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Everything posted by BangkokDemon

  1. And I would agree there is no excuse for insipid football. \Put pressure on some of these players and they just go to water - not good enough. I think Mark Neeld said much the same. "Insipid football" is one of the cultural issues which has to be banished from the club, but it won't happen overnight. Previously we have bounced back the week after such a terrible showing, but then in a couple of weeks we're back to same old, same old, again. Neeld's challenge is to break that pathetic cycle. The most frustrating thing now is, this was the 3rd week in row it has occurred. But, unlike before there was a lot going on around it. Players were being tested - unfortunately several of them showed they are not up to the task. I would rather know this now as we approach round 4, than wall papering over the cracks (as we did before) up until round 18 or so as we have done so many times, in the hope of just making the finals with what is in reality an "insipid team". This should mean, come the end of the year, some players will have proven themselves worthy, others will be let go rather than staying on in the hope they can get us "there". If we are still witnessing "insipid football" regularly, by this time next year, then the blow torch can enter the coach's box. Until then, I am prepared to let it be aimed at the players and to give the new structures, game plan(s) etc., time to settle.
  2. You contradict yourself a bit. First you want immediate on field success (as we all do, I guess) Then you want things to happen in the long term without any building program (which is what is happening right now). For most of the last 50 years, we have worked this way and look where we are. I don't like seeing such a pathetic display as last weekend against the Tigers. But I am more fed up with not winning a premiership...aren't you ?
  3. RR I do most certainly count myself as a "lucky one",. But it would give me greater pleasure to enjoy a few more more and to know that many will also enjoy the delights of Flag #13, 14, 15 and more. So, as frustrating as things are right now, we all need to look at the bigger picture, rather than a game here or there. I believe what is happening is nothing short of a "revolution" in its truest sense. Jimmy started the battle and won the first few rounds off the field. Now our focus is on an even more important battle - how we play the game. For too long we have settled for winning a couple of bits and pieces here and there. And, when it came to winning the biggest prize of all - we had 2 chances and blew them both...badly. I believe we now have a club with a coach and supporters who are no longer willing to just say "we tried"...and failed. I hope the players (several who will likely not be there when the moment comes) get this message. From the 2 games I have seen, some are beginning to want the same; others are trying and bewildered by the change and others are just not good enough. But unlike when we had a real tilt in the late 1980s and around 2000, this time we seem to have a vastly different club who is prepared to back the team and their coaches. Of course there will be bickering, back stabbing and in-fighting (look at the current Maggie stoush) - that's football and all club sports. in times gone by 186 might have put us in a coffin by now. Instead, the club united, made some changes and got on with it. Part of getting on with it was contracting a coach who didn't think like us and who was not prepared to let things just go on as they had. This has meant a lot of pain. But, Mark Neeld and most of those in his group know what success means and I believe now have the right fundamentals (and support mechanisms) to put those things in place. As he said "at least we won't die, not knowing"... One way or another, that is what is being put in place.
  4. As a lifelong supporter - like you - I too am starting to feel a little concerned that rather than seeing Mark Neeld's "we won't die wondering" come to fruition, that I will instead rock off this mortal coil sometime in the next 30 years or so, with only the memory of being there in 1964. But for now, I am prepared to accept what we are seeing is in fact a "revolution" - which nearly always means a lot of pain and suffering. But, more that in the end it will all have been worth it. For now, I suggest like me, you look at the big picture rather than focus on the week to week form of the current team. Of course the 3rd qtr against an old foe like the Toigs was hard to take - the rest of game wasn't much better. But Mark Neeld is only 3 weeks into real game time. If by this time next year, we are having the same issues - then we have a problem.
  5. I ticked "like" to this, but there is not much to "like" about today's game and the reasons why, we are, where we are...
  6. I might have been following Melbourne since 1959, but after today, I won't die wondering...
  7. If you watch Neeld's Press Conference, he knows that already. Everyone has been given a chance, but it is staring to look like sveral of the key (or former key) players won't cut the mustard...or be going to Perth next week.
  8. Yes, I have seen the list. That's why I don't think you can blame the coaches. They are trying to get this mob to play (at this stage, a very) simple structured game, with the aim of building the sort of discipline you find in teams like the Maggies, Hawks and Cats. The Lions showed today they know what that means - and they are probably only a middle rung team.. Before half time we did it for 1 or 2, 5 minute bursts and came out after the break and forgot it. That cost us around 35pts which we could never get back. That was the players - not the coaches.
  9. I saw the entire game - don't need any replays to see how bad it was. But, you miss my point. I am suggesting that such a predictable plan is presently the only way this team can do it 0 they are not good enough to vary the style, tempo etc. If you watched Hawthorn last night - and even Collingwood - they played a very structured plan, which has been drilled into them for some time. Prior to this season there was no real "game plan" being enacted by the Demons (under Bailey). So the Hawks and the Maggies have had a long time to get it right. But, more, they have players who are creative and just when you think they are going to do "move A" they do "move B" or "C" instead. Then they've got guys like Buddy, Cyril and Jordan Lewis to crash through. Do we have that sort of creativity and crash through ability in our current playing group ?
  10. The game plan can't be blamed for what happened today. Nor can the coaches be blamed. If the plan was any more than "predictable" I doubt this group could have even followed such a simple concept. It makes you wonder if perhaps Bailey did try to teach them a plan, but they were not capable of following it.
  11. HAHAHAH...but agree 100% or more GO DEES!!!
  12. He's not quoted in this article just posted on the MFC website. But the attitude coming through as expressed by Neil Craig shows a real change in the mindset of the coaching staff. Might just be a few more baby steps - but says a lot : http://www.melbourne...07/default.aspx
  13. Where's the Flag Year ? Or do think even this lot will end up could've beens ?
  14. I was there in '64 when they had NO flags. I grew up on the (then) Hawthorn side of Glen Iris. No one barracked for the Hawks...except this old guy up the street who us kids thought was a bit strange for doing that. I don't want to be an old man sitting in the MCG, whose family think is a little "strange" for not wanting to leave this mortal coil sometime in the next 30 or so years without us winning at least one more flag....another 9-10 or more would be even better ! I also don't want to go through another 2000-8 period of false dawns either.
  15. To get an idea of how Jack is taking all this spotlight stuff, watch the interview on the MFC site recorded after all the media spray. He is naturally a laconic sort of guy and this comes through in his body language. But, he believes what the coaches are saying. He "listens" to them - not MM, WC etc..Although I am sure some of it sticks. This is not to say he will be that STAR we all want him to be. But, as Mark Neeld is fond of saying, "we won't die , not knowing" (if Jack is up to it).
  16. Nor is there a place for such outrageous comments from Mono - absolutely disgusting!
  17. Good call. This sends a message to the entire team, that part of being "professional" means being punctual, as well. It should also send a very positive message to us long suffering followers, that this team (well at least the management) plans to deliver. I find it strange some posters here seem to be making excuses for him as though he was just some kid still learning his trade in the junior leagues. He's playing football at the highest level. That requires discipline and planning. Failure or "we tried" is no longer an option
  18. What matters and frustrates me, is that we are one of the longest between premierships in the AFL - who cares how old we are !!!??? Go Dees!
  19. Exactly, 1000% correct! Watts can handle it and I think we'll find so can most of the others. If not, they can go back into their cotton wool and play in the VFL...
  20. So, you want a new broom to come in and just gloss over a deplorable football culture, which has kept us in the wilderness for so long ? If Jack Watts is the "real thing" - and I think he is - he'll take this public caning (Neeld is like that school teacher we all used to fear, until we learnt that what he did was make us work and think) for what it is...a push to grow up and reach his potential. Same goes for the others. I applaud the "public" dressing down!
  21. Different problems need different approaches. Mark Neeld is his own man - he's not Malthouse, Blight Roos or Ross Lyon - he is Mark Neeld. The same goes for Jack Watts, Aaron Davey, LJ, Sylvia and so on. I am sure he will praise them when it is justified. Gimme a break. For years we've been going on about the prima donnas, the the soft cxxks and when we finally get a head coach who is prepared to challenge them, you start saying, "he's too tough" and only "grandstanding" ! Do you want another 47 years without a premiership ? I don't !
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