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Curry & Beer

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Everything posted by Curry & Beer

  1. I totally agree If they are fit enough get their butts out there to earn their pay. Everyone is bloody sick of losing. They are supposed to be professionals, I don't know why in the last 5-10 years it has become acceptable practice to 'rest' blokes and 'put them on ice' klike they are delicate little flowers. FMD, there are 15 names on that list and it is KILLING us.
  2. you must be joking, at the time i left there was maybe 1 quality football related post a week. There was hardly any posting at all, and most of it was ridiculous posturing and bickering by cretins. Call me crazy but I felt like actually discussing football so I came here. On second thought I hope it is revived so it protects us from the arrival of posters like Bluey, who has surfaced in the last week or so. PS you'll note the greatest post of all time is still stickied to the top of that forum so mind your manners
  3. These drafting threads are hilarrious - it's hard to imagine more lengthy and authoritative comments by a bunch of people who have absolutely no clue no what they're talking about. All I know is this: -in the 03/07/08/09 drafts we aqcuired Sylvia, McLean, Morton, Watts, Scully and Trengove with top 5 picks. Not a SINGLE ONE of these picks was controversial or criticised by ANYONE at the time the picks were made (with the exception of MAYBE Naitanui at 1 and Watts at 2). -As a group of 6 players we have had a horrible, horrible return so far, which of course has brought out a host of 'monday's experts' who claim we are just plain 'bad-pickers'. The reality is that for a number of reasons, largely stemming from our poor financial status, we are no good at DEVELOPING ELITE TALENT. That is why you have to go back to Stynes/Lyon/Schwarz to find anyone in red and blue that has been well regarded in the wider football world (special mention to Neitz). -I can only hope the club is in a stronger position now to do something about this crippling problem. Now, with great sadness, we find ourselves lining up again for draft handouts, because instead of perhaps pushing for a top4 spot like we all hoped/expected we would be by now, we have failed again and are at the head of the failure handout line. So, that is 2 more shots at top5 talent. Is there any chance we might actually capitalise on it this time? One thing is for sure, 2-3-4 years now if we have another couple of also rans there will no shortage of experts saying we 'picked the wrong blokes'.
  4. totally agree the moderation here is heavy-handed, but in every other respect it carps all over demonology. Why insist on having two factions, there is one sport, one league, one club why the f do we need 2 forums? suck it up princesses
  5. so youre laughing at a hypothetical scenario you are watching n your head demon or not I have not seen much star potential from him bar that last quarter in the wet against the dogs
  6. pft. who doesn't? I thought it was well understood by anyone with a clue that loyalty is not expected of anyone, it is all about getting every cent you can. if you don't believe that I have three names for you: Ablett, Judd and Scully
  7. this guy came to us at pick 64, and in 11 seasons he finished in the top9 of the B+F 10 times (all except his first year). That includes finishes at 1st, 2nd twice and 3rd. If anyone currently on the list finishes their career having given us us service like that I will be happy.
  8. exactly what I was thinking personal vendetta thread hijacking visits demonland hooray
  9. There it is, post no.6 - the 'Scully's good, we're crap' guy. There's always one.
  10. Scully in sizzling form again today with 6 kicks and 10 handballs, the spud played on from a mark and managed to get a goal touched of his boot 2 metres from the goal line, which I enjoyed immensely. Can't you just feel those media maggots warming up their typing fingers to start getting stuck into this guy as everyone wonders why in the name of God he is getting 50 grand a game, which is over 10 grand a kick at the moment. Meanwhile his side is enjoying a fantastic debut year, with 14 losses to go alongside their win over the other hacks, culminating in an average losing margin of 80 points including losses of 162, 129, 119, 94 and 92. Today they played at home and the Crows piled on 18 goals after time. Hope Tommy is loving it.
  11. I can't believe people are still bagging Watts - he has shown me more than enough on a good dozen occasions to convince me he is going to be very good at least. Jones and Clark are all quality, massive potential for Grimes, Howe and Blease. Rivers, Garland and Frawley are a pretty good 'set' of players. The russian is the russian. Beyond that group of 11 we are in trouble. Chook - I really do admire your optimism, I honestly don't know where you get it from. In 2010 we won 8.5 games and were actually close to finals - I was very confident then..
  12. I am so frustrated watching this 'Diet coke' watered down version of our side. The combination of injuries and blokes just inexplicably playing below their best with great consistently is really getting to me. Its always depressing to see us play poorly and lose comfortably - but what can you reasonably expect with our ridiculous injury list. I cannot come to terms with how it can be possible for a professional organisation to be so utterly devestated like this - I mean all the money and the equipment and the expertise and blah blah blah yet we cannot even field a half-strength side. That is no exaggeration either when you consider: Jamie Bennell Clint Bartram Mitch Clark Aaron Davey Michael Evans Max Gawn Mark Jamar Neville Jetta Liam Jurrah Tom McDonald James Sellar Jack Watts plus Dunn suspended Then you have Morton, Gysberts, Moloney, Tapscott, Magner not even getting a run because they aren't up to it. We KNOW they are/can be fine players why the hell can't they show it. So that's 16 blokes who could be out there contributing/competing for spots but they aren't there. SIXTEEN FCS! That means we are playing blokes who are effectively our 38th option, which almost the bottom of the list! so we play the likes of Couch, Bate, Strauss and Nicholson who give us bugger all and of course we get flogged. Is it too much to ask to field a side that is healthy and without so many playing well below their proven ability? If that day ever comes we will know how good we are and how good Neeld is - but it seems we have to watch this watered down version of our club get spanked every week infinitely. Losing is one thing but enduring these quarter-strength lineups on game day is infuriating. Getting bloody sick of supporting this club, when will we ever get to ENJOY some kind of success? Argh!
  13. yep that's the truth alright, the sad sad truth and some of colingwqood's better players would be battling in the VFL had Melbourne drafted them
  14. the fact our list is pretty awful to begin with and it has 13 injured blokes taken out of it not really sure what they can do on selection night ps the only club with a longer injury list is GC who have 14 on theirs.
  15. agreed, will also find it impossible to score, somehow we are fielding a side that has NONE of Green, Davey, Clark, Petterd or Jurrah, and has Watts in the backline. FMD.
  16. we are going to get murdered again because we have way too many unpolished, low-class players in - Nicho, Joel Mac, Martin, Magner, SPENCER FFS, Bail and Bate. Shocking group that is.
  17. seriously. this 'sleeping pills' excuse is a total lie for anyone that has any idea. they were obviously on illicit drugs and the only reason it is being called 'sleeping pills' is because if they told the truth they would be forced to axe martin, and obviously they cant do that because he is their marquee player for the next decade. It wouldnt matter if he did a drive-by shooting it owuld be called an 'altercation'. seriously if you buy ANYTHING the club or the afl says you are just an idiot who is out of touch. Yeah we went out on the [censored] and in order to unwind we took some sleeping pills and therefore missed training. MY god how effing stupid do they think we are
  18. blues are experiencing the axe-drop on a tall poppy syndrome. 7 weeks ago they were flag favourites now its doomsday. theyll have a good win soon and it will be backflip city blah blah passion redemption etc just garbage media and short-attention-span culture fuelled rubbish. the second things go wrong its pin the tail on the donkey who's getting sacked? pathetic society we live in
  19. It is refreshing though that this bloke doesn't sugarcoat everything like previous VFL reports on the club site
  20. i spent years bagging Bate and Miller, listening to the experts with their 'give him a go' the faith was repaid with them wasnt it if spencer ever plays a good game i will streak nude at the G
  21. Spencer is one of the worst I have seen this club field. The definition of a 200-cm type that gets to play AFL purely for that reason and has absolutely nothing else. Makes Isaac Weetra look like James Hird. Bloody embarassing.
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