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Dr. Gonzo

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Everything posted by Dr. Gonzo

  1. Was just about to post the exact same thing. If we lose Davey and Sylvia that's another million dollars in the cap we have to figure out who to give to. Yes we can use it to lure someone else but the hard part is convincing them to come. Hell if we give 3 year contracts to McKenzie and Jamar, Sylvia should be given 5.
  2. Yeah the mark by NicNat was great and subsequent goal, I didn't think it was a given he would kick it even though he was only 15-20 metres out. But he split the middle.
  3. Why isn't dropping the knees to get a high free, or even shrugging the arm, seen as equivalent to ducking the head? To me they are one and the same.
  4. Thank you Adam, the comment was more about the "old boys club" rather than calling anyone anti-Semitic. As I said previously if that was what people took out of it then I apologise but that was not the intention. I also would genuinely like to know the politics behind why Gutnick was voted out as it seems he was very divisive (and I recall that being the case at the time) yet no one has been able to articulate any specific reasons why he was so opposed (and as stated was overwhelmingly voted out). The salary cap/draft penalties is one thing but he didn't preside over the admin which actually made these breaches only uncovered them and notifies the AFL.
  5. Worst umpiring display since Fitzroy were "murdered" against the Crows in 1991. In addition to those above what about the down field free to Kennedy after Thomas was knocked down by Shuey?? The dubious advantage call in North's 50 when they clearly stopped as soon as they heard the whistle and wanted to take the shot on goal??
  6. Haha ignorance and bigotry? Hmm no I don't think so, nothing close to it actually. There's been a couple of mentions in this thread about the salary cap issues and some have said the club became divided and went into debt, but there are no specifics it's all just generalisations - you clearly seem to know everything on the subject so please enlighten me. All I am asking is for the reasons why he was seen as so divisive and why his board was voted out so overwhelmingly. Unfortunately no one seems able to provide any answers to that.
  7. I love Schwarz but exactly what experience/qualifications does he have to head the FD??? Get him back at the club sure but give home something within his capabilities.
  8. Get a grip you fool - I guess no one is willing to actually comment one WHY 65% of those who voted (not all members) voted against Gutnick. Anyone who doesn't understand the roots of this club lie in the old establishment of the top end of Collins street and the Melbourne Club have little understanding of where the club came from and why it is in the position it's in today. The original comment was said half in jest but you know what they say about those who protest too much.
  9. Haha settle petal, I wasn't asking you to justify anything, I am genuinely interested why a vast majority of supporters voted against the Gutnick board considering the good work he did in saving the club and helping to raise its stature in the AFL.
  10. He didn't say he was on the alternative ticket, he said he voted for the alternative ticket which if you had proper comprehension skills you would have understood. I merely wanted to know the reasons. You say I have no idea of club politics; well enlighten me, I'm all ears. And no I didn't insinuate anything - I said that the establishment would not have liked having a small Jewish man run their club I made no comment about whether they hated Jewish people or not (or any other group of people). There is a distinction so yes, the high horse comment was apt. To take the point further I think the power brokers at our club would feel a similar unease at having someone like Eddie McGuire, a Catholic boy from Broady, running the club as well.
  11. I didn't call anyone an anti-Semite so you come down from that high horse now. If you took offense sorry but that wasn't the intention.So why did you vote against him? As I said before I wasn't aware of all the club politics at the time so am interested to here why he was so overwhelmingly voted out especially considering the horrible ineptness of the boards that followed.
  12. Ok so you blame the admin who revealed the infringements rather than those who actually infringed (and also tried to merge the club)?? Right. I didn't know much about the behind the scenes stuff then (as I was too young to care) but I loved how Gutnick used to stand up for us in the media rather than let the club get trod on like pretty much every other President has since I've been watching.
  13. I thought Gutnick was great for the club & never understood why we got rid of him - oh wait, establishment club of rich white boys from the eastern suburbs couldn't handle a little Jewish man running their club, that's right.
  14. I was thinking the other day that last week the players played so paralysed by the fear of the consequences of a loss that seeing those consequences not come to fruition might actually see them off the leash a bit this week. And if Frawley has any sense of pride in his record against Riewoldt we may actually come out and score an upset. That's a couple of pretty big it's though and my optimism quietly faded into the abyss of reality. If we get within 70 points I'll be surprised.
  15. Dal Santo? Couldn't hurt to have someone like him for a couple of years while our younger guys develop - he seems to still be playing to a high standard this year. Would love to get Prestia as well and throw some money at eithe Shiel or another developed midfielder too.Edit: pretty sure Greene signed on for a few more years earlier this season.
  16. You can add Mahoney, Royal, Rawlings, Brown, Harrington and probably 1 or 2 others to that list as well.
  17. Fair enough I just didn't find it particularly funny especially when the person he was responding to was trying to make a valid point. Nah mate I still like you, you are a Demon man after all so you do have some semblance of good taste.
  18. At first glance I agree, but ultimately the supporters come back when (if) the team starts winning. My big worry is losing players - if players are going to jump ship because of the coach then that is a massive issue and his position is simply untenable.
  19. You've got no idea on multiple levels.
  20. It's not really about being boring, it's about being outdated.
  21. I tend to agree - all this fawning over Roos yet who is to say he could really do anything with this team? He created a stifling brand of footy suited to the SCG and the Swans list which was outdated before he finished coaching. Even though other teams had evolved their game plans beyond that he was unable to adapt in a way that Clarkson demonstrated he can at Hawthorn. One thing I think he would address is the culture (although it seems at the Swans, like the Cats, it was largely player driven) but whether that would equate to on-field success is a different beast altogether. Someone mentioned Blight at St. Kilda and that's exactly what went through my head last night when he talked about coaching for money. As for the other issues I cannot believe we were so stupid as to not call Ross Lyon when he was exactly what we needed (experience + defensive mindset), Moloney had to go and Dawes is far too early to judge though I thought he was one of our better players on the weekend (you know when he actually had the ball passed to him and not kicked a metre over his head.)
  22. He should have won the Norm Smith medal in 2009.
  23. That's because the supporters are completely demoralised from the inept efforts of the entire club. The players have barely raised a sweat all year. I pay to go to games, they get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to be there, how about they take the initiative and give us something to cheer about.
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