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Everything posted by DeeSpencer

  1. All I know from watching training so far is that Roos has the team focusing on run, spread and moving the ball quickly and following up. These drills are designed to improve uncontested ball movement from half back and the middle of the ground. He also does a lot of little drills focusing on picking the ball off the deck and handballing in close. These drills work on the skills needed for contested ball winning and translated those contests in to uncontested ball. Are we back on track yet?
  2. In fairness he's defending his son in a difficult time. All parents think their kids are innocent it's a natural thing. Mal Brown was a thug on the field when that was allowed. Campbell hasn't been a thug on the field but he's stretched the limits. Overall I agree with some on here who have made the case for us getting a player like that wouldn't be a bad idea. I certainly don't agree with getting Brown though due to his age, average talent and now 2 off field misdemeanors involving younger players on overseas trips. Let's see what comes out of it but the only thing that can save Brown's career would be a startling admission of significant provocation from May that in a way makes Brown's action understandable if not justifiable.
  3. There's a lot of whacky things out there but meditation is one that is both logical and has evidence behind it. That said I like that it's voluntary as it wont be much help if you don't enjoy it and if combined with some stretching could be a real benefit.
  4. Totally derailing this thread but why not. Anyway Richmond's issue for mine is that the 2010 and 2011 drafts pillaged by GWS and Gold Coast has cost them depth of young talent. Add in another of the preselections/top 10 picks from each of the expansion clubs along with Conca and Ellis - for example a Zac Smith or Prestia (GC) and Devon Smith or Taylor Adams (GWS) and you'd be looking at a really well rounded team ready for consistent top 4 finishes. But because the expansion clubs took a raft of top 10 picks away it meant Richmond's list didn't get the full spread of talent. It's meant that right now they are probably trying to cheat the system a bit and find a diamond in the rough with all these recycle and mature age guys. I don't mind the strategy because their best 22 is still so young and full of quality (Unlike St Kilda bringing in a bunch of spuds under Ross Lyon the age of their 22 should save them from the drop off effect) and because they (so far) have hung on to their first round picks at least.
  5. It's a balance, but I think we've got it right. Looking at the next year or so at this stage the delistings will likely mostly come from guys in that 22-25 year old range who didn't end up cutting it (Blease, Strauss, Tapscott, Nicho, Bail) so in that regard guys like Matt Jones and Terlich fill their spots. If we had a bunch of 30 year olds set to retire but strong numbers in the 23-28 range then I'd be saying lets go after mainly kids. Richmond have gone much more extreme than us. They got Orren Stephenson, Petterd, Lonergan and Aaron Edwards last year and have doubled or even tripled down with Gordon, Hampson, Thomas, Banfield and Miles this year. The important thing is you don't stagnate the development of underrated kids due to playing depth guys, but Melbourne are miles off that problem. Even last year we had Pedersen and Sellar take games away from Fitzpatrick to a degree but he got his opportunity and showed his talent and in terms of numbers we were very deep in tall forward/rucks C graders. Any midfield or other small player who was half decent would've got a shot last year and the same will probably be true this year. I can't imagine someone getting buried at Casey if they show talent.
  6. Just for him to get a game I want to see him (or any AFL player for that matter) at training looking strong, clean, fast and penetrating by foot. Toumpas is training like that in a lot of ways. Barry's size doesn't bother me too much but his legs are still very skinny, he doesn't train at a fast pace and for mine he's not challenging himself by foot. Maybe I'm wrong but I still see a gap between how he trains and the likes of Evans, Watts and Toumpas.
  7. I don't want to go off too early is the only reason I'm not making much a comment. He looks good and is moving well. I expect him to play well in 2014 as his back half of 2013 was improving so with a preseason he should be at least a capable and reliable performer but it's too early to be convinced he'll be a star in 2014.
  8. Well I'd disagree right there on Barry. He looks better than last year but still skinny and still doesn't train with top intensity. Too many floated kicks and handballs and mental errors. I like him as a prospect but he still looks more like a young draftee than a seasoned AFL trainer. Which of course is fair enough given his age but for him to take the next step and perform at AFL he has to train at the top level.
  9. Went past at about 10:25, stayed for 40 or 50 minutes. At the end it was actually getting pretty breezy and chilly so I'd seen enough. Firstly, public service announcements, due to the overwhelming failure of the first few have been postponed until a later date. No significant urination updates either. By the time I got there I didn't see Jamar, Spencer, Michie, King, Byrnes, Kent, Salem, Riley, Blease, Vince or Dawes and Howe and Bail had just finished some running and headed off. Grimes was training away from the main group and chatting lots to the physios as well. Hopefully just precautionary. Gawn was doing laps at good speed. Tapscott doing all different distances around the outside and often with some decent periods of rest. I don't know what the plan is for him. He's cutting a lonely figure at the moment. Did a couple of laps with rookie pick Ali G who was also just doing laps. Strauss and Garland, McKenzie and Tyson formed a 4 often doing 300m runs as a pair with Strauss gaining on average 5-10 yards on Garland and the other 2 going neck to neck. All looking fit. I'd imagine they'd be getting close to the main group. Speaking of main group, Harmes, Hunt and Neil Patrick Harris were all in a big main circle work drill and looked comfortable enough before pulling out well before the end of the session. You could hear Harmes calling out to get the ball and almost sense he couldn't believe himself when calling out for a handball from Clarkey! Main drills focused on quick ball movement and then follow up running. Ie kick wide to a back flank who then kicks up to the wing and by the time that's happened the original kicker is up getting the handball off the guy who marked on the wing. Real emphasis on following up and getting to the next contest. Game day running stuff. Maia Westrupp has a horribly forced kicking action but has some athleticism. Toumpas looking good as well. Still impressed by Evans. Frawley back in the main group and getting into it. A few handball drills and a 3 man weave v 3 opponents drill where after you take the ball up you become the defense is a drill I really like. Surprise trainer of the day goes to Cam Pedersen. In between drills he still waddles around and has to put his head down to start jogging but in the drills he was hunting the ball and even ran down Toumpas at one stage and tackled him which sure a few of his team mates give him some high fives. All in all I'd say it was a decent session. The ball moved well without exactly humming around perfectly. Some of the new guys got a taste of touching the footy with their team mates. More opportunity for Roos and Co to get some basics nailed and plenty of running in the drills for the main group and also for the rehab groups.
  10. Unfortunate that his recruitment wont lead to more members! But then again we wont have to buy them tickets to see his game if he manages to debut
  11. It's a good point. But then look at recruiters. Almost every time the flaws that are visible at 18 and strengths that are visible at 18 are the ones that remain throughout a career. The secret to being a successful AFL player is to maximize your strength so that you have the ability to impact games above other AFL players and to minimise weaknesses. I'd be surprised if Georgiou isn't a competent defender who gets in the best at Casey for quality shut down jobs and also isn't average by foot and with the ball. I mean if he turns out a rubbish defender and great kick that would be an interesting surprise.
  12. It's a tough one. Because the evidence about concussion and brain injury is still up in the air. All Bail knows right now is that a concussion is likely to give him bad short term symptoms but that in itself might mean nothing for his long term health. I must say if I was him and the medical opinion wasn't definitive I'd probably keep playing. Another year on a reasonable contract really sets him up post footy and careful neurological and psychological follow up for the rest of his life might avoid any problems.
  13. I had high hopes for him at one stage. Has the pace, endurance and hardness to make a decent defensive forward. Even if his first game this year at AFL level against West Coast he came on, made a few brilliant efforts then copped a knock on the head that clearly had him worried. He's always struck me as a decent bloke as well. Anything we get from him going forward will be a bonus but hopefully he provides a role in educating younger players on training standards and taking their chance when they get it and plays well enough at Casey to at least be in contention.
  14. You're kidding with Waite right? Adding a 31 year old injury and suspension prone forward, no thanks. Similarly at Sydney Goodes will be shot if he's not already and O'Keefe will be 33. Malceski 30 and with plenty of knee injuries and Richards 31. All not worth it. We will have 1 priority with FA. Get pen on paper for Frawley. Anything else is a waste of time. A targeted quality free agent pick up is years away.
  15. He's 187cm. Developing him purely on talls at Casey would be a waste of time IMO. He needs to play on the most dangerous forwards we can find in the VFL and prove that he is an absolute elite shut down defender. Elite shut down defenders (N Smith, Toovey, Steven Morris even Dale Morris although he usually plays talls) become worth developing regardless of skill level, with the caveat being that they have sound decision making. At the moment Garland is the only defender I have any confidence in playing against the better mid sized and small forwards especially those who can crumb and mark - Le Cras, Betts, Michael Walters, Wingard, Lindsay Thomas. It would be nice to have a second option so when teams play 3 talls we use Garland tall and the second option small. I presume Norwood being a dominant team means they often play with the ball in their half and drop numbers back across half back. Similar to the way Sydney, Freo or Hawthorn often have spare defenders floating across half back.
  16. Best bit of the article! MFC start sending those boys with strange names jumpers, footy's, the lot. Best thing is if the twins become guns we draft one with the first round pick and another with the second I believe under the F/S rule. Come on Jeff train them up. They may be named after surfers and Hawaiin beaches but get them in to footy. Also it seems he gave up the ruck coaching this year but also he had Zac Smith, Hickey and Nicholls all develop on his watch. They might have been amazing talents but he didn't seem to hurt their development!
  17. Hope it's your last post as well. Back to the shadows. You can join him. Seriously people we keep losing by 100 points on multiple occasions. Skill can only account for so much of those losses. The majority of those losses are due to complete lack of effort and intensity. McKenzie is probably top 3 behind Jones and Garland if not top 5 at consistent hardness and effort. I also like our chances in games when Ablett, Griffen or Dangerfield are shut out of any meaningful midfield impact. McKenzie provided that in the last month or so of the year in 2013. It becomes 17 v 17 with Jordie negating 3 of the top 10 players in the comp, that sounds ok to me.
  18. Is that Bernie Vince in the bottom right corner crashing in on what I must presume is Norwood's post grand final celebrations
  19. It's not like we are St Kilda of 2013 and devoid of KPP. So no need to take a substandard one if there is better other types of available. You're right in saying there's plenty on offer next year KPP wise. As for this year it's been about midfielders and about a spread of types. Taller - Cross, Tyson, Hunt Stronger - Michie, Riley, Harmes if he fills out Faster - Hunt, JKH, Salem More skilled - Vince, Salem, JKH Experienced - Vince, Cross Ready to break out over next year or two - Tyson, Michie, Riley This years draft was about making sure that each and every week for next year and beyond we have some options to play different roles within a much better midfield. Maybe Tippett would've been great defensive cover but as it is we can ask Dunn or Garland to play tall, bring in Pedersen for the right match up or even move Hogan to CHB which I think for a short period of cover would be very good for his footy education.
  20. Again as you have found out McQueen people don't take too kindly for speculation in these types of threads and rightly so. And I don't want to speculate too much either because it's wrong without more information but judging by what we have so far it might well be that Dean is in just as deep as your cousin it's only your cousin has been swimming for much longer. Anyway best of luck for your cousin as well as Bails.
  21. Note: The following is a cheap shot but sometimes it's best to get it in early. I don't actually believe it. Not looking at the ball. He's going Melbourne Player written all over him
  22. I think we are all a lot the same. Optimistic because it's the only choice right now. I will say I thought Salem and Kennedy Harris were both well recruited at appropriate picks and the same could be said for this Harmes guy and for King. Harmes represented Vic Country so that tells you that from the 6 TAC teams the form Vic Country he was in the top 30 or 40 players. And he went to draft camp. Same with King, a TAC and state (NSW) prospect who kicked 11 goals in 5 games for NSW playing forward/ruck so some decent production. Then in the rookie draft like the main draft the 3rd pick was a little funky. Then Jetta on top but he's like just keeping him on the list rather than a whole new pick or that's how I see it. All in all it wasn't too many smokeys besides Hunt and thats ok. In total I'd say judge Taylor a bit more on the trades this year and whether Michie, Tyson and Riley can deliver probably along with Salem. After that he was looking at a pretty weak hand in not the strongest draft. All things going to plan I expect Taylor to head in to 2014 draft period with a more standard pick set up with round after round and to be picking much more on best available. Not to mention more than just the 3 national draft picks due to a weak pool.
  23. Might have to change his name to Jake 'Not quite good enough this year' For his sake I hope he has a great 2014. For our sake I hope we haven't missed a shot at a guy who's going to climb up the draft boards this time next year
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