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Curry & Beer

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Everything posted by Curry & Beer

  1. so is anyone going to say that he comes from a different culture where drink-driving is looked at differently and therefore he should be given a break for this? all the other stuff he did was quickly excused for the colour of his skin, why not this?
  2. the thing is though even if we are completely exonerated tomorrow, we've already copped a huge blow to our brand and we did not deserve it.. and we would be in the top 3 clubs who LEAST needs such problems. Brock McLean should be strung up.
  3. Always rated him highly, was surprised to see him come in 6th place in our latest time trial, that's a great effort. Have to wonder about the quote though "I do feel like a Melbourne person … I’m proud to say I play for Melbourne" How can anyone have anything even close to pride after years of getting smashed and now universally labelled as cheats...shame or embarrassment would be a more accurate feeling for mine
  4. rubbish there almost as many errors in that post as there are words
  5. I am growing more and more disgusted with the media to the point I am just furious now. This latest Watts angle is so stupid I can't actually believe I just read it. Around the time of JW's debut everybody was slamming us for putting the kid in too EARLY, now they are looking back and saying we held him back because he would have had too much of an impact. Even when he came in they all couldn't write their garbage quick enough saying he was a dud and we wasted the pick and all that, now all of a sudden he is a born superstar. The other comment was that somebody said something like maybe Connelly didn't seem all that happy after a win one time, are you f--king me, maybe he had an intense curry the night before and his guts were playing up! Using this type of garbage as ammunition against our good name, I don't know how that can be called anything other than libel. I feel like punching every one of them. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  6. when did this site become demonology there is nowhere else to flee now
  7. I'm with you, I won't be the least bit surprised. The Eagles' track record for actually developing young talent into solid footballers is in another stratosphere compared to ours.
  8. seems to me that the portion of us who are upset about this are only upset because we happen to be a bad side at the moment.. I don't see what our on-field performance has to do with this, they are entirely separate issues
  9. exactly, who the hell cares if there are multiple threads
  10. winning round 1 seems like winning the lottery - we have lost the season opener the last SEVEN on the trot
  11. rarara the 'i'm trying to be optimistic but a realist won't swallow it' dummy spit panties in a bunch cry response. Seen it before mate
  12. fantastic, hopefully he can honour that number and provide the lengthy and consistent careers of his predecessors
  13. yeah but that's what everyone said in the equivalent thread in 2009, just because it happened for the cats really has nothing to do with us
  14. you or anyone else cannot allow themselves to think that Viney or Toumpas will have any real impact- here's a little fact for you, in the last ten drafts we have enjoyed the opportunity to draft sylvia, mclean, morton, watts, scully and trengove all from the top 5 of the draft.. not one of them made a signifigant impact on gameday in their first year (truth be told none of them have yet ever lived lived up to their draft pick position regardless of experience) so expecting these two new kids to do so is just plain foolish. i don't really need to respond to your hopes that a couple of mature age recruits taken in the 50s of the draft will make any difference 'overall fitness levels' please? every club every year posts their standard 'boys are flying' crap. I agree it all sounds great in the preseason but weve heard it a million times you're not really mentioning Judd? yes Carlton pinched a player that is regarded as an all-time champion in his prime, made him captain, of course that made a difference. If you think anyone we have procured this draft/trade period is going to have anywhere near that impact, i have a bridge i can sell you. you've used the word 'vibe' and i attribute as much weight to that as i did when denis denuto said it
  15. as you must have read about 30 times so far the poster in question has runs on the board, which negates everything you are saying
  16. apologies, I should have been clearer - my comment was based on the assumption that if they have indeed found us guilty than they presumably have the required evidence to do so.. let's not forget they are the investigator but also the judge and jury. If an announcement is made that we are being punished then i think it is fair to say the case is a fait accompli and we can't mount an argument from there
  17. in terms of changes to our playing 22, it is hard to argue we have made much inroads with quality or experience departed players with games played last year Moloney, Brent 15 Green, Brad 13 Rivers, Jared 22 Martin, Stefan 7 Morton, Cale 9 Gysberts, Jordan 1 Matthew Bate, 12 Ricky Petterd, 4 Jamie Bennell, 6 Liam Jurrah 1 Lucas Cook 0 Jai Sheahan, 0 Leigh Williams 0 Kelvin Lawrence 0 Clint Bartram 8 so what it really boils down to is that we will see Moloney, Green, Rivers and Bate replaced with combinations of Pederson, Dawes, Rodan, Byrnes, Viney and Toumpas. By my assessment it doesn't promise a huge improvement on paper.. and this is a side who lost their last two games by 10 goals and really only put in one quality performance for the year. I hate to say it but I think anyone expecting anything close to finals is kidding themselves
  18. mate if you are investigated and found guilty of a crime you can bleat all you want about your innocence, it is not going to do you any good - you might as well limit the damage. Neeld would be spitting chips, he's done nothing to deserve a big setback early in his career, and after all the carp that happened last year the bloke has copped a very raw deal indeed
  19. did you seriously type that? Not only have they been a VFL/AFL club for 77 years, the suburb of Hawthorn is about 170 years old. If you follow football, or even have the slightest knowledge of the city of Melbourne, you must surely have seen the proper noun written down once or twice before. Like every single time you've looked at the AFL ladder, for example. There is no 'e' on the end FFS
  20. realistically I can gaurantee three things that will happen next year - 1. we will put in a solid showing against a good side and we will all bask in the glorious future that awaits. 2. we will play some utterly putrid football and we will discuss how the list is rotten and Neeld needs to go. 3. At the end of the year opinion will be divided about whether or not we are progressing, stagnating or going backwards
  21. appeared to me that the army blokes picked clark
  22. How dare you? Statements like that do not you make come across as some enlightened being. It is people like yourself that need to think about what they are saying and whether or not it makes any sense whatsoever - if a non-indigenous player did what Liam has done (both in the NT incident itself and his subsequent treatment of us as a club) there would be unbridled, universal condemnation of said hypothetical player. However, due to this player's racial background, we are for some reason expected to either withhold comment or (staggeringly) actually lend our support to the individual. You act as if this attitude is a show of "sensitivity".. isn't racial harmony supposed to be about equality? How is treating an indigenous person completely differently to everyone else an act of equality? What favours do you think we do the aboriginal community as a whole with this type of treatment? Now I expect to be painted as a klansman, despite the fact I have not said an offensive, or inaccurate word... because we live in a society that would rather have people getting away with violent crimes and blatent backstabbing of organisations that have supported them so energetically, because at the drop of a hat anyone who implies otherwise is labelled a racist by types like yourself. Since you seem perfectly comfortable with calling me 'stupid' for my comment, how about providing an indication of your gift of wisdom by answering a few questions? How does turning a blind eye to issues surrounding indigenous people (or any other culture for that matter) help anyone? Can you explain to me how being of an indigenous background serves as a 'free pass' for objectionable behaviour? If a non-indigenous person commits a violent crime, are they not judged for their actions regardless of what experiences and values they may have been exposed to in their upbringing? Can you point me in the direction of any other cases of domestic violence involving lethal weapons that you declare the perpetrator deserves our 'sensitivity'? Can you tell me why the likes of Scully and McLean are regularly flogged on here for the dishonourable way they have treated our club, but to apply the same to Jurrah is 'insensitive'? Why is any statement that could in any way be described as having a negative connotation towards a certain group, regardless of the truth behind it, howled down as hate-speech by people like yourself? Why are we even discussing his background, my 'stupid' post did not mention it - it only condemned a man for his actions. You took the discussion into racial areas with your 'sensitivity' garbage. I would like to see how 'sensitive' you would be if you or one of your loved ones was the victim of a machete attack.
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