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Curry & Beer

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Everything posted by Curry & Beer

  1. remember Monica Seles used to cop it, it was basically 'her thing' now every single one of them does it
  2. Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I felt at the time, and still do, that whoever was behind the R2 televised address knew exactly what they were doing which was exposing Neeld as being incompetent - with a view to having him removed for the good of the club. The fact we got absolutely demolished in the match only helped consolidate it.
  3. BB did you see that bloke have a chunder running around the boundary? He was really battling.. no idea who he was.. sounded like they were calling him 'Kingy'....? Where's Hogan?
  4. I was at training but got there about half hour in.. no sign of Clark or Hogan hmmmm anyone shed any light?
  5. remember singing the song about 800 times at the corner hotel after the game god damn i want to be back in the finals
  6. Howe missed 1 game last year and Hoges is a debutant Don't know why every poster is talking about that 'group' not getting on the park Our football department does not expect Clark and Dawes to continue to be injured so the question is obviously valid I think it is a balltearer of a forward line that will look even better with finally a decent midfield feeding it
  7. so widespread you are not going to cite a single example? i am talking about any situation where it is known that a player stayed at his club despite a bigger offer elsewhere
  8. just saying it is blatantly obvious that every single player in the competition prioritizes the fatter paycheck ahead of every other reason for staying at or going to a club I honestly cannot believe anyone would be so fast asleep they would even contest this assertion i'm not saying this will happen to us but if the situation does happen to arise where freo or any other club can make a better offer then kiss goodbye to Hogan or anyone else for that matter good coach, onfield success, good city/home ground/supporters, mates at the club.. none of it matters Judd, Franklin, Ablett, Scully every last one of them is the same
  9. I'll wager he loves money more The almighty dollar ALWAYS gets its man, all other considerations fall pitifully by the wayside
  10. Surely, I am certain that will be the case - why would we have been publicly informed that Trengove is out.. and not Grimes? It's because he is going to remain.. and Jones will effectively replace Trenners which makes a lot more sense.
  11. it will be the same as every other year carp preseason 'it doesn't matter it's only the preseason' (90% of people) 'this spells disaster' (10% of people) good PS 'we're a flag chance'(90%) 'means nothing' (10%)
  12. Melbourne F.C Have to stick together through all the hell to experience the sunshine when it arrives shouldn't you change 'hell' to 'storms' or 'sunshine' to 'heaven' ?
  13. good call, agree pretty much with this.. there are about 17 players basically everyone has in their side and then a whole bunch of others that will rotate in and out from the fringe depending on form/injury/matchups unfortunately I have to say out of the 18 players youve noted there is very little to be excited about IMO
  14. am I the only one who had the thought that the reason he might be struggling is because he developed at a club that is a mickey mouse operation and suddenly he finds himself in a professional outfit I would have thought we would be to blame for that instead of him I'm surprised that article doesn't make that insinuation outright.. they missed a chance to bash us there which is a very rare miss indeed I'm still anxious about seeing what happens with obvious talent at another club, might make a few in this thread look silly
  15. of course it does, it is directly symptomatic of the point i was making
  16. it doesnt make the slightest difference how good your pre-season opponents are, you stuill come up against the same sides all 23 rounds of the season proper if anything you want the softest opponents possible in the preseason just so you can build a bit of confidence and momentum if we get absolutely belted by good sides in the PS and everyone drops their heads I imagine you won't be so in favour of a tough PS draw
  17. so you're all in favour of the AFL and the individual clubs just gouging your average punter for every cent they can a generation from now only the very wealthy will even get to attend matches as they keep driving the price up and up, the demand is infinite and the product a monopoly, watch it happen how much will a beer and a pie be in 10 years
  18. the power of greed once again shows itself utter disgrace
  19. round 1 is a massive day for the club wish it was at the G
  20. Casey fields parking/traffic is diabolical every time!
  21. OK this is probably the 5th or 6th time I have asked this question and none of you have ever given an answer Explain to me the mechanics of playing early in a career and having slow development Dont just say it is a thing explain how it works
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