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Everything posted by BangkokDemon

  1. So therefore "guilty by association" by being in a happy snap taken by a footy fan...meanwhile where were Jack, Jack, and Max ? This should be good for another pumped up story, eh ?
  2. Does anybody know who else went on the Vegas trip ?
  3. I'm sure every Melbourne supporter hopes you're right.That the club and the AFL have said nothing for quite some time - and when they did it was quiet vague - could be an indication things are going on behind the scenes to work out a compromise. It is not in the AFL or MFC interests to have this drag out into a lengthy and very expensive legal matter. I would also like to think the AFL can see the turn around going on at the team level and not want to kill it off. More if they were to penalise us in this year's draft just think of the mess it would create. Would we have to give back players we have taken on board in return for draft picks? If so, how could it be done? It would effect to whole draft, because of all the deals within deals already agreed to. Next year maybe. But, at least we could prepare for that - if we are found guilty.
  4. The comments fitted in with a more general "match fixing", "race fixing" and so on discussion with the original focus being on the VRC more than the AFL.Altogether,I felt the discussion was more a headline looking for a story, than anything relating to the truth. In that regard Francis Leach was even worse than Caroline. At one point she even said she thought his comments about us were a "bit harsh"...
  5. Well your committeeman contact was on the money wasn't he ?I dare say he could probably make a similar assessment about next year too - albeit we win a few more games. This is a "REVOLUTION" going on. Sometimes clubs and even businesses need a clean out, to change the culture . Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Sadly some individuals also suffer. But, also some individuals - if they have the character and brains - go on to better things. I am sure we all wish Rivers the best. I hope he gets his wish to play finals and GF football. Likewise I am very please that Brad Green will get the chance to learn coaching. Even if people had a "quiet word" with him he was allowed to go out in style - as he should have. J Mac and Bruce obviously taught people something. I also hope Bate gets picked up. Being a marginal player he was always going to struggle with us. As for Moloney, perhaps he has matured as a person (remember his indescretions) and can regain his confidence up in Brisbane. You might be right and saying the mature replacements will not be any better - but you forget...they have all come from different club cultures - mostly winning ones. Hopefully they will be able to "mentor" our young guys as well as being able to contribute as players. A gamble? Sure is. But what's the alternative? I was there in 1964. I don't want to think my club never won another, because we stuck with what was, rather than what could be. Enjoy the ride!!!
  6. I was at that Adelaide - one of the few - and it was all played in our forward zone. The game was very one dimensional with no defense required for most of it., However, when it was, we were not very good at defending. Brad Green had been under the spotlight and this was the game where he famously came over to the members, pulled at his jumper rather uncharacteristically to "show off". In fact on that day, it was the whole team who tried to "show off". But, with hindsight I can see what Neeld has been trying to get us to do. If the team had played a no soft options and more defensive game that day, they might have won by ....dare I say... something north of even 186. The next week when we were pressured, we were found wanting...especially the more senior players in the group. Try and understand this is a revolution going on. That Adelaide were able to regroup this year with a new coach and new ideas, but very few newer players is more an indication of the quality of those older players, than anything else. We had the same chance - but it was the more "mature" players who were found wanting. Unlike the group Sanderson had to work with, we had several players who did not like to be fit and challenged in the way they are now. I don't expect miracles with the team ion 2013 or even 2014. I won't be surprised if some of the FA and other recruits don't deliver. But, I know they will all be trying - for the team. I will be surprised if I can't say, "well at least now, I won't die wondering".
  7. This post almost falls into the troll category.I would also ask the person who has the audacity to use the name of a great Melbourne champion if he/she has been following what has been going on with the team and the major restructuring, outside reading about in the "hate the Dees" media ?
  8. What would happen to Viney and all the other deals we have made if the AFL banned us altogether from this year's draft?
  9. You miss my point - never mind. In lots of ways Social Media doesn't work like traditional media. Look how many international advertisers such as beer companies and car companies (see the recent Opel campaign run through the MFC ) do things which seem to leave themselves wide open for abuse and ridicule, but in the end do a lot to reinforce their brand. Turning what a "[censored]" (your term) says about our club back on them is much easier on spoof pages. Anyway, the truth will hopefully come out in the next week or so and we can get on with making our club a great football club again.
  10. and sadly Ms. Garland moved on to the real cabin in the sky in 1969...and we went on to win another wooden spoon.
  11. What does it matter if this is a fake site - as it almost certainly is? It has a lot of followers - maybe even the real CW. Spoof sites can be very valuable if used correctly in a PR sense. They let you focus on a particular issue and like a good satire, they let you make a very strong point without the agro that goes with being direct. As there are journos who follow the Carowhine Twitter some well placed tweets - like those sent by Demonland - will get to her. If she makes a song and dance about the Twitter account it could open her up to ridicule and provide a reason to make her fess up to what she's been doing.
  12. No need to call someone a "peanut". And, how do you know she doesn't have a Twitter account ? Even if this a fake as I and I presume Hardtack have always thought it could be, it will spread the message. The account does have 6,433 Followers - mostly footy fans I would think too. If you go to the page you'll notice it is followed by Mark Neeld, Rohan Connolly, MFC and even Demonland...
  13. Good luck Brad. You proved to be a real champ and a genuine person to boot. Now you have a great opportunity to learn from a master. Let's hope, one day things fall into place so you can bring what you have learnt, back to the Dees.
  14. Good points. But, I would like to think in the end this can of worms she seems hellbent on up-ending, might just crawl towards Punt Road and into her "beloved" Tiger den. There are quiet a few old Tiges and ex-coaches who have axes to grind...as there is in every club I am sure. The issue might not be the same, but the dirt could/would be just as damaging.
  15. If they are preparing to to take a certain journo to court over the rumors and innuendo put about as "truth" with no use of the word "alleged" anywhere in her articles, I would be very happy. Trial by media like this is despicable. Even if things are not looking good for us right now, that does not give any journo the right to carry out what is looking more and more like a personal vendetta.
  16. Although you have been much more involved with the club than me, the only difference between us is that I was lucky enough to be there in 1964. Otherwise I agree with everything you say. Brilliant post!
  17. If some or all of what she claims is not true she will also need to find a very expensive lawyer, to defend her in the courts. Tonight's vendetta from her, states rumour and innuendo, as fact with none of the word "alleged" in front of the "facts"
  18. Agree 100% The big problem now is that some of those young innocents over at the Hun such John Ralph Jay Clark and so on are borrowing from her "facts" to make up their own...stories that is. And as for Jake Naill's ridiculous piece ... Ah well, there goes my hope that this off-season would be about how we would rise like the phoenix in 2013 and beyond - not because of this rubbish!!
  19. There are obviously a lot of dark clouds around. Moreover,Caro's hatred of us, and Cam in particular, make it seem worse because it's a slow news day. However, there does seem to be a touch of the Chicken Little's from a lot of posters. The AFL site has an item on it (remember they also give oxygen to that other Melbourne hater Damien Barrett), but there has not been any official comment, or response to her muck raking, yet, from either the AFL, or the MFC. There might (and most likely is) be a lot of truth in it. There also seems to be a lot of guess work on her part and factual errors. Therefore, I suggest it is better wait for something a bit more official before saying "the sky is falling"...
  20. Understand what you mean about the supporters but to me that seems more like looking backwards, than forwards. We have been quite active making sure the club wishes players "all the best". Leave it at that. Your suggestion would more likely open up the club to political games from people such as Sheedy and get us in to pointless discussion with "waxxnkers like Damien Barrett, than winning football games.
  21. What an uneccesary poll and topic. Obviously there are some Demonland members who read and listen to too much Damien Barrett. Mark Neeld was employed to do a job. And, cutting the fat and the could've should'ves from the list is part of it. Bringing in solid replacements is just as important. To my mind the club has done a pretty reasonable job in that regard. Also don't be surprised if things don't go to plan...but at least we have a plan - now
  22. And it's much better planned than in recent years. In fact, the thing which pleases me most is that their IS a plan.
  23. Me too. Can't wait for 2013 to start. This is the excitement we should have had a couple of years ago and not the "Claytons" event we ended up with !! I don't expect a flag in 2013 or probably not even 2014 (50 years anniversary), but if this trade period doesn't create a club with a future, I may as well follow another football code. Go Dees!!
  24. This is an amazing thread of truth fiction lies and more damn unknowns. One minute everyone os blaming Neeld for chasing Dawes saying he is over. Then someone else pipes up and says they've read a rumor from a mate whose brother goes out with a girl whose brother knows the orange cutte at Melbourne and he's heard Dawes doesn't want to come to us. No one has any facts. We don't know the inner workings of all this. But finally thnaks to Neeld and the current management the club is being dragged into this century. This is the first time in many years we've actually gone and played with the big boys. Sadly it seems a lot postes here preferred the days when we were still floundeing around in the backyard while the others were out in the street.
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