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Everything posted by mordja

  1. sorry yes, not well thought through. thanks E25
  2. Agree something to do with training. Poor old juice off on the right board as well.
  3. Was lucky enough to get along to the MFC Future Fund AAMI Park - end of season function last night. For those that havent had a chance to look through the MFC and joint facilities down there its really quite impressive. Tour took us through the - Physio room / facilities, - Lecture theatre, - Pool (complete with do not dive signs above each of the spa and ice baths.....), pool is split in half for swimming 2 lanes (deep) and rehab about chest height - which apparently gives a large advantage to the boys recovering from soft tissue injuries - gym (with dumbells up to 72.5 kgs if you dont mind), apparently 10 times bigger than Junction oval gym, obviously the normal masses of free and fixed weights and a shedload of cardio machines. - players lounge (shared with storm & victory) etc. which was just a lot of quality tables / chairs / couches / pool table / 3 big screens with cable TV and a kitchen All in all very impressive and obviously facilities we were sorely lacking to keep in line with the top clubs. Neita was in attendance and actually led one of the tour groups (not mine), he is apparently stepping up his involvement with this group, so for those not yet involved, there is another good reason. Todd Viney was there as well and he spoke to a video clip of the new players with (as you would expect) particularly big wraps on Cook. Neita also gave a debrief on the players that the Future Fund sponsor Aussie : obviously a terrible time for him and his family. 10 players are traveling north for the funeral. Neita spoke with Aaron Davey during the week and said that although its a very testing time and he will have ups and downs, Aussie's dad was so proud that he was playing AFL(and specifically for MFC) that its very important to Aussie that he does his father proud by continuing to play well. Colin : Not much said, progressing well, still a very unbecoming character, hope he is back to his best next year Grimesy : Neita believed that the only thing standing between JG and the captaincy (after this one) was his body and his continual problems with soft tissue injuries. Wattsy : David thought he had made several steps last year and from the way he spoke he obviously has spent some time with Jack. He said that he has asked Jack to concentrate on two things, his first two and last two steps. He wants him to really commit to his leads and in his last two steps be really aggressive at the ball in the air. Reasonably obvious I suppose but an interesting insight. Neita was also asked who he thought would be captain. He said he lent towards Greeny. Flash apparently did himself massive favors on the China trip impressing sponsors, fans, the FD etc, Beamer was obviously in the running and the boys have massive respect for him, and apparently he isnt above grabbing a young bloke every now and then by the scruff of the neck and taking him aside for a good talking to if he stuffs up, but apparenly Greeny is just too good a role model, consistent and a classy guy to overlook. David was also asked what he thought was a good and a great year next year. He replied that with so much leadership gone out of the club that to be competing for finals next year in the last few rounds (as we were this year) would be a good result, and playing finals would be a great result. I also took a moment to speak to Todd (which ive not done before) and the conversation obviously moved to his son. We asked him whether the F/S selection meant that Jack would or wouldnt take part in draft camp / combine. Neither he or Neita were positive, but they were reasonably sure that he probably wouldnt take part. That was pretty much it, perhaps others can add to it if i missed anything important out. Im stuck at home sick so apologies if the spelling is ordinary, the brain isnt ticking over as well as it might and I know the above is a bit all over the place. Hopefully some of it was interesting. Cheers EDIT - one last thing. In the main room that we were presented to (didnt catch the name of it) they had the players magnets on the board in position. They already had a Viney magnet smack in the middle. You could tell that Schwabby or someone has fished out Todds old magnet for his son because it was slightly different to the others. I thought that was rather cool.
  4. Maybe i have fridge blindness but cant see him on list. Still available?
  5. Very little of content, said that BP didnt give him a look into what we were drafting, talked about him being at heaps of drafts, discussion about more footy games being Free to air and some very immaterial discussion about the conference up on the goldie at the moment. You missed nothing.
  6. E25 if you look at the written article on the MFC homepage here : http://www.melbournefc.com.au/news/newsarticle/tabid/7415/newsid/105044/default.aspx its almost word for word with the questions taken out.
  7. SEN suggests he's going to the Dockers. Agreement via PSD apparently. Bullet dodged.
  8. OK can probably put this to bed quickly, OOC in 2012 and by that stage unlikely not to accept a 1 year contract by then as we should be v.close to premiership window. edited because i spell like a grade schooler.
  9. Green turns 30 in March if I'm not mistaken. IMO - You've actually brought out a very reasonable question. When is Green's contract up, and will he be the exception to the rule? Experience is telling me that he wont be the exception, and will be offered 1 year contracts after he is 30.
  10. The thread has merit, even if it is just to reflect with hindsight. Im not for bringing him back, but wouldnt have let him go initially, if I knew bruce was going.
  11. Thanks mate, I had seen that and yep it was interesting.
  12. DB was aparently on SEN this morning according to DemonsHQ twitter and 3AW previous to that. Ive tried to find them on the respective websites but no luck. Anyone have any more success? Cheers
  13. Agree, reasonably bold to doubt someone's desire given the limited period of time SM has been fit. Do you have a basis for that?
  14. What a beautiful thing. We have a backbone.
  15. Tom Mc sort of surprised me, I thought he showed enough for Casey that he could develop as depth in the backline. Suppose it just goes to show that we are becoming more ruthless. IMO - The rest were pretty much expected. So ....does someone pick up PJ?
  16. Melbourne makes list changes
  17. I have to agree . Whether there is argy bargy going on or not between the club and Bruce, if he is good enough to play two years then he can do so on 2 * 1 year contracts. I like Bruce but this isnt a charity
  18. Disagree, Playing 1st & 2nd is the worst option as you are playing back to back against fresh teams, playing 2nd & 3rd is the second least preferable option(as you play a team that has already played in both instances, thus it is better than 1st&2nd even if you are playing back to back), playing 1st & 3rd is the best option as you have a break between games. Our option is obviously the worst.
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