyone is back kissing Dean's arse.
  5. He came fourth in the B+F last year after winnig it the year before Deserves to be dropped at this stage for his poor season but let's not talk utter garbage and rewrite history shall we
  6. -butchering is not the same as playing soft. big difference -it wasnt just the squib, it was the 50, a number of soft refusals to take position/absorb tackles and overall terrible body language/leadership -Batram's not in the leadership group that's the difference
  7. or you could look at the list and conclude yourself that all 15 have done more damage than he has this season
  8. there's 15 in front of him in d'land voting
  9. why dont you post what the actual votes were from the game instead of just the running totals
  10. yeah thats just what i was about to say
  11. no, Jack Watts played an excellent game on Saturday and at no stage recently has he showed any sign of being the soft player some say he is. With his brains, cleanliness/skill, athleticism and versatility looks highly probable to become an excellent player. but the blubbering little babies in this thread didn't notice that because we didn't win the game
  12. did we sell though or did we just end up on the lucky end of a Carlton blunder? Either way, we ended up with the Gys basically for free Jordan Gysberts no refunds
  13. unfortunately true expect a lot of groaning and headshaking for turnover goals
  14. well excuuuuuuse me all to hell for assuming most would have read that when it was posted apparently they had a go at him for being soft and did some sort of drill where everyone ran at him and he had to take the contact. or something.
  15. would the alleged incident involoving Morton at training come under this umbrella
  16. you lot have made me change my position I think we'll get flogged too The boys coming back will be rusty, 2 pretty average blokes a debutant, the side we have out there is very far below full strength, it would struggle to be half strength really
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